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Seo Changbin's POV

Knock knock!

I looked at the door and saw Myeonji peeking in before entering the room.

I sat up and asked "Myeonji are you okay?"

"I can't sleep." She muttered.

"Why not Chan?" I asked.

"I didn't want to disturb him since he's preparing the song for tomorrow and if I do disturbed him, it'll become a pending work of his." She answered.

"Can I? You know,-"

"Its okay. I'll be your brother for tonight." I chuckled.

She went to my side as I pulled her in for a cuddle.

"Feeling better now?" I asked and she hummed in response.

"You're alright now. So just close your eyes and sleep. okay?" She nods and relaxes a bit.

I was about to close my eyes when Myeonji spoke.

"Binnie, can you sing for me?" She asked.

Its been a long time since she called me that, even though it was only a day, it felt like forever.

"What song do you want me to sing?" I asked her back.

"The song we made, I like how it goes and its lyrics are so heartfelt as if in the movies, I'm the main lead." She answered.

"Okay, I'll sing the parts I know and hum the rest." She smiled and closed her eyes.

I started singing and humming to the song. When I looked beside me I could see Myeonji sleeping peacefully, her head on the crook of my neck.

I kissed her forehead and went to sleep as well.

The next day》

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

Everyone's up and preparing except for Changbin hyung and Myeonji. Odd, Myeonji usually wakes up first than the rest of us.

"Hyungs, where is Myeonji?" Han asked.

"Isn't she in her room?" Chan hyung asked back and Han shook his head.

"What!?" Chan hyung immediately ran to her room and the rest of us followed behind to see Myeonji's room empty.

"She didn't leave the house didn't she?" Minho hyung asked.

"Nope, her shoes are still there." Jeongin pointed at the shoe rack by the door.

"Where could she be? She could be anywhere in the house right?" Felix said.

"Find her." Chan hyung said but Seungmin's words made everyone stop moving.

"She's in Changbin hyung's room." Seungmin pointed on Changbin hyung's room since the door is already opened and he can see them.

What is she doing there?

We all went to Changbin hyung's room and peeked.

What I saw broke my heart into pieces.

"They're cuddling." Han said.

I haven't gotten the chance yet to prove my feelings for her and yet there she is in Changbin hyung's embrace.

"Let's wake them up now." Minho hyung was about to walk towards them but I stopped him.

"Let them sleep for a few minutes more. We can wait, we still have the rest of the day anyways." I said. I could see Chan hyung looking at me with a small smile and nod.

"Let's go out everyone, let them be." Chan hyung said quietly and we all went out of the room.

I took one last glance again at her before leaving.

I'll make you mine.

30 mins. later》

Seo Changbin's POV

"Binnie wake up~"

"Seo Changbin."



I groaned in annoyance and slowly opened my eyes to see Myeonji smiling at me which made me smile.

"Good morning Binnie."

"Good morning Jinie."


"Its cute and it actually rhymes with mine's so why not." I chuckled.

"Then Jinie it is." She chuckled and got up.

"Do you think they saw us?" She asked. "Oh no, what would my brother say if he did, he's gonna tease me non stop."

"I don't think so, cause if they did we should have heard them giggling or making some noises." I answered.

"You're right. I'll get going now." She waved goodbye anf left my room.

But she came back.

"Oh, by the way thank you." She smiled and left completely.

Bang Myeonji's POV

When I went inside my room, Hyunjin was there.

"Oh my! Hyunjin you surprised me!"

"Oh did I? I'm sorry." He chuckled and walks towards me then he wraps his arms around my waist.


"Good morning." He smiled sweetly before giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Uh, good morning." I shyly greeted back since I was surprised how Hyunjin acted.

"Its the first day of proving my feelings for you and I'll do my best." He beamed.

I chuckled as I remember our talk last night.

"Hyunjin, but what if I can't have the same feelings for you?" The atmosphere suddenly turned serious.

"Why? Is it because you have feelings for someone, say its Changbin hyung?"

"No, no. Changbin's like a brother to me and I'm glad to have him as I have Chan and he's also a great friend to me." I defended.

"Yeah, brother and a friend. But you guys cuddled like a couple." He mumbled but I caught on what he was talking about.

"Wait you guys saw?" And he nodded.

"You don't seem to act like friends Myeonji, everyone sees that. But if you say so, then I believe you." He smiled.

"And if you can't return the same feelings for me after a month or so, its okay at least I get to show you and prove to you my feelings." He hugged me tightly as I higged back.

"Hyunjin I-"

"Shhh, can we stay like this for a bit more?" I just nodded and let him hug me for like a few minutes more.

"And I'll let you go, for now, do your morning routine and come down soon cause we're going to school. I mean that's where we will shoot." He said and I nodded.

"See you in a bit." He kissed my forehead and left the room.

I sighed.

I'm slowly remembering Han's words to me yesterday.


"Because I'm worried that some might get hurt because of your confused feelings. Its better to get it straight and avoid any more conflicts in the future."

"But because I care for you and your feelings Myeonji, cause you're my bestfriend and I don'y want you being so confused and hurt because of it."

Flashback ended~

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