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Bang Myeonji's POV

"Now spill." Han is now sitting infront of me, anticipating my next words.

"So you knew Hyunjin confessed right?" He nods.

"And you knew that I gave him a chance to prove his feelings for a month or so right?" He shook his head.

"Wait I didn't tell you?" He nods.

"Aish, I guess I forgot. Its just that Hyunjin wanted to prove his feelings to me for a month or so and I still can't return his feelings. He'd accept and respect whatever my decision is." I explained.

"And? What else do you want to say? I'm here to listen." Jisung said.

"Well, lately Hyunjin has been making me blush for a couple of times today." I said which made Han widen his eyes and smile while clapping his hands as if his excited.

"Why are you acting like that?" I look at him weirdly.

"You might have feelings for him." He stated so fast.

"What? That's impossible. Blushing is just normal for all of us." I chuckled.

"Did your heart beat fast or skip a beat when he's around or when you're blushing?" Han asked.

I thought about it and realized no, so I shook my head.

"Well, that concludes it. You have no feelings for Hyunjin, for now. I guess." Han just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay? I guess that's it. I'll talk to you again if ever." I smiled to him and walked towards the door. As I was walking out I bumped into someone.

"Oh Binnie." I said as soon as I notice who the person is.

"Binnie?" Han followed me from behind and had the same reaction as Hyunjin earlier.

"Uhm, what were you doing in Jisung's room alone with him?" He asked me.

"Don't think like that hyung. She's just my bestfriend and we're having a bestfriend talk. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll bring Myeonji with me cause we have something to do." Han clung onto my arm and pulled me away from Changbin.

I chuckled at Changbin's reaction. Totally lost Seo Changbin.

I turned my attention to Jisung who is dragging me along to Seungmin's  shared room.

"Why are we going in Seungmin's room?"

"Oh we the '00 liners and Jeongin are watching a movie and I thought you should join us."

We went inside the room to see Seungmin and Jeongin fighting over which movie to watch, Felix was on his phone and Hyunjin was reading a book.

"Myeonji!" Jeongin shouted making everyone in the room look at me.

"Oh you're joining us too?" Seungmin excitedly asked.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. Han invited me."  I chuckled and went to sit next to Hyunjin.

He didn't bother to look at me nor say hi. It kind of saddens me since we're actually good friends, well for me we're friends.

"Hyunjin~" I playfully poked his cheek until he notices me.

"What?" He's tone wasn't the usual sweet and cheerful one but rather it was kind of cold.

"Hyunjin why are you like that?" I asked him right away.

"What?" He asked back and continue to focus on the book.

"Hyunjin tell me what's wrong. You're making me worried." He looked at me and just stand up to leave the room.

"What's up with him?" Felix asked.

"I'm gonna go check him out." I followed Hyunjin out of the room.

"What's up with her?" Seungmin asked.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

Ugh why am I like this?

I mean Myeonji and I aren't together and she doesn't even have the same feelings for me.

I ran out to the park me and Myeonji just went to and sat at the same bench under the tree.

You're jealous Hwang Hyunjin, that's what it is.

Why would you be jealous when you two are not even a thing?

Those words keep ringing in my head and its quite disturbing until I heard her voice.

"Hyunjin?" I looked up to see Myeonji standing infront of me.

"Tell me what's wrong." She sat beside me and my eyes never left hers.


"You what?"

"I guess I was jealous." I said the words right away.

"Of me and Changbin?" I nodded.

"Changbin and I are just friends Hyunjin. He's really like a brother to me." She smiled which made my heart skip a beat. Her smiles literally light up my world, she have the most beautiful smile.

"We need to go back." I nod and held her hand which she didn't mind.

Time skip》

Bang Myeonji's POV

I went to my bed getting ready to sleep when I suddenly heard familiar sounds on the roof.

I sighed, its raining again.

"You can do this Myeonji. You don't need to bother Changbin or Chan tonight." I took a deep breath before lying down and closing my eyes to sleep.

Seo Changbin's POV

Its raining again.

I tried to close my eyes to sleep but I just can't.

I can't stop thinking and worrying about Myeonji tonight.

I sat up on my bed thinking if I should go check on you or not.

"Chan would probably be there to check up on her time to time." I mumbled to myself.

I close my eyes again hoping to finally get some sleep but all I can see is Myeonji's face crying and sweating from a nightmare.

I groaned and decided to check up on her.

Knock knock

I lightly knocked on her door and there was no response so I slowly opened her door and closed it when I came inside.

I walked to her side and noticed that she's starting to have nightmares again and so I slowly woke her up to avoid the nightmare.

"Jinie wake up." She started to stir in her sleep, still eyes closed.

"Jinie wake up." I said one more time. She opened her eyes slowly and I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.


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