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Bang Myeonji's POV

"Myeonji hurry up!" I could hear my brother shouting from outside my room while I'm fixing my uniform.

"What's taking you so long?" He couldn't wait anymore that he barged into my room.

"I'm done." I took my bag, wore my shoes and ran off outside.

"Yah! Wait for me." Now he's chasing my pace.

"You told me to hurry up." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me Myeonji." He reminded me.

"Yeah of course." I just shrugged and continued walking until we reached the bus stop.

"Are you excited on your first day?"

Right, my first day. Ever since our parents died, I left Chan here in Korea and went back home in Australia to live with grandma for a while.

"I guess." I answered honestly.

I can see worry in his eyes and when he was about to speak, we have arrived in our destination.

"I can't wait to introduce you to my friends but first let's get your timetable and know your room." Chan held my hand and dragged me to the Admin Office.

"Look its Chan oppa."

"Ugh why does he have to look handsome everyday."

"Who's that girl?"

"Look they're holding hands."

"Chan, are you that famous here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, kind of. My friends too." He chuckled.

"Then I guess, I'll have to stay away from you to avoid trouble." I tried to remove my hand from his grip but he tightens his hold.

"Nuh uh. You're my sister and I'm your brother so you and me are gonna stick to each other as if we're glued together." He smiled and soon we have arrived at the office.

"Fine." I sighed.

When we got out of the office after getting my timetable and knowing what room I am in. Someone came to Chan.


"Oh Han-ah. What's wrong? Did something happen again?" Chan looks unamused as if this something's happening every single day.

"Its Changbin hyung, again. Outside the cafeteria." The guy informed my brother.

"Han-ah would you mind bringing my sister to your classroom?"

"Your sister?" The guy looked at me and nodded.

"Don't worry Myeonji. He's your classmate. I'll talk to you later. Look after my sister Jisung!" Chan shouted as he ran towards the direction of the cafeteria, I think.

"So you're Chan hyung's sister. I'm Han Jisung, I'm your classmate too." He introduced himself.

"I'm Bang Myeonji." I introduced back.

"Don't be shy. We'll have lot of fun, I promise. Oh and we also have 6 other friends. 4 of them are our classmates. The 2 others are Chan hyung's classmates."

"I see. So, I'm guessing that Changbin guy is one of your friends."

"Yeah. He gets into trouble a lot. That's why Chan hyung is trying his best help him change his habit and his attitude."

"Oh why's that?" I can't lie that I'm not curious.

"Uh we really don't know. It just happened. Oh look we're here."

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now