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Next morning~

I wake up by sounds of people snoring. I groaned while open my eyes slowly. That snored is sure..so loud. I look beside me and it was Namjoon.

He really tired? I think. Of course it loud, he just snored beside my ears. I push his head slightly but my right shoulder felt heavy. I look beside me and it...was Jimin.

"Jimin, wake up." he didn't response. I rolled my eyes and push his head slightly.

Why this two guy sleep in my shoulder? Is my shoulder like a pillow? I went to kitchen.

My ankle is a little bit okay. So I can walked a little bit fast. I want to make a cereal because..duh..of course I'm hungry.
When I about to grab a bowl, my phone ringing. Oh! I just realised that I bring my phone.

"Are you alone, Rose?" It...YG.
"I am." My voice turn cold soon I heard him.
"I thought I want to call all of you but..let just call you is enough." said YG.
"What do you want?" I grab a box of cereal.
"How was your mission?" YG asked. I know he mention about killing the boys. I sigh. I look at the living room and they still asleep.
"Sir, can I ask?"
"Sure. What is it?" YG asked.
"Why we should kill them?"
"You know that they are our enemy." said YG.
"I know but...it doesn't mean we HAVE to KILL them."
"Rose, are you trying say that you refused to do this job?" YG asked.

I stopped talking. I put down the cereal box on the counter.
"Answer me, Rose." YG asked witu stern voice.

I let out a heavy sigh. I glance at the living room. Our movie night scene appeared on my mind.
"Are you refused to do this!?" YG asked. I just keep looking at them.

"I want to show you how colourful your life is." said Jimin.

"Please...don't do something dangerous again." said Jimin.

A sudden feeling of...sad appeared in my heart. No. No. The boys..they...they're our enemy.

"No sir. I'm not."
"Good. I don't want to hear you asking that again." said YG.
"Yes sir. I'm sorry."

By that he just hang up. Without a proper goodbye or caring question. Such a..good boss isn't?? Tch.


"I FOUND IT!!!" yelled Hoseok. Big smile appeared on my face.
"Where where!?" I went to him.
"Here." He give me the boxing glove.

I wear it.
"Finally. Let's start!!" He nods.

We get in the ring and ready with our position.
"Hyung, do you know where is my headphones?" Jimin suddenly went in.
"I don't know. Probably Tae have it." said Hoseok.
"Okay. Anyway, what is both of you doing?" Jimin asked.
"Can't you see? We're boxing."

Jimin close the door and watch our performance. Hoseok punch me but I dodge. I stepped him and he fell.

"Yah!! I don't think that is the way we play boxing!!!!" said Hoseok. I grinned.
"It call...trick."
"Nah." Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"Can I replace you hyung?" Jimin asked. My eyes widen.
"Sure." said Hoseok.
"Wait, why him!? Yah!! Don't interfere in our training!!!"
"Do I care?" Jimin smirked and take the boxing glove from Hoseok.

I huffed in mad. We get ready with your position.
"You guys ready?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes." We said.

Jimin smirked at me and start to punching. I dodge and dodge. His punch just like hard. I punch him and he punch my stomach.

"Yah!! This just a training!!" I glare at him. He just give me that stu*id smirked!! I really want to punch that smirked.
"I didn't say it was training." said Jimin. I puffed my cheeks. He chuckles.
"Stop doing that. You look cute." said Jimin.

My eyes widen. Did he..mean it?
"Here I come." without my realised, he twisted my hand.
"Next time , pay attention." he whispered.
"This is not boxing."
"For me it was." said Jimin. I clenched my jaw. I put my leg behind him and make him lose balance.

But guess what? He didn't even move!! He grab waist and crashed me one the ground with him on top of me.

"You are so in deep thought. It must be something bothering you." said Jimin. He pinned my hand and look at my eyes deeply.

I want to say something but no words come out.
"Rose, if you going to stay like that, you will lose." said Hoseok. I gasp. I try to think how to escaped but then, something popped in my mind.

"Stop doing that. You look cute."

Jimin words appeared on my mind. I look at Jimin and he keep staring at me. I don't know why. I puffed my cheeks and he look...shocked. His grip on my wrist become loosened.

It my chance.
"Owww!!!!" whined Jimin. I stand up. Do you want to know what I do? Well... I knee his stomach.
"Take that. I don't want to train with you anymore." I went down from the ring.
"Why~" he start to act cute. What happened to this guy?
"Because you flirty with her and make her blushing." said Hoseok.
"Yes that's- wait, what!?" Hoseok burst into laughter.
"YAH!!! IT NOT FUNNY!!!" I yelled.

I throw him the boxing glove and he just laughed.
"Rose, attidude." said Jimin.
"Ughhhh!! Why you care about my attidude!?" he give me a scary look.
"Rose." his voice change into stern.

Somehow, I felt I can't talk back. It just like my heart lead me to obey him. Hello!!! He's not my master!!!!
"Whatever." I went out and I can hear Hoseok calling me.


She went out and slammed the door closed.
"Why you care about her attitude?" Hoseok asked.
"Because I don't like if she like that. I want to change her into good girl."
"Or...you have another options?" Hoseok narrowed his eyes on me. He really good.
"Fine. I just...felt like it."

Hoseok chuckles.
"Look like someone fell in love with his own enemy." teasing Hoseok.
"Yah!! What did you say!!??" he just laughed.

I let out a heavy sigh. He can be true though.


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