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7 months later》

No one's POV

Changbin and Myeonji are going strong. While Sam, Myeonji's friend is now dating Minho for 5 months already.

Myeonji is happy that finally Sam have someone to be happy with just as how happy Sam is for Myeonji.

Prom is approaching and Changbin is planning to ask her to become his date.

Seo Changbin's POV

"Hyung, I'm nervous." I said while shaking my hands.

"You'll be fine Seo Changbin. My sister won't totally reject you since she's totally inlove with you as you are with her." Chan hyung gave me a reassuring smile that kind of brush off my nervousness.

"Here she comes." Han said.

"Goodluck hyung!" Jeongin cheered.

"You can do it hyung!" Seungmin cheered as well.

Myeonji is now approaching the perimeter as I slowly approach her as well.

"Binnie." She immediately ran to my arms and gave me a tight hug.

"Wow you seem to miss me already, when in fact we met yesterday in school." I chuckled.

"So what is it that you want to say to me that we have to meet in the park?"

"Well Myeonji, I just wanna ask something. Can I?"

"You're already asking Binnie." She playfully roll her eyes at me.

"Well, uhm..." why am I nervous?

I took a deep breathe and gathered all the courage I have.

"Bang Myeonji." I showed her a bouquet of her favorie flowers.

"How did you know this are my favorite flowers?" Her eyes gleaming with joy.

"I just figured it out. Anyways, Bang Myeonji. Will you go to prom with me?" I asked her.

"Of course Binnie, I'll go to prom with you." She chuckled and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Aw that's not enough." I leaned in and gave her a real long kiss and she kissed back.

"That's enough." Chan hyung came and ruined the moment.

"Hyung! Why'd you have to ruin it?!" Felix complained trailing behind him are Jeongin, Seungmin, Han and Hyunjin.

"She's still my little sister Felix."

Prom day

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Sam how do I look?"

"Damn girl. Changbin will sure stare at you for a long time or he won't even take his eyes off of you." Sam teased.

Sam slept in our house so that we can help each other prepare for tonight's prom.

"What should I do with my hair?"

"I think we should style it in a ponytail and curl the bottoms incase you get hot, I mean you're already hot but you know what I mean." She rolled her eyes and helped me with my hair.

"Whatever you say Sam. I know that you would do your best with me as I will to you. I'll make sure you'll look stunning as well so that Minho won't take his eyes off of you." I teased back.

"Oh shut up Myeonji, we both knew Minho fell for you back then."

"Right. But that's all in the past now." I smiled.

"How are you two doing?" Chan came in without knocking.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Don't you know how to lock?"

"Oh damn."

"What is it do you want dear brother?" I asked him right away.

"Just wanna say that we're gonna leave in 30 mins. so maybe hurry up a little you know." Then he closed the door.

"Done." Sam said as she looked satisfied with my look.

I'm wearing a blue off shoulder gown that kinda have glitters or something that shines whenever a light hit it.

I immediately stood up and exchange places with Sam so that I'll fix her hair and add some finishing touches to her make-up.

She's wearing a purple sleeveless gown and same thing with mine that has glitters or something that shines whenever a light hit it.

We both grabbed our pouches and out of our room.

"We're done!" She and I said at the same time to Chan who is waiting for us in the living room.

"Wow! You two look so beautiful. Minho and Changbin are so lucky. Come on let's go. The boys are waiting for sure." He chuckled and the three of us went to Chan's car.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Chan bought his very own car 3 months ago.

Seo Changbin's POV

What's taking them so long?

"Sam said they're on their way." Minho hyung said.

We are both waiting for our dates at the entrance of the venue.

"How do I look?" I asked him.

"You look handsome Changbin." He gave me a reassuring smile.

After 10 mins. of waiting a familiar car pulled up.

"That's them."

Sam came out of the car first which made Minho hyung walked towards her as I followed him behind ready to meet Myeonji as well.

"Wow, Changbin you look good. You and Myeonji are totally gonna be tonight's prom king and queen." Sam commented which made Minho hyung pout.

"Aw don't pout MinMin, you look handsome as ever. Why don't we go inside and let Changbin meet Myeonji for now." Sam giggled while she and Minho hyung are going inside.

When Myeonji came out, she looked so beautiful and stunning in her gown.

I approached her and held out my hand for her to reach.

"Binnie." She smiled.

"You look so...wow." she gave me a small twirl to show off her outfit.

"Damn, I'm so lucky to have you." I gave her a quick peck since her brother stood beside us.

"Chan why don't you go to your date already. I bet she's waiting." She teased.

"Fine, I'll leave you two for now." He said while eyeing us.

"Let's go inside?" She nodded.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

I am sitting with the boys. Han, Seungmin, Jeongin, Felix and I didn't have dates since we decided not to and just have fun at tonight's prom.

I mean I could've asked Myeonji out but knowing Changbin hyung and Myeonji's relationship status, I know I have no chance if becoming her date tonight.

I gotta admit, the feelings are still there.

Soon, Minho hyung and Sam noona just came in followed by Chan hyung and his date. Does that mean Myeonji just arrived too?

My thoughts were right when a familiar couple entered the venue.

"Hi guys!" Myeonji beamed as soon as they saw us.

Wow, Myeonji looks so beautiful.

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