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Bang Myeonji's POV

When we arrived home, Han was sitting on the couch with Seungmin and Felix while Hyunjin is nowhere to be found.

"Where's Hyunjin?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth when we went inside.

The three of them looked at us when we came in.

"Hyunjin went out for a bit." Seungmin answered.

"Finally you're back." Han stood up and went to me.

"We have a talk to continue." He said as he grabbed my hand. When he was about to drag me to his shared room Minho grabbed my other wrist.


"Is something wrong Minho?" I looked at him confused.

"What are you guys gonna talk about? Can I join?" He asked Han.

"No, because its a bestfriend talk and you're not Myeonji's bestfriend." Han dragged me again as I mouthed sorry to Minho because of Han's actions.

Han Jisung's POV

Seriously what is hyung's problem? He and Myeonji aren't together and that he shouldn't act like that. It'll make it more obvious for the others and maybe for Myeonji, I hope.

I closed the door and pulled Myeonji to sit beside me.

"Now let's continue the talk."

"Do we have to?" Myeonji pouted while whining.

"Yes Myeonji, we need to figure out your feelings."

"But its none of your business Han!" She suddenly shouted which caught me off guard.

I became quiet.

She widened her eyes when she realized what just happened.

"Oh my gosh, Han I didn-"

"Yeah you right its none of my business." I stood up, ready to leave. "But because I care for you and your feelings Myeonji, cause you're my bestfriend and I don'y want you being so confused and hurt because of it." I said before completely leaving the room.

Bang Myeonji's POV

Oh my.

I didn't mean to shout at Han. It was just he was being pushy about things I don't want to talk about because I really have no idea what those things are.

Ugh. This is frustrating me.

I went out of the room to look for Han but I bumped unto someone.

"Oh Myeonji, careful." it was Hyunjin, he was back.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

I was about to go back to my shared room from having a walk outside when someone suddenly bumped into me.

"Oh Myeonji, careful."

She looked up and noticed that tears were starting to form on her eyes.

"Hey, what happened? Don't cry." I wiped a tear as soon as I saw it falling.

"No, I'm okay. Where's Han?" She asked worriedly.

"Han said he was going out for air." I asnwered her question.

"I've got to go." She walked past me but I grabbed her wrist and turned her around.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at her worriedly.

"Don't worry, nothing's wrong. I've got to go find him." She pulled her wrist from my grab and ran.

Why are you running to Han?

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Where are you going sis?" Chan asked when he saw me running towards the door.

"I've got to go to Jisung." I continued running towards the door but he stopped me.

"Myeonji, its raining." Chan said which made my eyes widened.

Oh no, what if Han gets sick? I'm sure he went out without an umbrella.

I took the umbrella that was placed on the rack and quickly went outside.

"But Myeonji wait!" I could hear Chan shout but I didn't bother to look back.

All I care right now is finding Jisung and bring him home.

Bang Chan's POV

That was unusual.

"What's happening?" Changbin asked.

"Myeonji just went out." I answered.

"In the rain!?" He panicked and was about to walk out too but I stopped him.

"Don't worry she brought an umbrella." I reassuringly smile which made him sigh in relief.

"Why did she even go out when its raining?"

"She went out to look for Jisung."

"Jisung? Why?"

"I don't know. But I did saw Jisung storming out of his shared room leaving Myeonji inside then ran off outside."

"Do you think they'll be okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." I assured him.

"You seem to worry a lot for Myeonji this days. Do you like her already?" I suddenly asked catching him off guard.

"No hyung, oh my. I thought Myeonji told you already that we're just friends. I just really really really like her as a friend and protect her as a sister. Nothing more than that." He answered.

"Well that's kinda good. Cause I thought you like her too then the three of you would fight for her love." I chuckled.

"I heard Hyunjin confessed. We're supposed to talk about that when we got back but Han beat me to it." I added.

"Hyunjin confessed?! How did it go?" He seems to be so curious.

"I don't know." I just shrugged.

Bang Myeonji's POV

Where the hell are you Han Jisung?

I keep walking around the neighborhood but I couldn't see that squirrel.

Maybe he already climbed a tree, oh my Myeonji, stop thinking like that.

"Where are you Han?" I keep on mumbling the question until I found a familiar figure just standing beside a lamppost.

Oh gosh Jisung, why are you just standing there?

"Jisung!" I shouted and immediately ran to his side.

"Jisung! Oh my gosh, why are you letting yourself get soaked in the rain? You'll get sick." I immediately gave the umbrella for him to hold since he's taller than me.

"Myeonji, what are you doing here?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Look I'm sorry to shout at you. It was just because you were being kind of pushy about the topic that I have clearly no interest on." I answered honestly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't notice that I was already being pushy, its just I really cared for you. Like really, as my bestfriend." He apologized.

"I'm sorry to because I outbursted instead of telling it to you calmly." I apologized as well.

"Are we bestfriends again?" I asked and of course the cute squirrel Han Jisung nodded.

"Let's go home, the others might be worried already." I said and he nodded.

I clung close to him to avoid getting wet, since his taller than me he's the one bringing the umbrella.

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