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That girl is sure so stubborn. If I were her boyfriend, I will punish her already. I sit on my bed and take my phone.

3 message unread

Who message me? I read the text and my eyes widen.

"Hey, Jimin. How was your life?"- unknown

"Better be careful because...you and all of you are being hunted" - unknown

"Oh!! I felt pity for you. The girls is not what you think." - unknown

My jaw dropped. Who the fu*k is this!? What is this person talking about!? I throw my phone on the bed.

"What is that person talking about?" I mumbled. The girls? What's up with the girls? What that person mean by...the girls is not what we think?

I let out a heavy sigh and brush my hair back. This is so tense. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. I take off my clothes and turn on the water.

Water pouring from my head and run down on my body. I'm in deep thought, thinking about...her. Rose annoyed face make me chuckles. She really...something.


I went downstairs to grab some snack before take a bath but Jisoo stop me.
"Rose!! Can gou go asking Jimin if he have some dirty clothes!? I want to wash our clothes!!" Jisoo yelled. I groaned.
"Why it must be me!!!??"
"Just go!!! Before I stop you from eating pasta!!!" yelled Jisoo back.

I groaned and stomped my feet to Jimin room. Jisoo is the one who always wash our clothes. Then, she will ask us to dry it by ourselves.

I knock Jimin door. No response.
"Where is he?" I knock again but still no response.

Fine. If that so... I don't have any choice. I twisted the knob and peeked to see inside. Empty. I went in and no one inside. Where is he? Then, I heard showers sounds.

"Jimin!!!!!" I shouting.
"What!!!???" he yelled.
"Are you inside!!??"
"Yes. Why? You want to join?" Jimin asked. I can tell that he smirking right now.
"No!!! I'm here to take your dirty clothes!!!!" I heard he laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"Wait there!! I'll come." said Jimin.

I sigh. I look around his room and it was neat. Guess what? Knife on the desk. This guy is so...scary. No wondered he's mafia. But...his face is...handsome.

Wait. Did I just compliment him? I shake my head. Then, my eyes landed on his phone on the bed. I just realised that it keep vibrating.

"Is he mute his phone?" I take it and turn on the phone.
" 5 unread messages? Geez. I wouldn't text him if I need something." I mumbled. If I text him, he will ignore it.


"What are you doing?" I startled by his voice.
"Nothing."I put down his phone and I can feel he walking toward me.
" Why you holding my phone? " his voice is so scary. I look down and still didn't make an eyes contact with him.
" Um...I saw your phone keep vibrating so I'm curious."
" Really? Can you hand it over?" said Jimin.

Sh*t. Why I'm shuttering with him!?
"Here." I give him the phone. He silence at first then his voice turn into serious.
"This person again!?" said Jimin. Huh? I lifted my gaze.
"What you mean this person again?"
"This unknown person keep warning me and keep...give me a death treat." said Jimin as he throw it on the bed.
"Really? Did you reply it or block it?" he scoffed.
"I didn't reply but I did block it. That unknown person still can contact me." said Jimin.

Weird. This day also, I receive unknown call. Is it...the same guy who warning me about us being hunted? Ahhhh, no way right? But...it possible though.

"Hey, you in deep thought." said Jimin as he snapped his finger. I awkwardly smile at him.
"Nothing. Just...thinking." I look down.

Soon, my eyes landed on...6 packs and...a perfect V line. My eyes slightly widen.
"YAHHH!!!!!" I grabbed the pilliw and throw it to him.
"What is that for!?" said Jimin with frowned on his face.
"You are shirtless and you only have towel on your waist!!!!!!!" I closed my eyes. It silence first but then I heard chuckling.
"Don't you like it?" Jimin asked. I felt...my cheeks become...hot.
"I do like- I mean...I'm not!! It annoying!!" I'm dead...

"You almost said you like it." said Jimin.
"No!!!" I want to run but Jimin push me on the bed while my hands pinned above me. My eyes widen when see his face is really close to me.
"Where you want to go? I'm not done yet." he smirked. I bet that my face is reddened right now.
"I-I need to take your dirty clothes. H-Hurry up!!" I look away not to look in his eyes.
"You blushing." said Jimin.
"I-I'm not!!"
"You shuttering." said Jimin.

I bite my lips. His face become more closer and I look down. I can see his shirtless body. Damn it. He have a perfect body. So hot.

I'm scared if he kiss me again- it not that I hate it. We have a kiss before but...in enemy way. What if he want it right now?

"My eyes is up here, kitten." his voice is husky right now. I about to look at his eyes but my eyes landed on his V line. There's...a scar. My behavior change so sudden.
"What is this?"
"What is this what?" Jimin confused. He loosened his grip on my wrist so I pull my hand.

His body is really close with mine so I have to put my hand on his chest and run down to his V line. I heard he growling.

"What are you doing?" he growled. Finally, it reach on his scar.
"What is this..."


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