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Seo Changbin's POV

"Do you think this will be enough?" Jeongin asked.

"That will be more than enough." I answered. Knowing Myeonji she doesn't like to eat that much.

I suddenly chuckled when I remembered the first time we had dinner together.

Jeongin looked at me weirdly.

"What's funny hyung?"

"Nothing, I just remembered something."

When we arrived back home, a loud music was blasting from Minho hyung's room. Jeongin and I looked at each other and decided to see what was going on.

We opened the door a little bit and peeked inside.

There we saw Minho hyung and Myeonji silly dancing to the random music.

They look so happy and somehow perfect for each other.

Jeongin and I decided to let them have fun for a few more minutes and then invite them over for dinner.

Lee Minho's POV

"Ugh I'm tired." Myeonji complained and laid down on my bed.

"Do you think they're back? I'm hungry already." She added.

"I don't think so, if they are back then they should've knocked and called us out to eat." I said.

"Well you've got a point." She sat up.

"Aren't you tired?" She asked me when she noticed that I was still standing up.

"I actually am." I chuckled and sat down beside her.

"What else do you wanna do?" I asked her.

"Let's just watch movies on you laptop. You said its one of your hobbies." I nodded and placed the laptop infront of us.

She gets to pick the movie and sat beside each other fully focused on the movie.

20 mins. into the movie I felt Myeonji's head on my shoulder.

She must really be that tired that she fell asleep after watching 20 mins. of it.

I smiled and adjusted myself to make her comfortable. I don't wanna move much since I don't wanna wake her up.

I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as it was covering her face. She looks more beautiful while asleep. I ended up focusing on her than focusing on the movie.

5 mins. later, I felt myself getting sleepier as well and I ended up placing my head on top of Myeonji's.

Yang Jeongin's POV

"I'm getting hungrier now." I pouted.

"Fine, call them now." Changbin hyung said and I immediately ran to Minho hyung's room.

I softly knocked on the door and when there was no response I slowly opened the door to see Minho hyung and Myeonji sleeping next to each other.

They look so cute. I can't imagine how jealous Hyunjin hyung would be when he finds out.

Everyone knows Minho hyung and Hyunjin have feelings for Myeonji since the jealous atmosphere is literally noticeable everytime Myeonji and Changbin hyung are together mostly or if Myeonji is closer to the others than them.

I quickly took a photo of them and closed the door and went back to Changbin hyung.

"Where's Myeonji and Minho hyung?" I asked.

"Look." I giggled and showed him the photo I took.

Seo Changbin's POV

Jeongin showed me a photo of Myeonji and Minho hyung sleeping next to each other.

They look so cute together. I'm starting to think that she'll fall in love with Minho hyung, how lucky.

"They look cute together aren't they?" Jeongin asked.

I smiled and nodded.

"What do you think Hyunjin hyung's reaction would be?" He suddenly asked.

"Reaction to what?" Hyunjin and the others just came home.

"Where's my sister?" Chan hyung asked.

Jeongin walked towards them and showed the photo he took earlier.

After they saw the pic, all of them immediately ran to Minho hyung and Hyunjin's shared room.

When they were about to knock on the door, the door opened revealing Minho hyung carrying Myeonji in his arms.

"Oh you guys are back." He said.

"Myeonji fell asleep while watching movies with me, and she was also tired because of all the dancing." He added.

"Would you mind opening the door to Myeonji's room?"  He asked and Han who is the nearest person, opened the door to Myeonji's room.

"Thank Minho." Chan hyung said as Minho hyung placed Myeonji gently on her bed and tucked her in.

The rest left the room leaving me and Chan hyung inside Myeonji's room.

"Goodnight Myeonji." Chan hyung kissed Myeonji on her forehead and we both left her room.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"Have Myeonji eaten yet?" I asked.

Jeongin shook his head, "They both fell asleep when I was about to call them out to eat."

I remembered the photo that Jeongin showed to us earlier.

I sighed.

I secretly prepared food for Myeonji incase she wakes up later.

Jeongin, Changbin hyung and Minho hyung are now eating while the others are in their rooms resting.

5 A.M

Bang Myeonji's POV

I opened my eyes and got up. I checked the time and it was only 5 in the morning.

I looked around and realized that I'm in my room already.

Are Chan and the others back?

How did I got here?

Suddenly, I heard my stomach growl.

"Ugh, I'm hungry." I realized I haven't eaten anything last night.

I slowly got up and quietly went out of my room making sure I won't wake anyone up.

"I hope there's still food." I mumbled as I looked around the kitchen for something to eat.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

I suddenly felt thirsty and so I got up quietly making sure I don't wake Minho hyung up.

I got out of the room and when I reached the kitchen I saw Myeonji looking around for food.

I chuckled.

"Are you hungry?" I suddenly spoke making her jump out of fear.

"You surprised me!" She exclaimed quietly.

I quietly laughed at her reaction while she's glaring at me.

I stopped laughing and opened the fridge.

"For you." I handed her the food box I prepared last night.

"Uh thanks." She accepted it and sat on the table.

"Why are you up?" She asked while eating.

"I was thirsty and I'm guessing you're up because you're hungry. Good thing I prepared that last night for you incase you wake up anytime." I answered.

"Thank you Hyunjin." She smiled and I smiled back.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now