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Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"Hey Myeonji!" The boys and I greeted her back.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Hyung, you're staring." Jeongin said brought me back to my senses.

"Where are your dates Felix, Han, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin?" She looked at us confused.

"We decided not to bring one." Han answered.


"We wanted to have fun without thinking about or worrying about the safety of our dates." Seungmin explained.

"But guys this is a once in a lifetime event, how could you not bring dates?"

"Because the girl I'm supposed to be asking has one already." I mumbled and luckily no one heard that.

"Anyways, Chan hyung who's the girl?"

"That's Chan's crush." Myeonji spilled the tea.

"Yeonie~" Chan hyung complained.

"I want to introduce Lee Hyeran."

"Hello." She shyly greeted us but we greeted her in a very chaotic way like how we really are which made her laugh and loosen up a bit around us.

My gaze went back to Myeonji who is happily talking to Jeongin while Changbin hyung is holding her hand.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I stood up and left the table.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"You wanna dance for a bit?" Changbin whispered and I nodded.

We both stood up and excused ourselve from the guys and gals as we walked to the middle of the dance floor.

He place his hands on my waist and I placed mine's on his neck.

"Myeonji, you know you look really stunning tonight." He suddenly complimented me.

"And you look dashing Binnie." I chuckled.

"I still can't believe your mine." He pressed his forehead against mine.

"I still remember how I dragged you to the clinic." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I was kinda annoyed to how you acted to me that day because no one has ever done that to me not even your brother nor the others."

"Really? I never knew that."

I mean I know that they would tell you to go to clinic but you're such a hard headed person Binnie.

We silently danced slowly to the music, just enjoying each other's presence was enough.

"I love you Bang Myeonji."

"I love you too Seo Changbin."

He gave me a quick kiss before leaving to get us some drinks when suddenly Hyunjin came and danced me.

"Hey Hyunjin."

"Hi Myeonji. I just wanted to tell you that you look so damn beautiful. If only I tried harder to win you." He said which made me confused that's when I realized.

"Hyunjin, how many have you drank?"

"Only a little."

Yup, he's definitely drunk.

"Hyunjin why don't you sit for awhile." I tried to walk him back to the table but he pulled me away from the crowd and out of the venue.

"Hyunjin we should go back." I tried dragging him back inside but he's so stubborn.

"Let's stay here for awhile please." He said as he sat down on the bench.

"But Changb-"

"Forget about him for awhile." Something in his voice tells me that he still hasn't forgot his feelings for me.

"Hyunjin, tell me the truth." I said as I sat next to him.

"Do you still perhaps like me?" I asked the question right away.

"No I don't." His answer made me sigh a relief but I didn't expect an upcoming answer he was also about to say.

"I love you. Heck I still love you even you rejected me. Should I have tried harder back then? If I did would you choose me rather than Changbin hyung?" His question made me quiet.

Even though he did tried harder or not. I would still unconciously fall for Changbin.

"Why can't it be me Myeonji? I was there the whole time for you. Those times that Changbin hyung ignored you. Those times that you would cry over something small or stupid things or even cried about your grades. I was there. When you were down, I was still there and helped you up. But why can't it be me?"

Drinking too much for sure can make people say things that is buried deep and don't have the courage to speak out and let it all out.

How can I handle this situation?

I was totally speechless with his outburst. I don't know how to react nor to respond. Until I felt his hand caress my cheek.

"I love you, but why?" He looked at me, his eyes telling me that he is hurt so bad.

Then next thing I know, his lips were on mine.

I froze.

Why can't I push him away?

I was too shocked to react, to move.

Push him Myeonji before any misunderstanding arises.

My mind is telling me the thing I should do but why can't I.

Seo Changbin's POV

When I went back to where I left Myeonji earlier she wasn't there.

Maybe she went back to the table and rested for while.

When I went back to the table, she was also not there.

Where could she be?

"Is something wrong Changbin?" Chan hyung asked when he noticed that I have a worried look on my face.

"Have you seen Myeonji?" I asked him.

"Weren't she dancing with you?" He asked back.

"She was. But I left to get drinks and when I came back she was no longer right where I left her. I thought she maybe she came back here to the table to rest or something. But she isn't here as well so where could she be?" I explained.

"Maybe she went to the restroom." Hyeran noona said made me calm down a little.

"Maybe." I sat on one of the chairs and waited and waited and waited but she still isn't back.

"I'll go look for her." I immediately stood up.

"I'll go with you." Chan hyung said.

"No, stay with noona."

"Its fine Changbin, she is Chan's sister. We need to find her." She stood up and we looked around for her.

I decided to look outside and what I saw broke my heart into pieces. I curl my fingers into a fist as the sight infront of me continue.

It was Myeonji and Hyunjin kissing.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now