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I turn my back and saw Yeontan and Kuma chasing each other. I don't think they are playing. Jennie who try to stop them is really funny.

"Yah!! Jen, they ruin the living room!!" yelled Jisoo.
"I know I know. Just help me!!!" yelled Jennie.

This scene is amusing. I look at them while laughing. It so funny. Trust me. I wouldn't help them clean this mess up.


I went downstair and saw they watching tv in comfortable way. 
"What you guys watching?"
"Just...a movie that we don't know." said Hoseok. I sit beside Jungkook. I saw Namjoon with his glasses looking at some paper.

"What is that, hyung?"
"This? This is some..record about the second diamond." said Namjoon.
"You found it?"
"No. Not yet. Some system already being locked." said Namjoon.

Then, Jungkook said something.
"Why we just don't take the first diamond from Blackpink?"he asked.
"You guys fail remember?" Yoongi asked.
"That because someone is interfere!! Anyway, our mission is not to take that diamond."said Jungkook. Yoongi rolled his eyes with feeling lazy to talk back.
"What happened that time? You guys didn't told us." said Hoseok.
"There's someone who want to kill Blackpink also." said Jin.
"What? Who? Why?" Hoseok asked.
"We don't know." said Jin.

While their talking, my mind start to think something else. I just realised that, Rose looking at one guy really deep. She just like...she shocked. I saw that guy said something to her that make her..stepping back.

What is it? That guy make her in deep thought.
"Anyway, you guys just try to figure out the next plan. We will try to track the second diamond." said Namjoon.
"Where else they could be? Their house already gone." said Taehyung.
"When you don't know where to go..where you think you will go?"
"Umm...gamer shop?" said Taehyung. I groaned.
"IT HOTEL, TAE!!!" I yelled.
"Owh..okay." he give me that box smile. I shake my head.
"Oh, Tae. Did you found Yeontan??" Jin asked. Taehyung expression change into sad.
"No. I try to find him everywhere. No sign of him at all." said Tae.

I patted his shoulder.
"Don't worried. I'm sure that whoever that take care of Yeontan is someone nice and sweet person."
"Jimin was right. That person must be a lucky one." said Namjoon. Taehyung smile weakly.
"I hope so. If I found that person...it will be my favourite." said Tae.

"Guys. I found the diamond." said Namjoon.
"Where!?" We all asked.
"This record said that...Lee Junyun the owner of Thistle club keep the diamond with him. But..it there is no way he still keep it right?" Namjoon asked.
"We find him and ask him where the diamond is."
"If that so, okay. We get ready tonight."said Namjoon. We all nods.


Jennie brush Yeontan fur while Kuma sit beside her. They stop fighting after Jennie handle it. Jisoo sweep the floor because it messy.

"There. Don't fight again, okay? Your owner wouldn't like it." said Jennie.
"That owner must be lucky that he or she got the beautiful women to take care of Yeontan."
"Thank goodness, I love dog." said Jennie.
"When are you going to find the owner?"
"Maybe soon because we're busy right?" said Jennie.

She's right though. We have to find the other diamond. Tonight, we will go to the Thistle Club. I hope nothing happen but...well. I know something will happen. That 7 clowns will appeared too. How do I know? Well, easy.

Where we going...they always be there.


I wear crop top hoodie, black short pants with mask and sunglasses. We all use it to hide our face. Suddenly, my phone ringing.
"Hey, Pasta." Ohh...I forgot that Chim will call me tonight.
"Hey!! Chim!! I miss you!!" I heard he chuckling.
"Me too but..too sad that we can't talk too long." said Chim.
"Why...." I whined.
"I have some work to do tonight." said Chim.

Oh yeah..I forgot that I'm also have work to do.
"It okay, Chim. Me too. How about next time?"
"Sure. Don't worried. I'll call you anytime." said Chim. I giggles.
"I felt glad that I already call you. " said Chim.
"Me too. "
"Let call each other again next time okay?" He said.
"Bye Pasta!!" he said. I giggles again because it cute.
"Bye Chim!!"

We hang up. Even it short conversation but I felt...happy. Suddenly, the door open.
"I heard the conversation." said Lisa.
"You always heard everything."
"Rose, do you think...he safe for you to be friend with?" Lisa asked. I know she worried. I know also that we can't trust anyone.
"Lisa, I know what I'm doing. Calm down okay? Chim is a good guy."
"How if one day, he betrayed you?" Lisa asked. I stunned by her words. It because of...what she said is right. We both mafia.
"No...he wouldn't do that."
"What if?" Lisa asked.
"Lisa, stop asking that question."
"I'm supported you to be friend with that 'Chim' guy but...he's mafia. Remember that. Don't fall too deep untill everything that you see is sweet candy then become sour candy." said Lisa.

She walked out after telling me that they waiting outside. I sigh heavily. Lisa is right but...Chim is..a good guy. There is no way that he will betrayed me...right? I look myself in the mirror.

Why I felt...uneasy and not confident what I'm doing?


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