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Bang Chan's POV

"And we're finally done!" Han exclaimed as the three of us stretched our body from sitting and making music.

Knock knock!

"Come in."

"Hey Chan, oh hi Jisung and Changbin." Myeonji came in and greeted us.

"Can I talk to Chan? Alone. Please."

Han and Changbin exchange glances and nodded.

Before Changbin left the room he whispered something to Myeonji and she nodded.

As soon as they are both out. Myeonji sat on my bed and started to speak.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is this about?"

"Its about why I shouted last night and would have trouble sleeping when it rains."

I sat beside her ready to listen to whatever she's about to say.

Han Jisung's POV

"What do you think they're going to talk about?" I asked.

"Let's not bother to think about that." Changbin hyung answered.

"Where is Chan hyung and Myeonji?" Seungmin asked as soon as we arrived at the living room.

"They're having a sibling talk right now." I answered.

"Is something wrong?" Jeongin asked and we both just shrugged at his question.

Time skip》

Bang Myeonji's POV

After talking to Chan, he hugged me and thanked me for telling him everything that have happened to me in Australia.

"I'm glad you opened up to me Myeonji. I was worried."  Chan said.

"Haechan and Changbin convinced me that I should tell you already." I said.

"I'm starting to feel like you and Changbin are a thing."

"No we're not. Chan we're just friends. You know I have never been into any relationship since birth, and even when I was in Australia." I defended.

"Whatever you say Myeonji. But you gotta know your feelings soon cause some might get hurt because of it and if you and Changbin do end up together, you better tell me first. Okay?" I nodded.

"But I'm pretty sure we won't cause we're just friends."

"Don't speak way ahead of yourself. I know something that you don't." He chuckled.

I looked at him confused. I wanna know what he is talking about. But knowing Chan, he would only tell me what it is about only when it is necessary.

The two of us went of the room and helped in composing with the others. I sat beside Jeongin and looked at everyone who's working hard.

"What have you composed Jeongin?"

"I'm still thinking but Han hyung, Minho hyung, Hyunjin hyung and Changbin hyung has already written something. Maybe you should check theirs." Jeongin suggested and I nodded.

"What is the song about?" I asked them cause I just realized that I literally had no idea what the song is really about.

"It talks about how a person should've confess his/her feelings before its too late." Minho answered.

"That's a good concept and how exactly would the mv be like?" I more curious on how we'll shoot the mv.

"Well, we've talked about that as well and we say that two boys are fighting over one girl but either of them can confess to her but they're actions already says everything about their feelings." Chan answered.

"And I'm guessing that the girl would be played by me since I'm the only girl here." i chuckled.

"You could say that." Han said.

I peeked over Changbin's composition and I'm quite amazed with what he wrote.

Even a fool knows this
I don't have anything for you
Back towards you
One more step, I will never stop
You can't turn around

I know I'm a fool
I can't live without you
Back towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I'll always be on track

"I honestly could actually feel the lyrics. Are you really this good at composing?" I softly asked him.

"I guess. It actually just goes with the concept." He replied.

Everyone seems busy and I also helped by correcting and suggesting some words to their lyrics.

5 hours later》

Finally we're done.

Its already 7pm and we still haven't eaten yet.

"Imma head out and buy food for all of us. Who's with me?" Felix asked.

"I'm going with you. Jeongin you're coming with us." I immediately stood up and dragged Jeongin with me as we left the house.

Han Jisung's POV

"Woah, Myeonji picked Jeongin over me. I'm hurt."

"Don't be so dramatic." Hyunjin rolled his eyes at me.

"Says the real drama queen." I teased.

"Why did Myeonji dragged Jeongin anyways?" Seungmin asked.

"Maybe she loves him more than me, her bestfriend." I made a crying face but Minho hyung lightly hit my head.

"You look ugly like that." He chuckled.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Why did you drag me with Myeonji? I wanna stay back there." Jeongin pouted.

"Cause I never got the chance to be with you two." I chuckled at Jeongin's cuteness.

"Felix what food are we gonna buy?" I asked Felix who is walking ahead of us.

"Wait up hyung." Jeongin complained.

"Well, I know a place where all of us agree to eat food from." He said.

"Oh right that Chicken place." Jeongin said.

"Yeah that Chicken place." Felix confirmed.

The three of us joked around while on our way to the chicken place Felix and Jeongin mentioned.

30 mins. later》

"We're back!" I shouted.

"What took you so long?" Chan asked.

"Oh, we bought drinks as well. Han messaged me to buy drinks." I answered.

"Han Jisung." Chan called out Han's name while glaring at him.

Han just awkwardly chuckled at Chan.

"Just tonight." Chan said and everybody cheered.

"But we have recording tomorrow." I said.

"They'll be fine. We still have 5 more days. Don't worry." Minho reassured me.

"Then let's eat!" The '00 liners shouted and everybody started to dig in.

I slowly went to Changbin's side and tapped his shoulder.

"I've got you this. I remembered that you liked it so I bought it. It just happened that it was close to that chicken place we bought food from for tonight." I said.

The surroundings suddenly become quiet only for me to realize that they were all looking at us.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now