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We went to the club and I can heard a loud beat and music. It make my ears hurt. Ughh, why this diamond must be here?
"Okay. Rose and Lisa, stay here. Keep an eyes on anyone that suspicious." said Jisoo.
"Everyone is suspicious."
"I know. There must be mafia here. So, be careful with who you talking to." said Jisoo.
"Soon we get out, we will call you." said Jennie.
"Okie dokie!!" said Lisa.
"Good luck." said the oldest.

We nods. They walked away. I look around and don't know what to do. I never come to club before.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Lisa asked.
"What people do when they come to club?"
"Umm...in movie..they flirting." said Lisa.
"I wouldn't do that."
"Then...dancing?" Lisa asked.
"That should be you."
"Okay. Oh!! I know what suit you!!" said Lisa. I raised my eyebrows.
"Eating people face." said Lisa. What the-
"Yah!! I'm not that kind of girl!!!!" I yelled at her.
"Hehehe..I'm just kidding. I think you can go to bar. Have a drink." said Lisa.

Maybe I can do that.
"Okay. Happy dancing."
"Happy drinking." said Lisa. I giggles and went to bartender. I sit in the chair and keep my profile low. One wrong move, people will know I'm mafia.
"Hey sweetie. What can I help you?" the bartender asked.
"I can't drink too much so just give me juice." If I drink too much I will drunk.
"Sure, my lady." He said.

I wait for my drink while look around. I can see people drinking, flirting, kissing and fooling around. Nothing suspicious here. I sigh heavily and wondered that is Jennie and Jisoo already done?

I want to go home and rest. Then, my order came.
"Here you go, my lady." he said.
"Thank you." I stare at the drink. You think I will drink? No. It just...act.
"Miss, you're not drinking?" he asked.
"Oh. I'm...relaxing first."
"You should drink. It tasty." he said.
"I will drink later." guest what? He force me again.
"Come on, Miss. Drink it as long as it still cold." he said.
"It okay. Don't you have work?"

He stare at me first then smirked.
"I do. Giving the lady in front of me a pleasure." he said.
"No thanks. I don't need your pleasure."
"Just drink and I will get out from your sight." he said. Something weird here. I stare at him and feeling suspicious. Why he so desperate to make me drink? I look at the drink and it was orange juice.
"How about...you drink it first then me." he chuckles and leaned his face toward me. Ughh...
"Is there something you already realised?" he asked.
"Yes. I realised that you are jerk."

He laughed maniacally.
"Oh girl. Like I don't know who you are. You think you wearing mask and sunglasses will protect you?" he asked.
"Who are you? Are you Lee Junyun man?"
"That guy? No. I'm not. I'm working for someone-" I cut him.
"In order to kill me?" he scoffed and chuckles.
"You got it right but..look like I'm fail." he said. So I'm right. He put something in my drink so that he can kill me.
"Well, good luck next time." he said.

He walked away but stopped.
"You should warn the boys also even you guys are enemy." by that he walked away.

I sigh heavily. Who are they actually? This is getting complicated. When I said it getting complicated...something make it more even complicated.

"It is our fate to meet here?" that right. It was...that freaking Jimin. He sir beside me. I look at him and he wearing, black hoodie, black tight pants and sunglasses. I have to admit it. He look...hot.

"Don't stare at me like that. I know I'm hot." said Jimin in smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Are you going to kill us again?"
"We come for the diamond but since I saw you here, I can kill you." said Jimin.
"You know that you will make a chaotic scene, right?"
"That why it so sad. This is my chance but it was bad timing." he said. The same bartender serve him a drink. He glance at me and smirked.

You should warn the boys also even you guys are enemy.

My eyes widen. I look at Jimin and he about to drink. I hold his hand to stop drinking. He look at me with shocked. Wait..why I even care?
"Don't drink it." Rose!! What is wrong with you!?
"Why?" he asked. Just stop talking and let him die!!
"Because it being poison." Ughhh!! I'm totally crazy right now. He chuckles darkly at me and leaned his face toward me.
"Are you try to fool me?" Jimin asked.
"You better listen."
"No. I wouldn't listen to my enemy." said Jimin. Ouch. Wait. Why it so hurt when he call me that? Whatever.
"You like it or not...someone out there trying to kill my group and yours."
"That nonsense. Even it have, they will like to kill you girls only." said Jimin.

I'm asking why this guy is fuc*ing stubborn!!??
"Just listen to me!!"
"I have no right to listen to you." said Jimin. I lost myself right now. Then, I said something that I couldn't believe it came out just like that.
"You do have right to listen to me!! If I'm trying to kill you, I already left you at the company and didn't tell you about the bomb. Why I even do that? Oh I know. Because I'm crazy!! Now, I'm telling you, I'm trying to save you because I felt like to. You like it or not, without my help you will dying here because of this drink!!"

I breathing so heavily. I talk to much. Great. Just great Rose. Why I even say this...sweet words toward him? I lifted my gaze and saw his jaw dropped and he look...stunned. I take a deep breath and look away.

"Don't.. Even..talk...to me." I have no mood to talk with him and I don't know why. He didn't say anything but I can feel his staring.


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