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Bang Myeonji's POV


I looked at up to see Changbin in all black.


He sat beside me and sighed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Myeonji, I'm sorry." He suddenly said which made me confused.

"What are you sorry for?"

"Let's break up."

After hearing those three words, I felt my heart being shattered to pieces.

"W-what? Changbin why!?" I felt my tears already falling down but I didn't bother to wipe them.

"I-I fell out of love. I don't feel the spark anymore though as if it just vanished into thin air. Look Myeonji, I'm really sorry." He says as he tried to hold my hand but I shook my head.

"No, Changbin. We could still try." I said as my voice cracked.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." He immediately stood up but I grabbed his wrist.

"Changbin, please stay."

Those were the exact same words I keep on saying to him whenever I have nightmares.

I wish this was just a nightmare and that I would wake up soon, but its not.

Changbin left me there to cry alone.

Time Skip 》

I went home, with puffy eyes. People on the streets are giving me looks but I don't care.

When I got home, I immediately pack my things and booked a flight back to Australia. Sam isn't back from work yet.

Here I am, running away from pain again. First, my parents' death I went back to Australia. Second, Jaemin's death I went back here and now this break up with Changbin, I'm running away again back to Australia.

I wrote a letter for Chan and Sam to read. Chan went out with the boys that's why he isn't here at the moment.

After packing, I left the house and hailed a cab to the aiport.

I don't know when I'll be back. Maybe never.

Bang Chan's POV

When I got home, I was greeted by a crying Sam on the couch.

"Sam. Why are you crying? What happened?"

She didn't reply but instead she gave me a piece of paper. I looked at her confused but I took it from her grasp and read it.

Hey Chan and Sam. When you're reading this I'm prolly already on my flight going back to Australia. I know you're curious to what happened and that you'll worry especially you Chan. Please don't worry about me and continue your dream. You guys are about to debut right? I'll support you and the others and well maybe Changbin as well. Uhm, Changbin and I broke up earlier today. He said his feelings were gone and that he didn't felt any spark between us anymore as if it vanished to thin air. Chan please don't hate on or punch Changbin. For you, he might deserve it but please just don't hurt him and let it slide since you two belong in a group and bound to debut soon. Sam-ah stay strong with Minho okay? If he hurts you tell me right away and I will kill him. Just kidding, but seriously don't let him hurt you just like how Changbin did to me. Keep your spark and continue to love one another. Chan and Sam, I'll be fine don't worry. I don't know when I'll be back, maybe never but I don't know yet. I'll be staying at grandma's again. I love you both.



Chan don't, don't, don't hurt Changbin. I don't want you two to be awkward since it'll hurt the fans when you guys debut. I love you oppa. Take care. I'm sorry I have to run away from pain again. I just can't face it at the moment.

My tears fell on the paper as I finished reading it.

"Sam, can you please follow Myeonji in Australia? I want to make sure. If its okay with you?"

"I would follow her Chan, don't worry. I'll book a flight now as well. I'll keep you updated at all times." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Should we tell the boys?" She asked.

I shook my head, "They'll notice it. I have to go."

"Where are you going?" She asked but I didn't bother to answer as I stormed out of the house and drove to Changbin's apartment.

Once I arrived, I pounded on the door hoping that he would open it up soon or else I'm gonna kick this door down.

The door opened up to see Han.

"Jisung what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh, Felix, Seungmin and I came over here because we were trying to write lyrics. I mean I'm supposed to be the only one coming but Felix and Seungmin insisted. What are you doing here hyung? And you seem mad. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Where's Changbin?"

"He's in the living room." He answered as I went inside approaching Changbin giving him a punch right away.

I'm sorry Myeonji, I can't promise it. It hurts me knowing that he hurted you just like that when you loved him for too long.

"How could you!?" I was about to throw another punch but Seungmin and Han stopped me since they were closer to where I am standing.

"Hyung clam down." Felix came between me and Changbin.

"Because of you she left! Because of you she ran away! Again!" I continued shouting at him and all he did was look to the ground.

"What do you mean?" Han looked at me confused.

"Myeonji left Korea right away after this guy broke up with her earlier. Myeonji was in pain that's why she ran away. How could you Seo Changbin!? How could you break my sister's heart when you promised you would take care of her or never hurt her!?" I continued to point at him at the moment, Han let go of me and decided to throw Changbin a punch as well but Felix stopped him.

"Jisung stop!" Felix shouted at him hoping that he would listen.

"How could you hurt her!? You... you said you'll always love her and now what!?" Han shouted.

"I'm sorry." Was all he can say as tears fall down from his face.

I can't forgive you but I have to for the sake of the group and for our dream to debut.

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