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I went upstairs. When I walked on the hallway, I saw Jimin went to his room and slammed his door shut. What's wrong with him?

I passed Jennie room and I can heard she crying. I want to comfort her but...how? Even me...can't comfort myself. I know...she sad about Rose lying to us and plus with her punishment. So do us.

I touch Jennie door.

I'm sorry for be a bad unnie... I can't take care of you girls....

I start to walked again and-

I stopped again. This infront of Rose room. I heard...someone. Crying? I twisted the knob slowly and peek inside. I look around and saw...

"Rose!?" I rush to her and hugged her like there is no tomorrow.
"Oh my god... Are you okay!?" I cupped her face and I can see...her cut, bruise and wounds. It just like...all over her body.
"Rose...I'm sorry. We should help you..." I hug her again.
"I'm really s-sorry. I fail to take care of you..." I burst into tears.

She didn't response but just crying. I broke the hug and cupped her face again.
"What's wrong? Did YG...hurt you again?" she shake her head and hold my hands.
"U-Unnie..." it hard for her to talk because of her sobbing.
"Is something wrong?" I asked softly and caressing her cheeks. By that she bursting into tears again.
"Unnie, I hurt J-Jimin !!!" she hug me again and cry in my arms.

Hurt Jimin?
"What you mean?"
"I don't k-know what happened to me!! I keep blaming him until I said something that h-hurt him!!" said Rose. Oh...it just like how we are this morning. I felt bad..even it was Jennie who talk just now. Me also blame them but I just keep it shut.
"Shhhh, I'm sure he understand you." I stroke her hair.
"How you so sure!? I can heard he slammed his door shut!! I'm such a fool!!" yelled Rose.

Rose is not a fragile...but..once she cry...that's mean, she really hurt.
"Do you love him?" I asked out of blue. She slowly lifted her gaze.
"L-Love?" she asked. I chuckles.
"You never this broken about someone."
"I...I don't know..." Rose muttered. I patted her head.
"It okay. Think about it. Let get you to sleep."
"I already sleep." said Rose.
"Then...let get you to rest." she chuckles and nods.

I help to get in her bed. I can see her arms, legs, ankle being bandage. Did someone help her?
"Rose, when you arrive?"
"Last night." she said.
"Last night!? Yah!! Why you didn't tell me or us!?"
"I'm sorry unnie. I just...too weak. After YG beat me so hard, he just let me go home without any ride." said Rose.

What? Sometime, I felt like to kill YG but...sadly we can't.
"He didn't do anything...you know..raped?" Rose face-palming.
"No. Of course not." said Rose. Thank god.
"Then, who help you with...all of this?"
"Jimin. That night, I think he went to kitchen to get some food. At first, I don't want to meet him but I accidentally fell down because my ankle and legs can't support me anymore. He rush to me and saw me...in my own blood." explained Rose.

Owh.. It Jimin. He must be hurt right now.
"Okay. Get rest. I'll get you a breakfast. Then, I will call the other girls. We just need your...explanation about...um-" Rose cut me.
"I know. I should explain it too, as fast as I can." said Rose while look down. I smile softly at her and patted her head.
"Good girl. I will get your breakfast now." she nods with smile on her face.


Jisoo went out and close the door. I sigh heavily and brush my hair back. I can't stop thinking about Jimin.




My words still stuck in my head. I just like...I can repeat it many times. Why I said that? I'm such a fool for the third time.

After a few minutes, the door open. It reveal...the girls.
"Rose!!" Jennie and Lisa rush to me and hugged me. I don't care my body hurt but as long as I can feel their arms on me, I'm fine with it. Jisoo close the door and went to me with tray of food.
"Oh god...Are you okay? What did YG do to you!? Did he go hard on-" Jennie stop talking as she realised my condition.
"He did...go hard..." said Jennie. I smile weakly at her.

"I'm fine, Jen."
"We're sorry..." said Lisa.
"We should...stop him but..we just a coward..." said Lisa.
"Hey, you girls not a coward. It for the best you girls do that because...I can feel that he really mean it when he say he will kill you."
"Hmm...how are you?" Jennie asked.
"Fine. Anyway...don't you guys want to hear my explanation?" I raised my eyebrows.

Jennie and Lisa exchange look then look at Jisoo.
"She's fine with it." said Jisoo with smile. Then, they look at me and nods.

"I'm sorry for lying to you guys for about...years. I didn't mean it but I'm just scared to tell you guys. I work for Mr Bang and I'm really a great...mafia there. The old boss there keep ask me to kill innocent people. Until I can't hold it anymore. "

" Soon, YG found me and he didn't kill me or anything. He just nice to me and keep saying that...why I should work with them? When you can work with him and have a great life. I just...I don't know what happened but...my heart tell me that I have to betrayed Mr Bang company. Well, I don't have friends there. So, I decide to betrayed. "

I look at them and they sign me to keep going.
" When I first met you guys, I felt glad. I never have friends like this and then...I felt bad also not to tell you guys about the secret. Fear keep eating me. So, I decide to just keep it silence."

It silence but then...
"We wouldn't call you betrayer. We understand your conditions." said Jennie.
"I felt like...my life still the same. Do his dirty work." The girls hugged me.
"Hey, ALL of us...do his dirty work. We also hope that we can get out from this hell." said Jisoo.
"I always dream that we have a great life. Everytime my birthday come...I always wish to have a great life with my Unnies..." said Lisa.

Her words is really touch my heart. I hugged them back.
"I'm sure...we will have it one day. It can be sooner or...in the future." they nods and we look at each other. The we let out a chuckles.

This what we call bestfriend. Forgive each other and...listen to explanation. We never thought to backstabbed each other. We just thought that...we could have a great life...together.


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