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Lee Minho's POV

After Chan hyung confirmed that we're done and that we'll continue tomorrow he suggested he'll treat everyone to dinner

I was about to approach Myeonji to say something to her but she ran off to.....


Bang Myeonji's POV

Finally we're done for today. Is this what being an idol feels like when theyre shooting a mv? Wow.

I stretch my body and ran towards Changbin, surprising him.


"You surprised me!" Changbin clutched onto his chest as if his heart was gonna burst anytime now.

I just laughed at his reaction.

"What is it Myeonji? You're not the type of person to surprise anyone without any reason." He said while chuckling.

"So how do you think did I do?" I asked him. I mean, I don't know why I'm asking him this but I just had the feeling to.

"What do you mean?" He tried to look confused even though his trying to control his smile.

"Oh come on Seo Changbin I know that you know what I'm talking about. Maybe I should try become an actress." I started to think.

"Myeonji, its just a mv shoot as a project. Why'd you suddenly want to become an actress?" He chuckled.

"I acted so great during the shoot. You saw it." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Come on help me pack up this stuff." I nodded and helped him in packing everything that need to be packed.

"Hey Myeonji, you did great." Minho approached me.

"Thanks Minho, you did great too and Hyunjin." I smiled sincerely.

Lee Minho's POV

Seeing how Myeonji ran to Changbin hurted me.

I was about to bring her to my favorite spot in the school and confess but I guess I'll have to wait tomorrow.

I looked at the two as they converse happily and finally, had the guts to join the two and approach Myeonji.

"Hey Myeonji, you did great." I complimented her.

"Thanks Minho, you did great too and Hyunjin." She smiled as she also looked at Hyunjin.

I looked at Hyunjin's direction to see him talking to Chan hyung and I looked back at Myeonji who was staring for a quite while now.

You like him don't you?

"Earth to Myeonji? Hello?" I waved my hand infront of her face.

"Uh what?"

"You've been staring at Hyunjin for a quite while now."  I chuckled.

"Did I? What!? I didn't know. Maybe I was unconciously staring at him while thinking of something." She defended.

"Yeah right." I scoffed then laughed.

I kicked the rock hard making it go away far and looked back to Myeonji who is now conversing with Chan.

You were really staring at him.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I didn't mean to stare at Hyunjin like really. I had something on my mind when it happened to be that I face Hyunjin and Chan's direction while thinking of it.

"Hey Chan, where are we gonna eat?" I clung onto Chan's arm and beside him is still Hyunjin.

"Where do you want to?" he asked back.

"I don't mind eating anywhere. But can we just buy food for take out and eat at home? I'm tired." I suddenly yawned making the two of them chuckle.

"Sure we can do that too." He ruffles my hair.

Time skip》

Ah finally! I miss my bed. I immediately plopped myself on my bed and hugged my pillows.

This is sooooooo-

Knock knock!

I looked at the door to see Hyunjin.

"Hi Myeonji. May I come in?" He asked and of course, since I'm not rude. I let him in.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I just missed seeing your face." He said as he lay down on your bed looking at the ceiling which is a good thing cause you can feel yourself blushing right now.

Ugh, damn you Hwang Hyunjin.

"For real what are you doing here?" I managed to speak.

"Let's go out." He said while looking at me.

"What? But Hyunjin aren't you tired?"

"Nope." Popping the P sound.

"Guess what I am." I pouted and just lay on my bed.

"Come on Myeonji let's go out." He pleaded.

"Hyujin I-"

"Jinie, time to eat!" Changbin came into the room shouting the nickname he made for me.

"Oh I didn't know you were talking to Hyunjin. Did I interrupt something? Should I-"

"Jinie?" Hyunjin looked at me confused.

"Its just a nickname he's calling me with." I said. He looked down and got up.

"Come on let's eat." He said before going outside bumping his shoulder unto Changbin.

"Uh what just happened?" Changbin looks lost which is cute. I giggled at his cuteness and realized what I just thought to myself. Oh my.

"Don't mind him Binnie let's go." I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the dining table.

The only seat left was beside Hyunjin and beside Felix but Changbin already took the seat. Guess I'll have to seat next to Hyunjin.

"We did well today." Chan spoke up.

"Of course, I planned it." Han proudly says earning a fake cough from Seungmin.

"We planned it." Seunmin rolled his eyes at Han.

"Hyunjin, Minho hyung and Myeonji did a great job actually." Felix commented.

"Yeah, you should've seen the look in their faces everytime we shoot." Jeongin added.

"What look?" I looked at them confused.

"Don't mind them." Minho chuckled then glared at the younger ones making them shut up.

I looked at Hyunjin beside me who is eating quietly.

I lighlty nudged at him and he looked at me confused. I just smiled and he just gave me a small smile.

I need to talk to Han after this.

Han Jisung's POV

After eating, Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix were assigned to clean up for tonight.

"Han Jisung, can I talk to you?" Myeonji suddenly approached me and it seems urgent.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at her concerned.

"No, I just need someone to talk to about this and you seem to be the best option I've got. I can't let Chan know about this for now." She whispered.

"I think Chan is starting to notice whatever you mean." She looked at me confused and followed my gaze to Chan looking at us weirdly.

"Hey hyung, me and Myeonji are just gonna have a bestfriend talk. Nothing serious." I smiled and he gave me a thumbs up.

I nod and pulled Myeonji to my shared room and closed the door, locking it because the last time we had a serious talk Seungmin came barging in without knocking.

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