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Bang Chan's POV

Where is Myeonji?

I keep walking back and forth in the living room. Its getting late and Myeonji isn't back yet.

"That's it. I'm going out to find her." I grab my coat and went out.


I saw Myeonji and Changbin holding hands completely unaware that they are going towards me.

"Oh gosh you surprised me!" Myeonji exclaimed as soon as she saw me.

"What is this?" I pointed to the two of them.

"Uh." Neither of them have the guts to speak first and I'm already sensing that something is going on between the two of them.

"Myeonji, Changbin, are you two together now?" I teasingly asked.

"None of your business Bang Chan."

"It is cause I'm your brother. I'll leave you two out here for awhile." I left the two outside and close the door.

Bang Myeonji's POV



"Bang Myeonji, I have fallen for you from the very start. When I realized that I have feelings for you, I gave you a cold shoulder because I'm aware of Minho hyung and Hyunjin's feelings. I've been telling myself that you deserve better, that you deserve either Minho hyung or Hyunjin, that they can make you happier than I can. That's why I've been avoiding you to avoid you from catching any feelings for me. But now, I realize after you outbursted in that cafe. I realized that no matter what, at the end of the day. You're still the person I fell in love with and that you actually fell for me." He explained.

I was totally speechless that I didn't notice that tears were slowly falling.

"Hey don't cry." Changbin said as he wipes my tear.

"I... I thought I did something wrong and you hated me. I keep on thinking everyday, asking myself what did I do for Changbin to give me a cold shoulder and avoid me." I started to sob as he brings me into his embrace.

"I'm sorry Jinie. I didn't mean to." He caresses my back as he comforts me.

"Don't you avoid me again. Please."

"I won't. Never again. I promise."

"Myeonji?" I hummed in respone.

"Will you be my mine?" I was taken back by Changbin's question.

"I mean you don't have to answer it right aw-"



"Yes Binnie, I'll be yours." I chuckled.

"Oh my, for real?!" I nodded.

Changbin hugged me tighlty and kissed my forehead.

"I promise, I'll always take care of you, I'll love you everyday, I'll always be here for you. Always." He looked at me and smiled.

"I promise it as well." I smiled back.

Flashback ended~

"I'll see you tomorrow in school okay?" I nodded.

"Go inside now, Chan hyung would probably ask some questions." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know how nosy my brother is. I'll get going now." I turned my back to him and walks towards the door.

I looked back to see Changbin smiling at me.

I smiled back and ran to him to give him a tight hug.

"Good night Binnie."

"Good night too Jinie." He kissed my forehead before leaving.

When I got in, Chan was already waiting for me by the door with a huge grin on his face.

"What happened?" Chan asked. I can notice that he has a lot of questions to ask.

"Us happened." I simply answered.

"You've got to tell me everything!" Chan dragged me to the couch in the living room.

"Uh what do you wanna know?"

"Everything obviously."

"Well I unconciously confessed to him since I suddenly outbursted at the cafe then I ran away then he followed me and said that he feels the same then he asked me to be his." I cut the story short because I know Chan would tease me a lot if he knows the details.

"Is that so?" Chan was doubting my story.

"Yeah that's it." I chucked nervously.

"I don' think that's it. Are you hiding something?" Chan teasingly asked.

"Of course not! Good night!" I immediately ran to my room to get away from Chan asking more questions.

The next day》

"Myeonji wake up." Chan is shaking my body harshly.

"Yah! That hurts." I groaned and got up.

"Come on, someone's waiting for you." He said while going out of my room.


After I did my morning routine, I went out to see...


He looked at me and smiled.

"What are you doing here early in the morning?"

"I'm going to school with you and Chan hyung silly." He chuckled.

He kissed my forehead and smiled.

"Gosh I can't believe my sister is now in a relationship. You better take care of her Changbin." Chan sternly said to Changbin.

"Of course hyung." He chuckles as he wraps his arm around me.

"Now let's go to school, we don't wanna be late."

In school

"Look she and Changbin oppa are holding hands."

"Are they a thing?"

"This is the first time I saw them holding hands."

"Some say they are dating."

When we arrived in school. Gossips started again and this time the topic is me and Changbin dating.

"Why is such a big deal to them?" I ftustratingly stated.

"I mean don't they get tired gossiping. Gosh, the last time I heard them gossip was when Chan held my hand as he was dragging me to the office to get my timetable and it was only the first day." I added.

"They're always like that. They can't help it." Changbin said and the two of them just shrugged and let the gossipers gossip.

The others approached us as soon as they saw us walking down the hallway.

"Hey Myeonji!" Han greeted me first.

"Hi Han Jisung!"

"Wow, the three of you came to school together. That's the first time." Han added.

"Uh yeah, Changbin came by this morning and went to school with us." Chan explained.

"Why would he co- oh my gosh! Look!" Seungmin pointed to Changbin and mine's hand intertwined with each other.

"Explain Bang Myeonji." Han said.

"Fine, we're together now." I proudly smiled at them.


Their reactions were priceless.

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