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Bang Myeonji's POV

I also have exchanged I miss you and I miss you too's to the others. I can't help but notice that Changbin didn't approach me at all.

"Hyung, don't just stand there and say hi to Myeonji!" Seungmin shouted which made everyone's attention turn to us.

I looked at Changbin and felt uneasy.

He's changed.

His aura is different from the ones he had before.

If seeing him before makes me feel loved and happy, this Changbin standing across me, felt nothing. As if the spark was gone and that the feelings was gone.

I'm sure I still have feelings for him but does he have for me?

"Uhm, hey. I'm glad you're doing okay. Just so you know I miss you but it seems like you're doing well, I guess, without me." I managed to smile.

The room was quiet as they looked at us.

Gosh this silence is killing me.

"I'll be in my room guys. I suddenly felt tired. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I gave them a reasuring smile as I ran to my room with tears threatening to fall.

Han Jisung's POV

Once Myeonji was out of sight, the atmosphere felt heavy but Chan hyung tried to enlighten everyone up.

I approached Changbin hyung and talked to him privately.

"So? Felt anything?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry Han, but I think my feelings for her are gone." What he said made me wanna punch him but decided not to cause a scene.


I knocked on Changbin hyung's door to talk to him, seriously.

"Jisung? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanna talk."

"Talk about what?"

"Myeonji." His eyes widened and looked away.

"Tell me, do you still love her?" He remained quiet.

"You know, Myeonji has been sad this days but manages to understand the situation. I can't help but notice that you two seemed so distant with one another. What is happening to the both of you?" I asked.

"Hyung, tell me. Do you still love her?"

He sighed which made nervous.

"I don't know."

I'm starting to get mad with his answer but managed to stay cool. I took a deep breath and walked to the door.

"You better know because I don't want my bestfriend to be hurt." And with that I left his room.

Flashback ended~

"How could you hyung!? Myeonji stayed even after knowing that we'll debut soon and that it'll be harder for her to see us, to see you when we become an idol. How could you let those feelings go?!" I suddenly outbursted but I'm glad the others didn't hear it since Minho blasted random music on the speakers for everyone on the living room.

"I'm sorry." Was all he managed to say before he walked away and left the house which made everyone look at me.

"What happened?" Jeongin asked.

"He'll be fine. He just need some space." I answered.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"How could you hyung!? Myeonji stayed even after knowing that we'll debut soon and that it'll be harder for her to see us, to see you when we become an idol. How could you let those feelings go?!"

I was just using the restroom when I heard that familiar voice.

Who is he talking to?

"I'm sorry."

Changbin hyung.

After I noticed that he left and Han went back to the others, I decided to check on Myeonji on her room.

Knock knock

I heard a faint come in.

"Myeonji?" I peeked before entering the room to see Myeonji trying to wipe her tears before I see them, which is kinda too late.

I immediately closed the door and ran to her.

"Hey, shh, don't cry. What's wrong?"

"Changbin. He doesn't seem to be the person I loved. He's changed Hyunjin. What happened to him?" She lets her tears fall since there is no point of stopping them right now.

All she wants is to cry.

I bring her in to my embrace and caressed her back.

"Just let it all out, I'll be here." I soflty said to her.

It's just like those times I would comfort her when Changbin hyung ignored her for months.

"It hurts me seeing you like this." I mumbled but she heard it.

She pulled away and looked at me. Her eyes are so red and puffy from crying hard.

"Hyunjin, tell me the truth. Do you still have those feelings for me?" She suddenly asked.

I sighed. I hesitantly nod.


"I just can't seem to get rid of them."

"Hyunjin, you'll keep hurting yourself." It was the exact same words she said at the cafe when I apologized to the both of them.

"I don't mind." I answered.

"What? But-"

"Shh, its okay. Just let me love you even though it hurts." I smiled.

"Just so you know, I'll always be here if you need someone incase Han or Chan can't be there for you. Okay?" She nods.

"Thank you for being always there Hwang Hyunjin even though you're already hurting and still holding on." She managed to smile a little which made me smile as well.

"See you're smiling." I chuckled.

The next day》

Bang Myeonji's POV


Who would text me at this hour? I groaned and took my phone from the bedside.

From: Binnie
Hey can we meet?

My eyes widened at the notification.

Me: Yeah I guess

Binnie: Meet me at the usual
park in an hour.

Me: Okay, see ya!

He didn't reply back which made me sad.

As I stood up to get ready, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Gosh did I cry that hard last night and why do I feel weird as if something bad is going to happen?

I immediately changed into casual clothes and walked to the park.

I sat on a bench under the tree which kinda reminded me of Hyunjin, which is odd. I'm sad that Hyunjin is still holding on even though he's already hurting.


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