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Seo Changbin's POV

"Mom I miss you so much. If you were here you would've been trying your best to comfort me for being a cry baby." I tried to joke.

"Please, just give me a sign that everything's gonna be alright mom. I can't take it anymore." I sobbed until I felt someone rub my back.

"Everything's gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright." The person who comforted me has a familiar voice.

I looked up and saw an unexpected person.

"Myeonji?" I wiped my tears and stood up.

"Hi Changbin. I saw you were crying and thought maybe I could help by comforting you." She gave me a warm smile.

"Uh thanks. Why are you here?" I turned around and was about to walk away when she spoke.

"I came to visit my parents, wait, I think I've seen her before. Who is she?" She pointed at the photo placed on my mother's grave. It was the most recent photo we had before she died.

"She's my mother." I softly answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Its okay. When have you seen her?" I asked.

"Oh, I think when I was 11 or 12." She answered.

"How did you meet her?" I started to walk and she followed.

"When I ran away from home." She answered.

"Ran away?" I looked at her confused.

She nodded, "I ran away because I couldn't accept that my parents died. I left Chan only with a note and since I'm minor I can't book my own flight and even be on a flight. But your mother saw me and helped me to go to Australia. She went with me and when we arrived she immediately booked a flight back because she's worried that you might be worried." She explained.

"No wonder she came home longer than usual." I chuckled.

"You're chuckling Seo Changbin. That's good. Its my first time hearing you chuckle." She said.

"Uh yeah I guess."

"So I'm guessing ever since your mother died, you changed." I nodded.

"Chan and the others were so worried about you. Why didn't you tell them? I mean they are your friends." She added.

"I just don't want them to know." I answered.

"But I now know." She said.

"Then don't tell anyone."

"Do you trust me?"

I faced her and spoke, "if my mother helped you as a stranger then you trusted her. You helped me ease a little bit as a stranger for me and so I trust you."

She gave me a warm smile.

A smile that made my heart kind of flutter.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"How about we eat?" I offered. He looked at me and was about to say something but I cut him off.

"I won't take no as an answer." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to my favorite restaurant.

"You sure do love dragging people around." He chuckled.

"Maybe. You know you should really smile more often." I said.

He just remained silent and looked at the menu.

"My treat." He suddenly said.

"No thanks, let's just split the bill." I answered.

"Please, as a thank you for the first time you helped me and now." He smiled.

I smiled back and nodded. He actually just smiled. I'm glad he's slowly changing back, I hope.

Unknown's POV

"Hey isn't that your ex?"


My friend pointed at two people on a restaurant eating so happily.

"Yeah that's him."

"Aren't you gonna go and see him?"

"Uh why would I when I can see him tomorrow in school." I smirked.

"Oh right you changed schools."

See you tomorrow, Seo Changbin.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"And so Chan slipped down on the floor because of all the sauce I spilled on the floor."

Changbin and I are now telling funny stories to each other. We've grown closer as each minutes passes by. He have such an amazing personality.

"Damn, I wish I could've witnessed that." Changbin laughed.


My phone suddenly rang and Changbin nodded at me to take the call.

Me: Hey Chan!

Chan: Don't you hey me. Look how late it is where are you?

I checked the time and indeed it was already late. I guess I enjoyed my time with Changbin that I didn't notice the time.

Me: Oh shoot! I didn't notice the time. I'll come home now. Don't worry I'm safe. See ya.

Call ended~

"I need to go home now." I said to Changbin.

"Let me take you home. Just to make sure you'll be safe." He offered.

"No thanks Changbin. I'll be fine. Its already late and you also need to go home as well, we have classes tomorrow. See ya." I just smiled at him and walked away.

I didn't let him insist anymore.

Seo Changbin's POV

Aish this girl.

I'll just follow her then just to make sure.

I keep on following her until I noticed someone else was also following her.

I played it cool so that the person following her won't be suspicious of me as well that I know he is following her.

I kept a safe distance until he started to grab her.

That's when I ran and grab the man away from Myeonji who is on shock and stayed on the floor watching the fight.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I punched the man in the face and he collapsed on the floor then ran away.

"Myeonji are you okay?" I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she slowly looked at me.

"Cha-chang-changbin." She stuttered. She was about to cry out of fear and so I hugged her tightly.

"You're okay now. Myeonji, you're gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright. How about I walk you home?" She nodded and I helped her stand up.

But her legs were still shaking from fear and so I piggy backed her.

"Thank you Changbin." Those were the last words she said before she passed out.

When I reached the house, I pressed the doorbell and Chan hyung opened the door.

"Changbin? Myeonji, what happened to her?" Chan hyung asked worriedly as I transferred Myeonjin to his arms.

"She was almost attacked by a random guy and luckily I saved her. She'll be fine, she just passed out." I explained.

"Thank you Changbin. Walk home safely okay?"

I just nodded and left.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now