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I just finished my showering. Right now, I'm wearing bathrobe and open the closet. Mmm...what should I wear?

I grab the white oversized hoodie and white short pants. It perfect right? I put it on my bed and untie my bathrobe-

"Rose!!" the door open reveal Lisa. I close the bathrobe.
"Yah!! Don't you know how to knock!!??" Lisa raised her eyebrows.
"It your fault also not to lock it." said Lisa.
"Wait. You're right though." I glare at her.
"What do you want?"

Lisa grinning and I know...something she want from me.

"That creepy. Tell me."
"Hehehe, Unnie. Do you want to borrow my dress?" Lisa asked.
"I already know what to wear. What is it, actually?" I narrowed my eyes.
"Fine. I know you are not a person who easy to let it out but...why you and Jimin really hate each other?" Lisa asked as she close the door.

I turn around and grab my the hoodie.
"Why you want to know?"
"Well, I keep wondering." said Lisa.
"Lisa, don't tell me that you feel...the boys is good?"
"Why you asking that so sudden?" Lisa asked.
"Nothing. Turn around."

She turn around and I wear undergarments and my other clothes.
"From what I see Jimin...he...he's kind of...caring about you." said Lisa as she sit on the chair.
"We have some...problem. You know that right?"
"Is it about Pasta and Chim?" Lisa asked.
"Rose, whatever he say to you, you still Pasta." said Lisa.

She look at me and I already dress up.
"Don't care about what he said." said Lisa.
"It still hurting me." I mumbled. I know she didn't heard it.
"Anyway, I want to ask you something." Lisa said.
"What is it?"
"Do you think you can...kill them?" Lisa asked.

I stopped brushing my hair and look at her. She didn't looking at me.
"Why you ask?" Lisa remain silence but then...she chuckles.
"Just asking. See you!!" Lisa close the door and leave me.

I look at the mirror back and slowly brush my hair. I let out a heavy sigh.

After I done, I went downstair and saw everyone ready. My eyes landed on..Jimin.  He wearing white shirt with blue jeans jacket and skinny jeans. Am I checking him out?

It ridiculous.

Some of them wearing sunglasses or mask.

"Come on. We have something to steal." said Namjoon.


Jimin and I infront of Seyun mansion. We can heard the song beat so loud.
"Good luck for both of you." said Namjoon. We said yes and went to the door.

I about to ring the bell but Jimin hold my wrist.
"Why you love holding my wrist?" I asked in annoyed.
"Let me talk with Seyun and you keep quiet." he said but not looking at me.
"Why? I-" he cut me.
"Shut up." he said with stern voice.

I don't know why but...I felt like...want to obey him. He let go of my wrist and ring the bell. The door open.
"Sugarbun!!!" he about to hug me but Jimin push me behind.
"Oh..you come also. I don't get your name." said Seyun.
"I'm...Jim." said Jimin.
"It nice to meet you, Jim." said Seyun. They handshake.

"Come in. The party just started." said Seyun. Jimin hold my wrist and bring me in.
"Have fun. Anyway, Sugarbun. Do you-" Jimin cut him and put his arms around my neck.
"It nice to join this party. We will get drink now." said Jimin. He dragged me without let Seyun replied.

"Why you doing that?"
"Because we need to let the others in also, remember?" Jimin asked. I mouthed 'o'. I gasp.
"Wait." I stopped and it make him almost make stumble.
"It too obvious if both of us go. " Jimin hold his chin.
"You are right." said Jimin.
"You go and I'll wait at the bar."
"You sure? No. No no. Seyun might go to you." said Jimin.

Why this dude become possesive over me? Thank god, my mood is normal right now.
"It okay. I know what to do. Just go. The others must be waiting." Jimin stare at me and hestitated to go. He let out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. Wait there." said Jimin with stern voice.
"Geez, you're not my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes and by that I went to bar and sit on it.

I order some drink and staring on it. I remember where Jimin and I at club. They tried to kill us that time.

Anyway, why Jimin doesn't want me to near that Seyun guy? He can be weird...
We get along for a few minutes then we become enemy back.

"What's with the sour face?" Seyun smirked as he sit beside me. I smile at him.
"Nothing. "
"Anyway, didn't you use glasses?" Seyun asked.
"Umm..it broke because I'm to angry at one stu*id person." Seyun chuckles.
"Anyway, where is your boyfriend?" Seyun asked. Boyfriend?
"Who's my boyfriend?" I frowned.
"Well...that Jim guy." Seyun said. Oh...
"Sorry. He's not my boyfriend."
"Really? Oh..hahaha..he really overprotective toward you." said Seyun with that...smile.
"He always like that." If I can..I will choke him.

Seyun chuckles and give me the drink.
"Let's dri- wait. You just drink juice?" Seyun asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Sugarbun!! Soju is waiting to being drink!!" Seyun order soju and- oh...I don't like drinking soju.

I look around if Jimin already done but he's nowhere to be found.
"Here." said Seyun. I take it and stare at it. Should I drink it?
"Come on. Take a sip." said Seyun.
"I will. But...I want to-" before I could finished my drink, he push the glass inside me mouth and I have to drink it.

I push his hand and I cough.
"Yah!! Why you do that!!??" He just smirked.
"Sugarbun, just relax yourself and have fun." he put his hand on my waist with that smug smile. I push his hand but my head suddenly felt dizzy.
"Get..Get off me!!" I hold my head. He chuckles darkly.

What did he put inside this drink!!?? I can't!! I have to hold myself!! Then...one person appeared on my mind.

Jimin....help me....



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