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Bang Myeonji's POV

"We're back!" I shouted.

"They're back!" Jeongin shouted.

"Where's the food?" Felix asked.

"Here." Minho placed the food on the table and some of the boys gathered around it.

"Where's my stuff?" Han asked.

"I bought you something." I handed Han a bag.

"Wait I wasn't serio-"

"It was my own intention. I bought something for each and one of you." They're eyes lit up and lined up to get their stuff.

"For Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin, Minho, where's Chan and Changbin?" I asked them.

"They're in Chan hyung's room, busy making music." Jeongin said.

"If they're making music, why are you here Han?" I asked him.

"Well Jeongin shouted you came back so I came to see you, my bestfriend." Han hugged me suddenly which I gladly hugged back.

"Aw they look cute." Seungmin teased earning a light hit in the head from both Minho and Hyunjin.

"They're bestfriends, stop being so jealous over nothing." Seungmin complained.

I looked at the scenario confused.

I just decided to go meet the two people who hasn't gotten their stuff yet.

I knocked on Chan's door and heard a faint come in.

"Oh you're back." Chan said.

"Yeah and I got you something, and Changbin as well." I handed them the bags and let them look at it.

"Aw thanks sis."

"Thank you for this Myeonji." Changbin smiled at me and I smiled back.

"How's the music going?" I asked.

"Do you want to listen to it?" Changbin asked and of course, I'm curious so I nodded.

"Nope, I'll not let you listen to it." Chan opposed.

"What? Why?"

"Its still not finished and I want you to listen to it along with the others to be fair." Chan said.

"Aw. But I want to." I pouted.

"I'm sorry Myeonji. Chan doesn't want you to listen to it." Changbin apologized.

"Its okay. Chan it looks like it'll rain again soon. Did you get the clothes outside?" I asked him.

"Oh shoot. I forgot." Chan said.

I groaned in frustration and went outside his room.

"Han help me get the clothes from outside." I emotionlessly said and just went straight outside.

"Myeonji are you okay? You seem quite mad? Are you or are you not?" Han asked as we gather the clothes.

"Oh, I'm fine. Its just Chan we had a little argument over something small but it'll pass." I smiled and continued gathering the clothes.

"Done." I sighed.

"I'm tired. I'll be in my room if anyone's going to look for me." They nodded and they continued to plan out for the mv.

I would love to help but I suprisingly felt emotionally and physically tired all of a sudden.

Knock knock!

"Come in."

"Oh Hyunjin its you." I slowly sat up.

"I've bought something for you." He took out a phone case.

"Woah this is cute." I immediately replaced my old case with the new one that Hyunjin bought.

"Aw this is so cute. I like it." I keep on smiling and admiring it cause it was definitely so cute.

"I know and look." He raised his phone and I realized we have matching phone cases.

"Aw Hyunjin, this is so cute and we have matching cases. Thank you, I like it very much. Thank you." I gave him a hugged and also hugged me back.

"I'll go now." I nodded as he made his way out of my room.

I keep looking at the phone case Hyunjin bought me cause it really was cute.

I started to hear raindrops.

Why does it keep raining? Is there a typhoon?

I sighed, I'm predicting the same nightmare.

I just close my eyes and rest for a bit.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"Where's Myeonji?" Chan hyung asked as soon as he, Changbin hyung and Han left his room.

"She's resting hyung." I answered.

"Its raining again." Jeongin said.

"Yeah, I heard that there's a typhoon." Seungmin added.

"I'm glad we're staying here." Minho hyung said earning a glare from Chan hyung.

"For the project," he emphasized, "so that we won't be travelling in the rain to gather here." He continued.

"Oh by the way hyung did you know Myeonji has a friend aside from us." Minho hyung added.

"What do you mean?" Chan hyung looked at Minho hyung confused.

"His name was Haesun? What was his name again Hyunjin?"

"Its Haechan Minho hyung, not Haesun." I facepalmed.

"Really? Maybe I don't know that much about Myeonji when she stayed in Australia." Chan hyung sighed.

"We'll give some sibling time with her hyung don't worry." Jeongin said making Chan hyung smile a bit.

"Shouldn't we eat already?" Chan hyung asked us.

"Uh yeah, we bought food." I pointed at the food on the counter.

"I'll go get Myeonji." Changbin hyung said earning a nod from Chan hyung.

Changbin hyung and Myeojin looks like a thing but they said they aren't and are just friends like how Han and Myeonji is but something tells me otherwise and I don't know why.

"Hyunjin is jealous." Felix teased.

"Aish." I glared at Felix.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I felt my body being shaken up lightly.

I groaned since I want to sleep more and slowly opened my eyes.

"Binnie?" The nickname just slipped out of my mouth.

"Yeah, its me. We're about to eat or do you want to eat here in your room? I'll bring it to you if you want to eat here." He said.

I'm too lazy to get up and so I said that I'm going to eat in my room.

"Binnie, can you eat with me?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

Seo Changbin's POV

I went back to the kitchen and prepared Myeonji's food and mine as well.

I don't know why but I somehow felt some connection to her even though I have no feelings for her.

"Where's Myeonji?" Han asked.

"She said she wants to eat in her room." I said as I bring the tray with our food on it.

"And where are you eating?" Minho hyung asked.

"Myeonji asked me to eat with her in her room." I answered and went to Myeonji's room.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now