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I wipe my tears.
"I'm not crying." I look at him with confident. He just chuckles and shake his head.

"You are bad at lying, aren't you?" Yoongi asked. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Does it matter? He hate me now." I look down again.

"You sure?" Yoongi asked. My jaw dropped as I look at him.

"Are you serious? You even asking that? Don't you see he walked away like that!?" I almost yelled at him.

"I did." he said. I gasp and point at him.

"Hah!!! Got you!! You eavesdropping us!!!" I yelled.

"Are you kidding me? Is this the right time for you to trick me?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

I pouted.
"No...I mean...what should I do!!?? Jimin seem...really hate me now."

"Make it up with him. He love a girl who make a first move. We don't know...he probably will forgive you. He love you after all." Yoongi mumbled the last words.

I look at him with shocked. Did I...heard wrong?

"Nothing. Just go and do something that show you really feel...sorry." said Yoongi and walked away.

I stop him.
"Why you...help me by the way?" I narrowed my eyes to him.

It silence first but then I heard he scoffed.
"Enemy with you...is fun. Be friend with you...is not bad at all." by that he walked away.

I admit it though. Be friend with Yoongi is fun. He can be caring when he want. I mean, I know we always fighting and arguing but sometimes...be nice for awhile doesn't hurt. Isn't it?


It already night. I'm right here, laying on the bed while thinking. Should I...go to his room? Or not? Yoongi said...I have to make a move.

I sit up and sigh heavily. I hope nothing will get wrong. I went out from my room and standing infront of his bedroom.

"Okay..this is it." I take a deep breath and let it out.

"Wait. What should I say first?" I try to think first.

"How about...'hey, Jimin. What's up?'...no...it too casual." I hit my head gentle.

I clear my throat.
" How about...'Yah!! Can you stop being a jerk!!!???'...." I sigh.

"It too fierce."

"AHHH!!!" I almost stumbled back. I look who is it and it was...Namjoon.

"Yah!! Don't be a ghost, can you!? All of you are same." I touch my chest and breath heavily.

Namjoon chuckles.
"Sorry though. Anyway, did you just practice how to start the conversation with Jimin?" Namjoon smirked.

I look away in blushed.

"Aishhh, bad at lying." said Namjoon. I puffed my cheeks.

"Whatever!! A-Anyway, what do you want?"

"I just about to go to living room but... I saw you practice. Why you don't just say...'you're sorry?'" Namjoon asked.

I frowned.
"That's all? How about...'Yo, Jimin. I'm-" Namjoon cut me.

"That was rude." said Namjoon. I rolled my eyes.


"Then...think it by yourself." by that he walked away. I gasp and look at him.

"Yah!!!! Don't talk like you know what to talk!!!" I yelled.

I heard Namjoon burst into laughed. I huffed in mad and back to Jimin. I let out a heavy sigh. I knock his door. I wait for response but nothing.

I knock again still no response. It make me annoyed. I groaned and about to twisted the knob. Suddenly-

"AHHHHHH!!!" I end up fell on the ground. I lifted my gaze and saw Jimin looking at me.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked. I'm busted.

"A-Ah... I... I just about to...knock your door." I chuckles nervously.

"Yeah...I can see that." said Jimin without emotion. I stand up and fix my clothes.

"C-Can I talk...with you-" he cut me.

"No. I don't have time." said Jimin.

"But...It really important...." I mumbled.

I heard scoffed. Obviously from him.
"I know. I heard everything." said Jimin. My eyes widen.

"Y-You heard...e-everything!?" Jimin smirked.

"Who doesn't? You yelling and I think everyone heard it." said Jimin. I gasp.

" I heard...you practice how to start a conversation with me." said Jimin with smirked. I felt like my cheeks is red.

Suddenly, without let me do anything, he pull me inside his bedroom and close the door. He pinned me on the door and I heard 'click'. That's mean, he locked the door.

" J-Jimin? " I accidentally shuttering. He leaned closer with that...hot smirk.

"I heard you want to say sorry to me." said Jimin. I look away not to meet his eyes.

"O-Of course. But you didn't forgive me."

"Do you want me to forgive you?" Jimin asked and leaned more closer until our forehead touched. I nods.

"Words, baby." said Jimin with his seductive voice. I stopped breathing when he said.... 'baby'.

"Y-Yes..." I mumbled. He smirked and hold my waist.

"Tell me what happened..." said Jimin. Huh? I lifted my gaze and our face is so close!! But...it not matter right now.

"Tell what?" I innocently asked. His expression hardened. He groaned and gripping on my waist become tight.

"Don't act like you don't know. Where are you going that night? What secret that you keep from me?" Jimin asked. I gulped. I'm dead....


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