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Jughead's POV

I've been going to see Veronica everyday for the last week for two reasons. One, to give her, her schoolwork. And two, so I see her and tell her how much I love her.

I'm with her now and she's doing her work and I'm admiring her. She smiled and looked at me a little.

"You know, it's hard to do my work when I have you staring at me!" She said.

"Its not staring when I looking at someone this beautiful." She covered her face with the papers, smiling like crazy. I smiled too and pulled the papers away from her face. "You're beautiful,"

"Jughead, stop!" She said, I could tell She was embarrassed. I thought it was cute and adorable. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it. Her smile immediately disappeared and she sighed.

"What is it. Baby?" I asked her.

"Everybody is talking about prom which is only in two days and I'm stuck here. There wouldn't even be a point in going anyways." She mumbled. I grabbed her hand.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Well, one I don't have a dress. And two, I wouldn't be able to go with you." She said.

"Oh, you're going to prom!" We both looked at the door and saw Cheryl, Toni and Kevin. I smiled a little. "And you two are going together!" Cheryl said.

"What are you talking about, Cheryl?" Veronica asked her.

"You heard me. Prom is in two days. I convinced the doctors and nurses to let you out for a few hours to go find you a dress and again on the night of prom. Then, you're back here so they can watch you. But you are not missing your senior prom!" She said, helping Veronica out of bed.

"Here are some clothes," Toni said. I just stood to the side. So did Kevin.

"I don't understand." Veronica said.

"You don't have to. Just go get dress please." Cheryl said.

"Wait, what did you mean that Veronica and I are going together?" I asked them. Veronica stopped and waited for an answer.

"Well, TT and I had to make arrangements. We didn't want our friend not going to the prom with her boyfriend so we changed it up." Cheryl smiled.

"To what?" Veronica asked.

"A masquerade. Nobody would know you two are dancing together. As long has you keep your mask covering your face." Veronica smiled a little and I did to. Where do these kids come up with this shit?

Veronica got changed and we all left. I went back to my trailer, while the four of them went shopping. I smiled knowing she's happy again. I'm glad she's in the place now. She's got good friends and I try to be the best I can to her and for her. I really do love her. I can't believe we've been together all year. Literally almost nine months. I love her, I really do. I wanna keep her in my life forever.

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