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2 years later》

Stray Kids debuted successfully and garnered loving fans from all around the world which they named Stays.

Myeonji is leaving happily with her grandma and Sam, who followed her to Australia right away.

Sam and Myeonji would sometimes facetime Chan when he's not busy and would catch up things.

Chan misses her sister so much that one time he opened to her about coming back but he can see in Myeonji's eyes that she is hesitating.

Changbin and Chan are quite in good terms for the moment since they don't want to worry the fans but Chan hasn't totally forgiven Changbin as he still hates him for hurting his little sister.

Han, Myeonji and Felix are still best of friends and would sometimes facetime as well when they have time.

"Don't you wanna go back?" Sam asked as she takes a sip of her bubble tea.

"I don't know. But I miss Korea, Chan, Han, Felix, Hyunjin and the others." I answered her question.

"We can always go back when you're ready." Sam gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you Sam, for being always there for me and you even followed me back here that very day." I chuckled.

"Of course, its what friends are for and Chan wanted me to follow you here just to be sure and for you to be still in contact with him."

"How are you and Minho?" I asked.

"He's still such an idiot and a meanie but a cute and loving one. I still remember how Hyunjin looked scared whenever he teases Minho." She said which made both of us laugh.

"I'm glad you two are still strong and together." I tried to sound cheerful but failed.

"You two would've been strong and together as well if he isn't just a- ow!" I kicked her leg under the table to prevent her from ranting about him again.

"But I'm serious, he was definitely a jerk back then and there when he broke up with you. What could've happen if you ended up with Hyunjin? Knowing that he still had feelings for you back then." Her question made me quiet.

What could've been happen?

Would I still be in Korea right now?

If I gave him a chance, would I still be in a relationship right now and is happy with him?

"Myeonji? Earth to Myeonji." I noticed Sam waving her hand infront of me.

"You were spacing out. What were you thinking about?" She asked.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Oh we need to go back now, grandma might be waiting for us already." She nods at my statement and gets inside the car.

"I'll drive." She insisted.

"No, let me. Its my car anyways." I playfully rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

We were jamming to Stray Kids songs when suddenly...

"Myeonji watch out!"

It was too late, I didn't see it coming. The truck suddenly lose control hitting us. I immediately shielded Sam and hit my head hard in the process.

"Myeonji?" Sam breathed out and panicked when she saw her friend shielding her with blood dripping from her head.

"No, no, no."

Soon, rescue came. Sam wasn't injured that much since Myeonji shielded her.

"You're lucky you have a friend like her. She'll make it don't worry." The medic smiled at her as she get on the ambulance.

Sam dialed Myeonji's grandma and told her the news.


Chan was practicing with the others when he received an urgent call and immediately excused himself.

When he answered the call, he felt something was not right at the moment.

"Chan, Myeonji..." the other line couldn't speak properly as it continue to sob.

"What happened to her?" He is so worried right now upon hearing his sister's name.

"Myeonji and I got into a car accident. I'm not that much hurt but Myeonji..." there was a pause. "She shielded me from the impact and is now inside the operating room. Chan I'm sorry I couldn't protect her."
She continues to sob as the memories from the crash earlier came flashing back.

"At least you're okay, Myeonji would be happy to know that. Please update me with my sister's status. Please. I don't wanna lose her for real." Chan couldn't stop his tears from falling.

"We won't lose her Chan. Have faith. She's a fighter, we all know that." She tried to comfort Chan during the call.

"I gotta go now, the doctor came out." The line ended and  Chan's heart beated faster. Nervous and worried about her sister.

"Relative of patient Bang Myeonji." The doctor announced making Sam walk infront of him.

"How is she?" She asked worriedly.

"She's fine now, but since she hit her head during the impact. I'm sad to say she might have memory loss when she wakes up."


"Chan, she's now okay and awake but..."

"But what?"

"She lost her memories."


"I don't know how far she can remember. But she doesn't seem to know any of the boys. She knows Haechan, me, you, your grandma, and Jaemin. She thinks we were in Australia this whole time."

"We can't tell the boys."

"What? Why?"

"We just can't and don't tell Myeonji anything about them. I don't want her to remember those painful moments she had with him, though most memories of the boys are happy. I just want her to start fresh and new again."

"What are you saying?"

"Come back to Korea with her."

"Do you think she'll go?"

"I'm sure she will."


Author's Note:

Finally! On Track (바보라도 알아) has come to an end. Thank you to those readers who have read this and supported this story.

I never expected that I would be writing a story after The Nerd in Disguise (Kim Taehyung Fanfic). If you haven't read my other stories yet ,Changing a Playboy 1 and 2 (Jeon Jungkook Fanfic), make sure to check it out.

I hope you will continue to show the same support for my upcoming stories.

Thank you!


The pandemic still hasn't ended and I hope you are safe. Don't go out of the house unless it is really important and necessary. Always wash your hands and don't forget to use alcohol before and after you touch some stuff your about to use and used.

Stay healthy and eat proper balanced meal, stay fit  and exercise daily.

This will all end soon. Just pray, hope and have faith.

God bless and keep safe ❤

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now