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Bang Chan's POV

Finally break time.

"Changbin this is the first time I saw your wounds treated from a fight." Minho pointed out the bandages on his face.

"Yeah." He answered shortly and left the classroom.

"Oh we must go now Minho, my sister and the others are probably waiting." I immediately fixed my things and dragged Minho out.

"Your sister? You have a sister!?" He exclaimed.

"Well yeah duh I just said it." I chuckled.

"Chan!" I could hear Myeonji shouting my name and waved at me like crazy. She sat next to Hyunjin and Han.

"Why is she calling Chan oppa like that?"

"They seem so close."

"She's even sitting with the group."

"There goes the gossipers." Minho said.

"Well they probably can't help it." I said.

"Hey Myeonji! Hey guys!" I beamed happily as soon as I saw them.

"Hyung!" The greeted me together.

"Where's Changbin?" Minho asked.

"I thought he's with the two of you." Han answered.

"But he left first leaving the two of us." Minho said.

"I'm sure he'll come around. He never skips lunch without us or does he now." I mumbled the last part.

"So how was your class with them Myeonji?" I asked my sister.

"It was fun. Han keeps me entertained when I'm bored. Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin help me with some subjects while I look after Jeongin since he's the youngest." She answered while taking a bite of her food.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"I think I dropped something on the way here." I tried to look into my bag if ever I put it inside there.

"What did you lost?" Hyunjin asked.

"My mother's necklace. I got to find it." I immediately stood up when Hyunjin grabbed my wrist.

"I'll come with you." He offered.

"I'll be fine Hyunjin. Han already showed me around. I won't get lost but if ever I do, I'll contact any of you guys. I promise." I then ran off to look for the necklace.

"Oh please I can't lose it. Where could it be?" I keep looking down on the ground hoping I could find it anytime now.

"Are you perhaps looking for this?"

Seo Changbin's POV

I decided to go to the rooftop for awhile before having lunch with them.

I sighed.


"I said stop."

"Who are you?"

"Your bruises and cuts." She pointed on my face.

"Let's get you treated." She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the Clinic.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" I removed my arm from her grip.

"Let's just go." She forcefully grabbed me again and dragged me to the Clinic.

"You sit here while I go get the first aid kit." She said as she walked around the place trying to find the first aid kit.

"Ah here it is."

She placed the kit down and get the stuff she needs.

"There, its all done. You know I'm surprised you didn't flinch a bit while I'm treating your wounds." She said as she placed the first aid kit back to where she got it.

"Don't fight anymore." She said before she left me alone in the clinic.

Flashback ended~

I  sighed.

"The boys are probably worried of me now."

As I was walking along the hallway, I saw something that was shining when the sun hits it.

I walked closer to it and noticed that it was a necklace. It seems special. Who could've dropped it?

"Oh please I can't lose it. Where could it be?" I looked around and saw the same girl who treated my wounds earlier.

"Are you perhaps looking for this?" I showed her the necklace I found.

"Omo, that's mine. I'm glad you found it Changbin." She thanked me.

My eyes widened.

"How did you know my name?" I curiously asked her.

"Uhm, its on your nametag and your friends are waiting for you so come on." She grabbed my arm just like before but this time she dragged me towards the cafeteria where my friends are.

How come she knows them too?

"Changbin hyung!" Jeongin pointed at me making everyone else look at me, I mean us since this girl is with me.

"Myeonji where did you find him?" Minho hyung asked.

"He found my necklace and drag him to here." She answered.

"I assume you already know my sister." Chan stated.

What!? Sister!?

I looked at her surprised.

"Hi, I'm Bang Myeonji,  Bang Chan's sister." She introduced herself.

"No wonder your face seems familiar. You kinda look like Chan hyung."

"Yeah, I kind of get that a lot." Myeonji said.

"What are you two standing there for? Sit and let's eat."  Minho hyung said and we both nodded.

She went to sit beside Han and Hyunjin.

"So what do you think of my sister?" Chan hyung's question caught me off guard.

"Uh what do you mean?" I said trying not to stutter.

"Of course I meant about how is Myeonji as my sister." Chan hyung chuckled then he suddenly looked at me seriously. "You didn't think I meant as someone special right?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, no, it's not like that. I only met her today." I rolled eyes at him.

"Yeah, right." He chuckled and continued eating his food.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Oh Chan hyung, we wanted to hang out with Myeonji after school. Can we?" Seungmin asked permission.

"Yeah, I wanna hang out with them." I showed my puppy eyes to my brother since I know that he can't resist them.

"Sure, we can all hang out." He answered.

"Uh uh, just me and the '00 liners and Jeongin only. Oldies are not allowed." I objected.

"Wow, oldies. That hurts." Minho clutched onto his chest as if he was hurt then chuckled after.

"What are you gonna say about that Chan hyung? Your sister just called us oldies." Minho teased Chan.

"Yah! We're not that old. Aish you little-"

"No cursing." I pointed my finger at him and he immediately shut up.

"Wow this is the first time I saw hyung lose an argument." Felix said amusingly.

"Cause I'm good at winning." I just smiled and teased Chan.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now