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A Few Days Later
Veronica's POV

I'm free! Finally. I just want to go home. Well, I'm stayng with Jughead for now. We both know I shouldn't be, but he somehow convinced everybody that it would be fine. He's already picked me up and is taking me back to his trailer. I smiled at him the moment we walked in. He smiled, back and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"How does it feel to be out of there now?" He asked. I sighed, still smiling.

"Happy. Grateful actually," he chuckled. "And it's even better knowing I'll be living with you."

"Yeah,you better thank me for that. I had to give a whole speech which wasn't very fun." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, that's you're fault for being so obsessed with me." I told him.

"I am not obsessed with you. I just love you too much." He said and slowly started leaning in to kiss me.

"That is the same thing as obsession, but it's adorable so its doesn't matter." I said and walked away just as our lips were about to touch. He groaned. I smiled to myself. "You're fine," then my phone chimed. I looked at it. It was Cheryl.

"Who is it?" He asked, walking over to me. I looked at him.

"Its Cheryl. I gotta go. I'll be back later." I told him. He nodded and I left.

I met Cheryl and Toni Pops. Kevin was there too. They all three smiled at me as I sat next to Toni. I smiled back.

"Hey, guys! What did you need from me?" J asked them.

"Well, we wanted to talk to you for a while before you move in with your boyfriend." Toni said. I rolled my eyes.

"Will you not call him my boyfriend out loud. What it someone hears you?" I warned her.

"Relax. I never said his name." She told me.

"Besides, we all call him loverboy behind your back." Kevin said.

"Wait, you what? Whose "we all?"" I asked him. The three of them all smiled.

"The three of us, duh! It was Toni who started it." He told me. I looked at Toni who nodded.

"Oh, my God! I knew I shouldn't have told you guys!" I said. They all three laughed. I did a little too.

"Well, you didn't tell us. We followed you there so you didn't really have a choice in the matter." Cheryl said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you did do that. What was the liket in following me anyways?" I asked them.

"To find out why you were so happy and secretive all of a sudden," Kevin said. "I mean, we found out and we weren't mad were we?"

"No?" I said kind of questionably.

"Exactly, so you can't get mad at us for worrying about out friend." He said.

"Kevin, that doesn't even make sense!" I said.

"Well-- I know," he said, the sound of sad defeat in his voice. We all started laughing. Until a certain blonde, ponytailed girl walked over to us. I was the first to notice her. I rolled my eyes and looked away. They all noticed her too.

"What do you want?" Cheryl asked her. She sighed and looked at me. I quickly looked away again.

"I wanted to talk to Veronica. Alone." She said, she sounded upset. She may not be my bestfriend anymore, but I know when she's upset about something. I looked at her again. She was still looking at me.

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