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Toni's POV

I watched as Veronica stood at her locker. She quickly shut her locker, and started walking off. I looked at Kevin and Cheryl.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Kevin asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Yes! She's hiding things from us and I would like to know what it is, is that so much to ask?" I asked. They both looked down. "Exactly. Let's go!"

We had to be very discreet while following her. It was weird when I realized that she was going to hers. The other two looked at me.

"Really? You still think she's hiding things?" Cheryl asked. I looked at her, annoyed.

"Just wait. Someone might come. You never know, Cher." She nodded in agreement. "Yeah," and we waited some more.

"How long are we gonna stay here?" Kevin asked, as it, now, has been half an hour.

"I don't know. Maybe we could leave now," I muttered. Me and Kevin got up, but Cheryl grabbed both of our wrists and pulled us back down.

"Stay! She's coming out." She said. I looked and she was. But she had an bag. Like she was staying somewhere.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"Shh!" They both shushed. Then she was out of sight.

"What the hell is in the bag?" Kevin asked.

"Well, that's what I tried asking before you two rudely shushed me!" I said.

"Well, when did you text her? Sid she ever text you back?" Cheryl asked. I shook my head.

"No, she never texted back. I think she ignored me," I told them.

"Most likely," Cheryl said.

"Girls, let's go! She's gotten a few minutes head start right now. Let's at least try and get up to her." Kevin said. Cheryl and I nodded.

"Yeah, okay." We said and we found her again.

"Where the fuck could she be walking?" Cheryl asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I think I'm right. But I'm not sure if it's a lover." I said.

"Its a secret something alright," Kevin said.
We followed her all the way to the Southside.

"Why is she going on the Southside?" Cheryl asked, disgusted.

"Cher, you're a serpent." I reminded her.

"Yeah, but she isn't! What could she possibly need or want from here?" She asked.

"I don't know, don't ask me!" I said.

"Will you two shut up! Look!" Kevin said, pointing over. We looked over and saw her walking a trailer.

"What the hell?!" We all three said at the same time.

"Should we see who it is?" Kevin asked. Cheryl and I looked at each. I shrugged.

"I think we should," she said. Kevin nodded and they started walking to the trailer. I sighed.

"Hey, this was your idea!" Kevin reminded me.

"Yeah, I know, but I never thought this is how it would be going," I told him.

"Okay, how are we gonna see who she's with?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, Kevin, just follow me," Cheryl said. Kevin and I looked at each other before following her again. There was a small window that we could look through, which I knew would show into the small ass living room. We all three did and what we saw shocked us.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Cheryl mumbled.

"Oh, my god!" Kevin said.

"So I was right!" I said.

We saw her and Mr. Jones standing there, kissing. She was smiling and looked super happy. He looked really happy, too. We watched as they sat on the sofa. She cuddled closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her. They looked so adorable all cuddled up together like that.

"I can't believe this." Cheryl said.

"We better get out of here." Kevin said.

"Is this where she's staying?" I muttered.

"Well, of course it is! She's being all cuddly and lovey with each other in there. Who knows where else its been?" Cheryl said.

"Girls, let's go!" Kevin said. I turned around and realized he had already started leaving. We caught upto him.

I know I said if she was with a teacher and specifically him that I wouldn't care. But now that I know I'm right it just doesn't feel right anymore.

"What are we going to say to her tomorrow?" I asked. They both looked at me.

"We'll talk about it, but maybe it would be better if we could catch them together. It wouldn't be like we were following her. Because we were." Kevin said. "Let's just go think about this." I nodded.

"Okay," and that's exactly what we did.

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