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Jughead's POV

I'm worried about Veronica. She's hiding something me. It's something to do with her parents. And I know she's lying to me. I know it! I just can't prove it. She keeps telling me ita nothing, but I can't seem to trust her. It's like there's something She doesn't want me to know. What's happened to, with her parents. Did they do something? I just want her to tell me the truth. I like her, a lot. I hope she knows that. I hope she knows she can trust me. Have I proven it enough? Has she told her friends about me? I don't know, but I wish I did.

She called me, but continued telling me it was nothing. I hate lies. But I feel like She's lying to me for a good reason. Maybe it's to keep her safe. Or to keep me safe. I don't know.

It's now three o'clock in the afternoon. I've been at my trailer all day. I have nothing I else to do. I don't need to be at the whyte wyrm. I might just have a few things to grade and that's it. I just don't know if I can grade anything properly when I know she is hiding something from me. I don't know. Hiding her parents from me. Hiding me from her parents.

Hiding herself from her parents...

Veronica's POV

I quickly texted Betty. I know I absolutely hate her, but she seems like the only person I can actually talk to right now. I wonder how this will go.


V: I need to talk to you. Meet me at Pop's.

B: Okay? But why?

V: Just do it. Don't ask questions. Get there now!

I got to Pop's, then waited. I probably waited about ten minutes before she showed.

"Finally! You showed!" I said as she sat across from me. She sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I did. Why did you want me to come here? You know, after the whole me and Archie. I mean, he obviously always loved me." She said in her bitchy tone. I rolled my eyes.

"That is not what I came here to talk about. I actually don't know what I needed to talk to you about. Well, I just really need to get Kevin and the two girls off of me." I told her. She sighed and rolled her eyes, but also looked confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"They are constantly bugging me! Especially asking about my parents and if they're back." I told her.

"Wait, are they back?" She asked, now sounding worried. I scoffed.

"Oh, since when did you start caring about me again?" I asked. She rolled her eyes again.

"I didn't stop caring about you. You were the one who stopped talking to me, remember?" She asked.

"Says the one who was sucking face with my boyfriend when we were together. Remember?" I mocked. She scoffed. "Also, I thought you teo broke up."

"Who said that?" She asked.

"Archie did." I told her. She now looked upset and confused. Then, back to her bitchy face and attitude.

"Okay," she stood up. "Clearly, coming here was a mistake. You are lying to me right now. I know you are. We aren't broken up, okay? And I hope your parents come back. I really do. Because you deserve whatever the hell that happened when they're here. Oh, what was it? Umm, abu--" I cut her off there.

"Shut up, Betty! They're not apart if my life anymore. And neither are you." I said and stood up, too. "Fuck you! Clearly, asking for your help was a mistake." I said and left. Why did I think it was a good idea to text her for help? She is such a bitch!

Short Chapter I Know! Sorry!!

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