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I grab the gun and aim it to the target. I pull the trigger and...


Shoulder shot? Oh.. Come on. I sigh heavily and throw the gun at the table.
"Why you miss the shot?" Yoongi asked.
"I don't know. Something disturbed me."
"What is it?" Yoongi asked. I silence for awhile then answer him.
"I don't know. Just ignore it."

Taehyung come out and give me a water.
"Here. You maybe thristy." said Tae.
"Thank you."
"Guys, what our next plan?" Jin asked. Namjoon sigh heavily and rest his legs on the table.
"We can't do the mission smoothly if the Blackpink interfere our plan." said Namjoon.

I sit on the couch.
"So..that mean we have to kill them?" Jungkook asked.
"Not 'we' but...you four." said Hoseok said. I snapped my head to him.
"I'm sorry.. What?"
"Hoseok was right. Four of you will do this mission." said Namjoon.

Jin stand up.
"Yah!! Why only us!? We don't want to meet that...that...Blackmonster!!" said Jin.
"I already told you before that only four of you do this mission. At the same time, me Yoongi and Hoseok will try to find the second diamond." said Namjoon. Arghh, I can't believe this.
"Why not only you guys!? I don't want to see that Jennie monster." sais Taehyung.

Hoseok burst into laughter. Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Poor you...no matter how many you guys begging not to...you still have to do it." said Yoongi. I groaned. I really don't have mood right now.
"Fine. If you do this...we will give anything you want." said Namjoon. I look at Namjoon with sparkling eyes.
"Okay...it getting interesting."
"Yeah, continue." said Jin.

Namjoon smirked. He sign Hoseok to talk. It obvious that they plan this already. 
"Ask anything you want IF you guys finished the work." said Hoseok.
"We kill them...and we got the reward?" Jungkook asked.
"Exactly." said Hoseok.
"It not only kill but...make them...not to interfere our mission." said Namjoon.

"Fine we do it. Just leave it to us." said Taehyung. Killing or scared them is easy for us. I smirked when thought that.
"Great. We need to find Blackpink. I will try to find them." said Namjoon.
"I hope Jisoo wouldn't kick my ball again." said Jin.
"Are gou scared of her?" Jungkook asked.
"Tch. I'm not. Never. Ever." said Jin.
"How we want to track them?"
"Leave it to me." said Namjoon.


"No signal?" Jisoo said. I about to punched the punching bag but stop.
"What you mean no signal?"
"There is no line. I can't...do my work." said Jisoo.

I walked to get my phone and turn it on. She's right. No line. No signal. Why this happened so sudden?
"THERE IS NO FUC*ING SIGNAL!!!! "yelled Jennie from outside.
" I CAN'T PLAY MY ONLINE GAME!!!! "yelled Lisa from outside. I chuckles. I look at Jisoo.
"The signal is bad today. I even can't receive message or texting."
"I want to find the diamond but...'No Connection' suddenly popped out." said Jisoo.

Are our internet being cut?
"Is our internet already pay?"
"It did. There is no way it being cut." said Jisoo.
"Weird. It happened so sudden." said Jisoo.
"You're right. Even our internet being cut, they must be message from them."said Jisoo. That's right. I open the bandages around my hands.
" Unnie, can you try to..you know...find out why? "
" I can't. No internet. "said Jisoo.

I groaned.
" Wait. Maybe I...try to hack? "Jisoo said.
" Hack? Isn't it too risky? "
" It is but...we have to try. "said Jisoo.
"Okay. Just do it. I'll go to kitchen."

I walked outside and saw Jennie dying for internet. I giggles and open the fridge. I just realised that I didn't contact with Chim. Maybe next time. He busy and I busy too.

I take the snacks and sit at the chair. I play with my phone. No internet. Zero line. Huh, great. I miss Chim. I miss his talk. I can't hang out with him yet because I'm too busy.

Something make me become...serious. Chim...his eyes is-
"FINALLY!! INTERNET!!!!" yelled Jennie and Lisa. I look at my phone and the internet come back.
"Huh...weird. Maybe because of weather."


I laying on the couch.
"What are you doing, Tae?"
"Hacking." said Taehyung.
"Hacking? Hack who?"
"I'm trying to hack Blackpink." said Taehyung.

My eyes widen. Jungkook stop playing game. Hoseok look away from his phone. Yoongi wake up from his nap. Namjoon stop reading his book and Jin stop playing his phone.

We all at living room actually.
"I'm sorry but can you repeat it?" Namjoon asked.
"I'm hacking Blackpink." said Taehyung clearly. Hoseok throw the cushion to Tae.
"Yah!! Are you crazy!? They could find us!!" said Hoseok. Taehyung throw the cushion to him back.
"Relax. Chill down can you?" Taehyung said.

Namjoon take off his glasses.
"Tae, why you doing that?" Namjoon asked.
"To find where they are." said Taehyung. This guy can be serious and weird at the same time.
"How you do it?"
"Cutting their internet. They have hacker and it was Jisoo. I know she will hack to find out why their Internet gone." sais Taehyung.
"But, they can track us, you idiot." said Yoongi.
"Idiot? Tch. I lock our internet and everything." said Taehyung.

Wow. He smart. He really smart. I don't know he smart like that.
"But Tae. You lock our private but...my things like computer, it my own internet. How you lock it?" Namjoon asked.
"Owhh...about that. I didn't think about it." said Taehyung.
"Oh great Tae. The girls will find us out." said Jin in sarcasm.

Don't they dare to step their feet in our mansion. I will cut their legs. Suddenly, Namjoon phone vibrate.
"Umm.. Guys... I think...thanks to Tae." said Namjoon. I raised my eyebrows.
"Why?" he look at us with smirked.
"Four of you will start your work." said Namjoon.

"We found them..."


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