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Veronica's POV

For the last few days, I've found a lot of company and happiness through Archie. Well, some sort of happiness. Just something to keep me distracted for a few hours of the day. Him and Betty are in fact together. I'm happy for them. Although his is my ex boyfriend and I'm not exactly sure what she is right now, but I think we're becoming friends again. I kind of like that we are friends again.

We still have two months of school left. I can't wait to graduate and get our of here. Jughead hasn't been worrying about where I'm staying. I've stayed with Betty a few nights, or was only because she offered and it was really late. Cheryl, Toni and Kevin have tries to talk to me, but they'd want to talk about Jughead and I don't know exactly where me and him are right now. That's exactly what they'd want to talk about. I'm not sure what's going on on my life anymore, but it's all becoming so stressful. I guess thatd my fault for dating a teacher.

I'm with Betty and Archie at lunch. Also just trying to hide from the other three. They ask too much questions. Betty and Archie do too, but not as much.

"Veronica, are you okay?" Betty asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to make sure that the other three don't find me." I told her.

"Is it because you're hanging out with us? You should be able to hangout with who you want. They shouldn't control that." She said. I nodded in agreement. Just wait till you figure out who I'm dating. I'm not telling them anytime soon. Maybe sometime after we graduate. It wouldn't be as weird.

Once school was over, I was just peacefully standing at my locker, with Betty. I looked down the hall and saw Cheryl, Toni and Kevin going into Jughead's classroom. I looked at Betty. Thank God she didn't notice this.

"Hey, do you wanna get out of here. I just saw the three and I don't want them asking questions." I told her. She looked confused, but nodded. Once we were outside of school she asked me.

"Umm, does is seem like you are running away from those three? Why are they trying to question you?" She asked. I sighed.

"Its nothing. I've just been going through things and I haven't been wanting to talk to them." I told her. That's when she became worried.

"Wait," here is comes. "Are your parents back." I knew it.

"No, they were about three months ago. That's why I was gone for a while. The three helped me and I ended up in the hospital with cold problems and three cuts on my stomach. All three of them deep enough to give me permanent scars." I told her. She let our a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'm just glad they're gone now." She said. I nodded.

"Me too," I said. I looked down and grabbed her hand. She looked at me. I smiled. "We've been hanging out a lot lately. Can we just be bestfriends again?"

"I would really like that, Veronica." She said, smiling too. We walked to Archie's house. We just wanted to check up on him. He drove home of course.

"Hey, girls! Come in." He said. We walked in and everything was back to normal. It was me, Betty and Archie. Except they are the ones dating. I saw the smiles and the small stares they gave each other. And how both of their faces would turn really red whenever they were caught looking at the other. I'm happy for them.

Jughead's POV

I heard my classroom door open. I turned and saw Veronica's three little friends. I sighed a little.

"Yes, what do you three need?" I asked.

"What is going on between you and Veronica?" Toni asked. I sighed again.

"Its nothing," I told them.

"Well, it's got to be something if you two haven't been talking at all." Cheryl said.

"How would you even know that?" I asked her.

"We've seen the looks you give her. Did you guys break up?" She asked.

"No, not exactly." I mumbled.

"Then, why the hell is she talking to her ex boyfriend again?" Toni asked. They already know, I know they do.

"Also, Verokica told me She told you about the accidental kiss. I'm now starting to thinking you didn't react how she said you did." Kevin said. I sighed.

"Okay, yes, I got mad. Is that such a big deal?" I asked them. Toni scoffed.

"So, Veronica, your girlfriend who you love so much, just gets out of her abusive parents house, again! Stayed I the hospital for almost two months, again! She started helping her ex boyfriend with a drug addiction for her ex bestfriend, we all know she did that so they could be happy. Then, she's back with the stress of school and people just for you to get mad about some stupid, and meaningless kiss! Tell me is that fair to Veronica?" Toni said. She made a good point. God! How could I be this stupid?

"Do any of you know where she is?" I asked them. They all shook their heads. "I guess I'm waiting for her to finally come back."

"Wait, she hasn't been staying with you?" Cheryl asked.

"No, I thought she might have been staying with one of you three." I said. They all shook their heads, again. "Where the hell is she staying?"

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