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Bang Myeonji's POV

"Hey Jisung I have something to share."

Jisung and I are now resting on a bench we found after playing games at the arcade.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Minho confessed."

My words made Jisung choke on his cheesecake.

"What?" He looked at me, eyes widened because of the sudden news.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"I told him that he's just like a brother to me." I answered.

"And how did he react to it?"

"He was kind of just fine and still hope to be friends and that things shouldn't get awkward between us. We're cool tho."

"That's great Myeonji. How about Changbin hyung?" He suddenly asked catching me off guard.

I don't know about Changbin though. I mean I've been referring to him as a brother too since he and Chan would mostly take care of me but lately I've been feeling something towards him.

"I-i don't know." I stopped eating my egg pie and looked up to the stars.

"I mean I do feel really safe in his arms, and that he keeps me calm and warm. But I don't know. I'm not sure Han and its making me confused." I honestly answered to his question.

He's the only person I've talked to about this since I know Chan would end up teasing me.

"Myeonji, you'll figure it out soon. I'll be here if you need someone to talk to about this. Okay?" I nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you Jisung. I'm glad you're my bestfriend."

"Aw, I'm glad to be your bestfriend too."

We let go of the hug.

"We should get going now. Your brother would be worried if we come home very late." He chuckled as he tapped on my nose making me giggle.

"Fine, how about we buy them food." I suggested and he nodded.

We went to the restaurant I dragged Changbin to when we accidentally met at the cemetery.

I smiled to mysef remembering it.

"Why are you smiling?" Han asked.

"Oh nothing." I denied but Han was being persistent.

"Fine, this was the restaurant Changbin and I ate at when we accidentally met at the cemetery." I answered honestly.

"Aw, someone's reminiscing." Han teased.

"Stop it Jisung and just order food." I lightly hit his shoulder.

I was debating whether to buy Changbin he's favorite food from this restaurant since he looked kinda down today and maybe this would make him happy.

We walked home side by side but then Han spoke up which me made stop walking.

"I think you like Changbin hyung."

"Oh don't be ridiculous Han Jisung." I chuckled but he seems serious.

"Myeonji, I want you to observe your actions around him because as far as I can notice, you like him. That's only my analysis." He said.

"Okay?" I sounded unsure but okay.

When we arrived at home, everyone was out of their room except for Changbin which made me worry.

"Oh hey you guys are back earlier than I expected." Chan said.

"Yup, and we brought food in case you guys are hungry."

Seungmin and Jeongin immediately grabbed the food on my hand and placed it on the dining table while the others followed.

"I'll just go to my room and change." Han said.

"Where's Changbin?" I can't help but be curious and worried of him.

"He's in his room and he hasn't come out since we got home." Chan answered.

"I'll talk to him." I grabbed the food I bought for him and knocked on his door

Seo Changbin's POV

Knock knock

"Come in."

I saw Myeonji peeking and smiling at me before opening the door.

Oh no.

"Hey Binnie." She smiled sweetly at me.

No, please just go away.

"Uh hey." I said with no emotions at all.

The atmosphere suddenly felt awkward when my eyes landed on a food bag that Myeonji was holding. She seems to notice that I was looking at it.

"Oh I bought you your favorite again. Han and I bought food for the others as well. You should come and join us outside." She said as she placed the food bag on my bed, beside me.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I grabbed the food bag and placed it by the desk beside my bed and laid down on my bed and turned my back on her.

"Binnie. What's wrong?" She asked while touching my shoulder and turned me so I can face her.

"Nothing, just go." I said in a cold tone.

Don't go.

"But binnie yo-"

"Just go Myeonji please."

I'm sorry.

"Okay." I can see sadness in her face and that tears were starting to form.

No, don't look at me like that. Its for the best Myeonji so you would be inlove with someone you deserve.

She left the room without looking back.

I wish I could just grab her wrist and cuddle with her and that I'm sorry for giving her a cold shoulder.

Control your feelings Seo Changbin.

I looked at the food bag she brought in earlier and took it.

I opened it and smiled as I remembered how I told her this were my favorite.

Thank you, I'm sorry but I love you Bang Myeonji.

Bang Myeonji's POV


"Changbin." He hummed in response.

"Tell me, if something is bothering you or you have struggles so that I can help you."

Flashback ended~

"Myeonji? What's wrong?" Han immediately came to me as soon as he saw me out of Changbin's room.

He just came out of shower and was about to go to the others when he saw me.

"Why are you crying?" Han asked.

I didn't know I was crying until Han pointed it out.

"Oh really?" I asked while wiping the tears, "I didn't know I was crying." I chuckled.

"Do you wanna talk in my room for a bit?" He asked but I shook my head.

"Let's just go to the others and please don't tell Chan about this." He nods and rubs my back to calm me down for a bit.

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