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Two Week Later
Veronica's POV

I was in Jughead's arms and it was just quiet. Until he said something. "Veronica?" He said.

"Yes?" I asked and smiled a little. I cuddled closer to him, knowing we'll have to be getting up soon because it's a Monday.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I was starting to get confused and a bit worried.

"Sure. About what?" I asked, nervously. He sighed and just looked me into the eyes.

"I don't like you anymore." He said. I quickly looked at him. Wait, what?

"What?" I asked. This can't be happening. "What are you talking about? Is this a joke?"

"I don't like you anymore." He said again like it was no big deal. I quickly got up and started to get my clothes on. "Hey, woah." He got up too.

"What? Was I just some stupid toy to you? Just something for you to use for your own pleasure." I said and continued to get dressed. Of course! My parents come back and he's ending things with me.

"No, Veronica. You didn't let me finish." He said and walked over to me. I rolled my eyes and looked at him again. I wasn't feeling sad nor was I angry. I've actually been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Really? What didn't I hear? More of you hurting me? Saying how much you never really cared about me?" I said. He shook his head.

"No," he said stopped right in front of me. "I don't like you anymore."

"Yeah, I think we've went over this." I told him.

"No, will you shut up?" He said softly, with a small laugh. "I'm saying I don't like you anymore because I love you." Did I hear the correctly? "I love you, Veronica." I smiled and kissed him.

"I love you, too." I said and he kissed me again. He picked me up then got on the bed with me under him. "Do you really think we'll have time before school starts?" I asked.

"We'll make time." He said and kissed me again. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

At School

I walked into the students lounge and was immediately greeted by Cheryl and Toni. I knew they were gonna ask why I was late.

"Why are you here so late?" Cheryl asked. I just looked at her and Toni. They both seemed worried for some reason.

"I- no reason," I told them.

"Veronica, you're usually here before any of us usually. This isn't normal." Toni said. I rolled my eyes and the bell rang.

"I tell you guys at lunch," I said, walking off.

At Lunch

"So tell us why you were so late today!" Toni said, as me, her, Cheryl and Kevin sat at the lunch table. I smiled a little and looked.

"You were with him last night, weren't you?" Cheryl asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, but it's what happened this morning is why I'm late." I said.

"Well, what is it!" Kevin said.

"We were playing in bed together, then he starts saying all this stuff. Saying how he doesn't like me anymore." I saw the looks on their faces change. I smiled even more. "I got confused too. But, he had to tell me to shut up and he ended up telling me he loves me."

"Oh, my God! Did you tell him you love him back?" Cheryl said. I nodded. They were all super happy.

"You know, I didn't think you guys would be like this." I said.

"Like what?" Cheryl asked. I sighed.

"I thought if you found out I was in a relationship with a teacher that you would tell me how bad it is and I shouldn't be doing it. And that you would tell the school to get him in trouble." I admitted.

"No, absolutely not," Toni said. "We don't care who you're sleeping with. Older, younger. Poor, or rich. A girl or a guy. As long as you are loved and taken car of we don't mind. Especially with how you're parents treat you." I smiled and nodded.

"Speaking of your parents," Kevin said. "I think I saw them at Pops the other day. It was weird. I went in to pick up some food and for a split second I could have swore they were your parents." The two girls looked at me.

"Veronica, are your parents back in town?" Toni asked. I shook my head.

"If they are I wouldn't know about it." I lied. Why did I lie to her? I can tell them everything. Why do I lie when it comes to my problems?

This is not a very good chapter to start off this book again I'm sorry

But any chapter after this chapter there was trigger warnings involving, eating disorders, thoughts of suicide, somewhat mentions rape and abuse. You have been warned!

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