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Bang Myeonji's POV

Time has come for them to leave.

They start to move out of their shared rooms and gather in the living room.

"Why does this feels like they're leaving forever and never coming back?" I whispered to Chan making him laugh at what I said.

"Wow, its been a week already and it has been so fun. I'll miss this place." Felix said.

"You guys can still come and visit us." I suggested.

"No, it'll be too chaotic." Chan beg to differ.

"Come on Chan, they're your friends." I chuckled.

"See you tomorrow in school and get home safe. Okay?" Everyone nodded at what Chan said.

Chan and I hugged them one by one before they leave.

"I'm gonna miss talking to you Myeonji." Han said.

"What the- Han Jisung, you're not leaving permanently we're still going to see each other in school or we could just hang out you know." I playfully rolled my eyes at him after hugging him.



Next was Minho.

"I'm glad I confessed." He chuckled.

"Myeonji." Hyunjin immediately engulfed me into a big hug.

"Hyunjin we just hanged out earlier today but why does this feel like a real goodbye." I joked.

"Its never goodbye. I'm still waiting." He smiled sweetly at him.

I keep hugging the others as well, and lastly, it was Seo Changbin's turn.

It was quite awkward cause we haven't talked since that day he gave me a cold shoulder.

"Uhm, take care." I nervously said.

Why am I nervous?

"You too." Then we both hugged each other.

God, I miss his hug and comforts.

I let go of the hug and so did he. We didn't exchange any words after that.

Chan and I waved goodbye at them as they went out of our home.

I went back to my room and realized how quiet the place has been.

I opened each of their shared rooms and remember those times I would hang out in their rooms.

Gosh, Myeonji why are you acting like this? Its not like you'll never see them again.

I chuckled to myself with that thought.

Lastly, I arrived at Changbin's room.

How lucky he was when he got a room for himself.

I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I remembered the night we cuddled because I can't sleep and scared that I might have to see that nightmare of Jaemin's death again.

I looked beside me and remembered his face whenever I wake up first. Unknowingly, I smiled. I missed Seo Changbin. I missed how he sang me to sleep that night. How he securely have me in his arms all snuggled up to him. It feels like home and very comfortable.

That's when I realized.

I already have fallen for my brother's friend, Seo Changbin.

A month has passed》

I rejected Hyunjin and told him honestly how I really felt for him and that he was really just a friend to me, leaving the part that I have feelings for Changbin.

He said he understand but he will still wait for me. How persistent of you Hwang Hyunjin.

I still hang out with the boys especially Han, since he is my bestfriend.

Changbin? We haven't talked since and if I happened to  see him around school. All we did was waved at each other and that's it.

"Hey Chan, can we go to that new cafe after school befote going home?" I asked my brother who is busy syudying.

Chan and I are in the library, studying. He offered to join me since he has nothing else to do.

"Sure why not. I heard they have a promo today." My eyes lit up when I heard the word promo.

"Then we should really go." I silently clapped my hands excitedly and he just chuckled at my actions.

After class》

"You joining us Han Jisung?" I asked Han who is following me and Chan. The others already went home.

"Nah, you two should have a sibling time. Anyways, we always hang out Myeonji." Han chuckled.

"Then I'll get going now. Bye hyung! Bye Myeonji! See you tomorrow!" He shouted while running away from us.

"Han has a point. You always hang out with him than me." Chan looked at me while pouting.

"Stop pouting Bang Chan." I laughed at his pouting face.

"Let's just go."

When we arrived at the cafe, it was fully packed but luckily I found an available seat by the window area.

"I'll go get us some seat. You know my favorite right?"

"Of course, caramel macchiato and an egg pie." Chan chuckled.

"You're the best bro." I hurriedly went to the seat before someone else take it.

I was using my phone and Chan hasn't arrived yet with our food when suddenly, someone came.

"Excuse me, can I sit here? The place is packed and so far this table has four seaters and I thought maybe I could sit here, if you don't mind." The voice was familiar.

I looked up from my phone and it was the one and only Seo Changbin.

"Uh yeah sure." I nervously answered and continue to use my phone to avoid the awkwardness until he suddenly spoke up.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked back.

"I see. I'm doing fine as well as long as you're fine." He flashed me a sincere smile that I missed seeing.

"Cha-" I was cut off when Chan came with our food.

"Here's your favorite~"

I mouthed Chan thanks and got my food from the tray he was holding.

"Oh Changbin. I didn't notice you were sitting there."

"Hi hyung. Yeah, the place is packed because of the promo but I found this table and it just happened to be that Myeonji was here with you." He explained.

"Yeah, fate do really bring you two back together when you both need each other." Chan said out of nowhere making me and Changbin looked at him confusingly.

"Don't mind what I said. Just continue eating."

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