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I staring at the white ceiling with sad feeling. I know it just because of pasta but I can't help it.

I let out a heavy sigh. That Yoongi guy is sure...make my blood boiling. I grab the pillow and punch it.

"Ughhh!!!!! You such a- arghhhh!!!!" I groaning as I ounch the pillow.

The door suddenly open and reveal Taehyung.
"Rose? What are you doing here?" Tae asked.
"Jimin told me to stay here until I calm down and realised back what just I said." I rolled my eyes. I wondered why that giy bust with my attitude.
"Uuuu, look like someone is obey their enemy." teasing Tae.

I glare at him and get out from the bed.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
"I heard people groaning so I open the door." said Tae.
"Oh. Didn't you with Jennie?"
"She inside her room with Kuma. I want to borrow Kuma for awhile but she refused to let it." said Tae with annoyed face.
"Why? Why you need Kuma? You have Yeontan right?"
"I know that. I just want to train Yeontan and Kuma how to attack people." said Tae.

I chuckles.

"Don't you remember? Kuma know how to do it. He bite you when you guys attacked us that time."
"Yeah...that was really...HURT!!!!" said Tae.
"His owner is fierce so he have to fierce also." I smirked at him.

He just rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing here, Tae?" Jimin suddenly popped out.
"Oh. Nothing. Just chit-chat with Rose." said Tae. Jimin glare at him.
"Woah, I'm sorry. I wouldn't enter your room anymore." Taehyung raised his hands like a criminal.
"Whatever. Rose, your phone is downstairs and it keep ringing." said Jimin.

My eyes widen. Did he pick up?
"Did you pick up?"
"No. But I saw it was unknown number." said Jimin. Thank goodness. Wait. Unknown number?

I went downstairs to the living room. I take it and he's right. It was unknown number.
"Do you know who is it?" I flinched when Jimin suddenly behind me.
"Stop being a ghost, can you?" I frowned at him. He just shrugged his shoulder.
"Not my fault." said Jimin.
"Anyway, no I don't know." I put down back.
"Don't pick it up. It can be...someone who dangerous, you know?" Jimin said.

I nods and sit on the couch. Jimin sit beside me.
"Guys, we will have meeting tonight." said Namjoon who popped out of nowhere.
"Meeting?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes. We will steal the third diamond at mall." said Namjoon.
"Easy." Jimin smirked.
"Not so easy. I think...there will be a lot of bodyguard." said Namjon.
"Hyung , we can crushed them." said Tae.
"We still need a plan. We can't expect anything." said Yoongi.

I glare at him and he just rolled his eyes. Jimin notice it.
"Stop both of you. I don't want to deal with dead body okay?" said Jimin. I huffed in annoyed while crossing my arms on my chest.


I went upstairs and it really bored right now. I don't know what to do. While I walked at the hallway, I heard giggling and laughing.

I stopped and it come out from Jungkook room. I open the door and peeked. There I saw... Lisa with Jungkook having fun with games.

I have to admit it. They look good and Lisa look happy. Not like the first time they met. I wondered if Lisa feel the same like me. Is she...still going to..kill them also?

I let out a heavy sigh and close the door. Sometime, I hate to be a mafia.
"Peekinh is rude."
"AHH!!" I turn around and it was Jimin.
"You always be a ghost!!" I hit his arms and he just chuckles.
"Sorry. Anyway, why you peeking on them?" Jimin asked.
"Can't I? I just want to see their happiness."
"Create your own happiness." said Jimin. I frowned.
"With me." he smirked.

My eyes widen. Somehow, I felt my heart beating but I cover my blushing.
"Yah!! It so cheesy."
"I said... Don't call people with 'Yah' " said Jimin while glaring at me.
"Geez, I can't help it. I'm sorry."

I went to my room and close the door. Seriously. Why he become...caring to me? And... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME!!??


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