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The next day》

Bang Myeonji's POV

I slowly felt myself waking up and the first thing I saw was Changbin's face.

I didn't move too much because I don't want to wake him up and so I decided to stay in that position with him. His arms were on my waist and my arms where kept to myself.

I look at his face and he looks quite handsome even with those bruises and cuts. He looks so peaceful. Like someone fragile.

I soon felt that he was going to wake up but when I was about to pretend to be asleep...

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Uh good morning." I awkwardly replied. This is my first time being cuddled to sleep by a guy besides my brother.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded.

"Would you mind telling me what was your nightmare? I mean its okay if you want to keep it to yourself." He said.

"I'd like to keep it to myself thanks for the concern though." I answered.

He smiled and got up.

"I still have clothes for you to wear. I'll take it out of the closet." He said as he went to his closet.

"I'm guessing you have lots of overgrown clothes in your closet. Why don't you donate them?" I chuckled.

"I would love to but I'd rather let my future girlfriend wear it incase she stays over." He smiled.

"Future girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but for now I let you wear it cause you have nothing else to wear unless Chan's bringing you some clothes when they coming over later." He chuckled.

"What?! They're coming over?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, so go take a bath. The bathroom's over there." He pointed at the end of the corridor. I nodded and took the clothes from his grasp.

"And here is an extra towel to use." He handed me a blue towel and I nodded.

I grabbed my purse where it contains all my necessities  good thing I always bring this.

20 mins. later》

Seo Changbin's POV

I'm cooking pancakes for breakfast.

"Hey I'm done." Myeonji came in wearing my once favorite hoodie that I've overgrown as well and she looks so cute on it.

Ehem, ehem. Cute.

"Are you feeling better now?" I placed the back of my hand on her forehead and surprisingly she isn't sick anymore.

"Yeah, that soup totally healed me. Where'd you get the recipe?" She asked.

"My mom's." I answered.

"Oh, I wish I could've thank her atleast before she left." She smiled.

"I guessing that you're mother is quite happy right now." She added.

"And why is that?" I asked as I placed the food on the counter.

"Because I met you." She answered while taking a bite of the pancake.

"Mhm, this pancake is delicious!" She gave me a thumb up and I chuckled at her reaction.

"The boys are coming over in an hour so let's clean the place up after eating." She nodded.

1 hour later》

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Do the other's know I slept here?" I asked Changbin.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now