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Meanwhile at the dining table
right after Changbin entered
Myeonji's room

Bang Chan's POV

"Is it just me or that Changbin and Myeonji seems to be more than friends?" Minho questioned.

"They're just friends Minho." I said.

"But they act like a couple hyung." Han said.

"Let's trust them okay. If they are a couple I'm sure Myeonji and Changbin would tell us so."

"And let's just be thankful because Myeonji brought back the old Changbin and maybe that's what brought them closer." I added.

They all nodded and continued to goof around while eating.

Lee Minho's POV

I'm not gonna lie but I kinda feel quite jealous of Changbin.

I know Changbin knows about my feelings but it seems like him and Myeonji have something going on between them.

I can't help but notice that they're so close. I bet they're closer than how Myeonji and Han are.

Seo Changbin's POV

"You're brother seems to be worried about you." I opened up.

"How do you say so?"

"Well, its because he hasn't seen you for years and he's probably wondering what happened to you and how were you doing back in Australia."

"Oh, I just don't want him to know yet." She mumbled.

"Know what?"

"Uh nothing." She tried to smile it off.

"Its raining again. Do you think you will have a good sleep?" I asked.

"How did you know I'm having trouble sleeping when it rains?"

"Well the last time, it did rain. I just noticed and you just confirmed to me just now." I answered.

"I guess." She looked down.

"Your brother and I are always here for you if you're having a hard time sleeping. Okay?"

"Okay Binnie." She smiled a bit.

We continued to eat in silence until we finished eating.

"Thank you for eating with me Binnie." She smiled.

"You're welcome." I stood up, arranged our plates and before I left, I kissed Myeonji on the forehead and went outside the room.

Bang Myeonji's POV

The forehead kiss was a familiar feeling but I don't remember when.

I just smiled at the feeling and decided to rest.

Ugh why am I like this? Why am I feeling emotionally and physically tired when I didn't do much today.

The rain is troubling me.

Seo Changbin's POV

"How is she doing?" Chan hyung asked.

"She's fine but she seems tired." I answered.

"Hyung I realized that you trust me too much when its about Myeonji. Why is that? Its just that I can't help but notice." I asked.

"Uh instinct? But I really do trust you Changbin." He chuckled and went back to the others to discuss again about the mv.

After washing the plates, I went to the others as well.

"So tomorrow we'll be starting to compose. We're lucky cause we were given a week to do this and luckily no classes so that we can shoot it off or on campus." Minho hyung explained.

"So the next day possoble we'll record everything." Chan hyung said and everyone nodded.

"Chan hyung, Han and I are almost finished making the music." I informed them.

We continued to discuss for the mv as well for 3 more hours.

3 hours and 30 mins. later》

Bang Chan's POV

"Its getting late, you all should sleep already. Han and Changbin, in my room after this. I'll go and check on Myeonji." I said.

"Have a good sleep guys." Minho said.

"Finish the music soon so that you three could sleep as well." Felix said and the three of us nod.

I went to Myeonji's room and knocked but there was no reply.

I slowly opened the door and see Myeonji sleeping peacefully. I'm glad she's not having any troubles sleeping.

I went closer to her and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Myeonji."

"Binnie?" She slowly opened her eyes and realized who  she was talking to.

"Uh Chan. Hey. I thought it was Changbin." She awkwardly greeted me as she mumbles the last part but I heard her. So I decided to tease her.

"So Binnie hmm. Who's Binnie?" I teased.

"No one. I'm going to sleep. I just suddenly felt tired." I nodded and walked towards the door when suddenly...

"Goodnight oppa."

I froze.

Its been a long time since she called me oppa. The last time I heard her say that was before our parents death and when she went back she never called me oppa anymore.

I just smiled and slowly closed the door of her room and silently went to mine to see Han and Changbin working on the music.

"Hyung why are you smiling like that?" Han asked.

"Uh nothing. I just remembered something." I chuckled.

"Now let's work on the music." I said and they nodded.

2 hours later》

Bang Myeonji's POV


"When I die, I don't want you to cry. I want you to be happy because finally you could say that I'm no longer in pain."

"Jaemin is there something wrong? Are you having troubles? Jaemin tell me if something is bothering you. I can help. You sound like you're gonna die. Please don't it scares me." .

"No I won't die Myeonji. Its just like a heads up you know. We never know when our time will come."

"Don't die please. Don't leave me."

"No I won't."

"Jaemin, he's dead."


"Jaemin!" I shouted and soon Chan barged in my room.

"Myeonji are you okay?" Chan hugged me as I started to cry.

"Shhh, let it all out. Just cry." Chan caressed my back as I continued crying on his chest.

When I was quite done crying, I release myself from Chan's grip and wiped my tears.

"Mind telling me what is it about?" Chan asked.

"I can't tell you yet. I'm sorry Chan." He understood what I meant and just continued to comfort me.

"Can you stay here?" I asked him.

"Sure, I'll always be here." Chan joined me in my bed and cuddled with me.

"Its been so long since I cuddled with you." He chuckled.

"Yeah." I slowly close my eyes and fell asleep.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now