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I shut every CCTV and elevator. I also turn on the alarm so that everyone will go out from this building. It make us easy. 

"Jin, Jisoo is her own way to you." said Yoongi. 

"Really?" I asked in excited.

"Yes." said Yoongi.

I went out and try to find my girl. I miss her. I miss her touch, voice and everything. I look around and suddenly....someone shoot me.

"Arghh.." I hold my arms and it bleeding. I take cover and saw a few men try to kill me. 

"Careful, guys. There's some people trying to kill us." 

"That probably YG and Mr Bang men." said Hoseok. 

I can't escaped. They use machine gun and they keep shooting me. They trapped me. How I want to escaped? Suddenly-

"Jin!!!!" I look in front me and it was....her.

Jisoo looking at me with worried eyes. 
"Jisoo!! Take cover!!!" I yelled.

She run to me and it scared me to death if she got shot. Thank god, that she arrive without hurt. I hug her and sigh in relief.

"Jin....I miss you..." said Jisoo.

"Even you miss me, please don't risk your life. It scared me." I kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry..." muttered Jisoo. She's finally back in my arms. She's finally back....

Oh god..I really miss her. 

"Both of you, can you put away your drama scene first?" Namjoon asked.

"Uuuuu, hyung having a drama scene right now." said Jungkook. 

"Shut it." 

"Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok will helping you." said Namjoon.



"What's meaning of this....." they chuckles. Mr Bang start to walked toward Rose.

"You still don't understand? Well, Rose, I want you to explain." said Mr Bang.

"Run Jimin!!!! They trapped you!!! They want us to kill each other!!!" yelled Rose.


"They planned all of this. They torturing us. They trying to kill us this whole time. They just use us for the diamonds then they'll end our life." said Rose.

Mr Bang...did that? So the one who hunted us is...them? 

"So, you're the one who betrayed us. Not us." 

"Ahaha, so? I know you will betrayed me for Rose, Jimin." said Mr Bang.

"Then what? Working with you and do all your dirty job? " 

"Rose did my dirty job. She and her friends kill a lot of innocent people. She's criminal. Why not if you try?" said YG.

"I'm not criminal!!!!" yelling Rose. 

"Let her go." I clenched my fist.

"I will." said YG. He snapped his finger and those bodyguard let Rose go. She fall down because her legs weak. 

"Give them the knife." said Mr Bang. The bodyguard throw me a knife and one for Rose. She lifted her with confused.

"W-What is this??" Rose asked. YG kneel down and hold her chin.

"Your weapons." said YG. I take it.

"You will kill each other. We want to see who survive." said YG. 

Rose stand up and glare at him.

"Are you crazy!!?? We wouldn't kill each other!!!" yelled Rose.

"This is about Diamond!!!! " yelled YG.

"Not about you loving him." said YG. She look at me slowly.


I stare at Jimin with sad eyes. He expression change into blank. 

"One of you will survive and get the diamond. " said Mr Bang. No...I can't do this. I can't...

It torturing me. I can't kill him. I just...can't. 
"Jimin...." I call his name.

His eyes didn't show anything. He sigh. 

"If that the only way to finished this life, I will do it." said Jimin. My eyes widen. 

"Are we going to stab each just because of diamond?" He silence. He look like he thinking about something. 

"We will....." said Jimin.

I don't know what gotten into you Jimin but I will do as you wish. It just that, I wouldn't kill you. We ready in our position. I glance at Mr Bang and YG, I can see they smirked so proudly. My tears start to dripping. I wiped it and we run to each other.


"I can't do this anymore!!! It torturing me!!" I yelled. Jungkook hold my shoulder.

"We're gonna make it." said Jungkook.

"The door can't be open. Jimin and Rose is out there!!" said Jennie. She kick the door harshly.

"Calm down, Jen. We have to find something to break this door." said Taehyung. 

"I hope Rose is fine...." Jungkook cupped my face.

"Hey, Rose's a strong girl. I'm sure Jimin protect her." said Jungkook. Then Jennie come to me and hugged me.

"Don't worried Lisa. We will save them both." said Jennie.

"Lisa, tell the others to find the diamond first." said Namjoon.

"But-" he cut me.

"Trust me. I have plan." said Namjoon.


I look at them who already staring at me with curious. 
"Namjoon ask us to find the diamond first. He have plan." 

"If that so then...let's go." said Taehyung. Jungkook hold my hand and we went down back. 

Stay alive Rose. Stay safe. We need you. I need you. I can't lose you my twin....





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