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Seo Changbin's POV

I would steal glances at Myeonji.

I missed her so much.

When suddenly, Chan hyung's phone vibrated. Myeonji and I looked at him as he types his reply.

"Myeonji, I can't walk you home. Uh, Minho needs help right now."

"What? What happened to him?" She asked.

"He's hurt right now. The others are also on their way to the hospital right now." Chan stood up and ready to leave.

"I'll go with you." Myeonji said with a tone full of worry.

"No, Myeonji. You'll just have to visit him tomorrow. I want you to go home, to be safe. Okay?" Myeonji sat back down and looked at her brother preparing to leave.

"Changbin do you mind walking my sister home?" I nod  and then he ran off.

Myeonji and I sat in silence and noticed that she's done eating her food.

"Do you wanna go home now?" She nods.

On the way home, Myeonji didn't speak to me at all and walked ahead of me.

I sighed and tried to catch up with her.

"Myeonji are you okay?"

"I'm just worried about Minho. What could've possibly happened to him that he was rushed to the hospital?"

"I'm sure Minho hyung would be fine." I tried to make her smile but I failed.

Soon, I felt a drop on my hand. I looked up and noticed that the sky isn't clear anymore and it started to rain.

I grabbed Myeonji's hand and ran immediately to their home as it was only a few blocks away.

Luckily, when we reached their place. We weren't that much soaked.

"Uh Changbin, you're still holding my hand." She said making notice our hands still intertwined with each other.

I let go because I thought it made her uncomfortable. Hyunjin and Han would hold hers and she wouldn't mind but why mind if it is me holding.

"Go inside now. I'll tell Chan hyung that you arrived safe."

I was about to turn around ready to rain back in the rain in attempt of going home but Myeonji stopped me.

"Don't be crazy Seo Changbin. You'll get sick if you ran in the rain. Just come inside." She said and turned her back to me as she opens the door.

"Make yourself at home. If the rain stops, you can go home. Just make sure you lock the door. I'll be up in my room." I was about to say something but I'd rather not.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I closed my door and sat on the floor closing my eyes.

What are you doing to me Seo Changbin?

I sighed and got up, changed clothes and sat by my desk to do homework and study for a bit.

1 hour later》

The rain hasn't stopped yet and Chan hasn't come home as well.

I'm starting to feel tired from studying that I didn't notice my eyes are already closing and my head is now on the table.

Seo Changbin's POV

Chan hyung: I might be home
late because of the rain. Is
Myeonji safe already?

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now