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Bang Chan's POV

It has been 45 mins. and they're not back yet. I keep walking back and forth in the kitchen hoping that they'll come back anytime soon.

"Hyung stop worrying. I'm pretty sure Myeonji found Jisung already and that they-" Minho was cut off when Myeonji and Han appeared.

"Myeonji!" I immediately ran to her and hug her.

"Oppa, I can't breathe."

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just worried. Han are you okay?" My attention turned to Han and he nodded.

"What happened to the two of you?" I asked them.

"We had an arguement but we're fine now." Han answered while placing his arm around Myeonji's neck.

"Yup we're good now." She chuckled.

"Can someone tell me why Han's arm is around Myeonji's neck? Wait are you?" Felix asked.

"What the hell!? Why does everyone I'm close to gets to be asked if we are a thing. I repeat I like all of you as my friends and brothers, nothing more than that. I'm tired of hearing those same questions from you guys." Myeonji snapped.

Bang Myeonji's POV

Oh my. What have I done again? This is my unluckiest day ever.

I looked at Hyunjin and he seemed to be hurt from what I said.

"I didn't mean to. It was just ugh, nevermind. I'm going to bed. This is driving me crazy." I mumbled the last part as I walk towards my room.

I jumped onto my bed and screamed on my pillow.

Gosh, what is happening?

Knock knock!

"Come in."

I looked at the door and it was Hyunjin.

I suddenly felt sad and guilty from what I said earlier. But it isn't my fault. They were all like wanting me to end up with someone.

"Hyunjin about earli-" he cut me off and sat infront of me on my bed.

"Myeonji, I know you didn't mean to but I won't give up." I looked at Hyunjin's face and saw determination.

"I'm gonna prove my feelings for you. Just give me a chance. Then I'll accept whatever your decision is." He said.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings anymore and so I nodded.

"Give me a month or so then its decision time, if you ever had feelings for me or not even a slight bit." He said.

"Okay, a month." I smiled.

"Thank you." Hyunjin smiled back and kissed my forehead for like 5 seconds or more until it was interrupted by someone who just came in.

"Did I interrupt something?" Chan asked.

"Uh no." Hyunjin answered and got up.

"What is it Chan?" I asked.

"I need a talk with just the boys so you stay here okay?" I nodded and off Hyunjin and Chan go.

Bang Chan's POV

"So what did you and Myeonji talk about?" I asked him since he looked down.

"Oh uhm. I don't really wanna talk about it." He answered.

I respected his decision and we walk together towards the living room.

"What's with the sudden meeting?" Jeongin asked.

"I've got a weird feeling about this." Seungmin said.

"We all heard Myeonji's word earlier right?" I asked them and they nodded.

"I know we love to tease each other but can we leave Myeonji out of the teases. She's getting uncomfortable of it already." I added.

"Unless if she has someone already then we can tease her." I suggested.

"So no teasing Myeonji to one of us until she finds someone?" Han asked.

"Yah! What kind of brother are you!?" Minho said.

"Yah! I'm you're hyung!" I retorted back.

"That's just it. Back to whatever you guys are doing." I dismissed them and they have acted like no meeting happened.

"Hyung." Hyunjin catched up on me.

"I'm actually courting Myeonji." He whispered, my eyes widened.

"And what did she say?" I asked him.

"She said its okay for her but only for a month because I don't want to push her and let time do its work." Hyunjin answered.

"I'm glad its like that Hyunjin." I smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

I walked to Myeonji's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Are you not going to eat?" I asked as I sat on her bed.

She got up and shook her head.

"But skipping meals is bad."

"But I'm not hungry. I lost my apettite." She said while going back to lying down.

"You know Hyunjin talked to me about what you two talked about earlier before I interrupted."

"Are you okay with it?" I asked.

"I mean yeah, kind of. I don't know what it actually feels like to have someone who have feelings for you and I don't know if I'll like him back but I'd like to give him a chance." She smiled.

"Well I like you." I pouted.

"You're my brother so you're exempted." She chuckled.

"Its still raining, if you have troubles sleeping or if you're hungry I'll be just in my room arranging the music and add final touches for our shooting tomorrow." I said and she nodded.

"Good night Yeonie~" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Good night oppa~" she smiled back.

Yeonie was Myeonji's nickname during our childhood years.

Time Skip》

Bang Myeonji's POV

I woke up from a nightmare again.

I can feel my sweats rolling down my face.

"Why do you always appear in it Jaemin?" I mumbled.

I still wasn't hungry but I'm pretty sure I'll be having a hard time going back to sleep.

I keep on turning and turning and got up.

"Ugh this is really driving me crazy!"


"Its still raining, if you have troubles sleeping or if you're hungry I'll be just in my room arranging the music and add final touches for our shooting tomorrow."

Flashback ended~

I remembered Chan's words to me and so I decided to see him.

I went out of my room quietly and made my way towards Chan's room. When I was about to knock, I was hesitating.

Chan is probably still busy right now preparing the song for tomorrow and if I interrupt him, it'll end up as a pending work of his, I thought.

I dropped my hand and decided not to disturb him anymore.

There's still one person whom I know I can go to at times like this.

I looked at his room and walked towards it.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now