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Hwang Hyunjin's POV

I'm anxiously waiting for Myeonji and Changbin hyung to arrive.

I was about to take a sip of my hot choco when two faces sat infront of me which made me place my hot choco down.



Myeonji chuckled when me and Changbin hyung spoke at the same time.

"You go first." Changbin hyung said.

"I'm sorry for what I did to Myeonji. I didn't mean to, I mean I was drunk but I let my feelings control me. Myeonji, I'm so so sorry for kissing you last night. I guess its just because I couldn't forget my feelings for you and how badly I want you to be mine. Changbin hyung I'm sorry I kissed your girl like that. I hope you two forgive me." I apologized.

The two didn't speak and continue to look at me which made me more nervous.

"Hyunjin. We're glad you're sorry. I'm sorry too because I punched you hard, are you okay?" Changbin hyung asked.

I touched my cheek were Changbin hyung punched me and left a bruise, "I'm fine hyung, don't worry. I deserve it."

"Hyunjin, I'm really sorry I couldn't return your feelings. I thought we were already in good terms when we talked on the rooftop but I guess not. Hyunjin, please forget your feelings for me. You're already hurting yourself." Myeonji softly said to me.

"I'll try." I smiled at them and they both smiled back.

"We forgive you Hyunjin." Changbin hyung said which calmed me down.

"Thank you."

"Well, I guess we have to go. We still have something to do." Changbin hyung said as he stood up.

"We do?" Myeonji confusingly asked.

Maybe Changbin hyung is going to surprise her a date or something.

"Sure, go along. I don't wanna keep you guys for too long, I also have errands to do as well. See you around in school!" I waved at them goodbye as they left the cafe.

No one's POV

Soon the group graduated together. Chan and the others auditioned together as a group at JYP and they managed to get in.

Which means, Myeonji's friends, her brother and her boyfriend would be busy. The only person she got is Sam which Chan allowed to stay at their house to keep Myeonji companied while they stay at their dorms.

The group was doing so well with they're training and are bound to debut soon. Chan and Changbin would try their best to keep in contact with her, to update her with their activities and how they are doing.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I'm so excited today. Chan said that they can have a break for awhile and that he would come home and be with me.

The doorbell rang and I immediately ran to the door knowing who is ringing it.

I opened the door to be greeted by Chan's hug.

"Chan I missed you so much!" I immediately squealed when he engulfed me to a big hug.

"Aw, I miss you too."

I helped him with some of his stuff, he's staying here for 3 days only and goes back for more training.

"How's everyone?" I asked him.

"They're great. They missed you and Sam as well." He chuckled.

"How is Changbin?" I managed to ask, trying my best not to cry. Chan stopped smiling and walked towards me.

"He's fine." He gave me a small smile after knowing what happened between us.


"Binnie, I missed you."

Changbin and I are having late night video call as he was working with music like Chan.

"Yeah, I missed you too." He said in a monotone voice which caught me off-guard. Changbin isn't someone to talk with a voice like that no matter how stressed or tired he is.

But I just ignored it and understand him.

But as days, weeks, months passed. Changbin seems to grew distant from me which worries me, which made me think that maybe he's feelings are starting to go away as we interact less.

I just brushed those thoughts of and understand him as usual knowing how much he wants to debut with the group.

Flashback ended~

"Is he somehow going to come and visit me?" I tried not cry again.

I remembered how I cried every night to sleep with those thoughts and how Sam would cuddle me to sleep which reminds me of Changbin a lot.

"The boys are coming later saying they want to visit." Chan said which made me nod.

The door opened revealing Sam who just got back from an overnight shift.

"Oh my Chan, I missed you. How are you? How is Minho? How are the others?" Sam immediately asked after releasing Chan from a tight hug.

"They say they're coming over so, let's clean and prepare this place up." He said while trying to cheer me up.

Would he show up?

Time Skip 》

I'm quite nervous since I haven't seen the boys for a long time personally, especially Changbin.

Ding dong!

The doorbell made me jump a little and Sam noticed that I was quite nervous.

"Hey its okay. I'm sure you two would talk." Sam gave me a side hug to comfort me.

Chan was the one who opened the door and I could already hear loud voices especially Jisung and Felix.

"Myeonji!" As soon as Han saw me, he immediately ran to me and gave me a tight hugged.

"Aw, I missed my bestfriend so much. How have you bern bestie?" Hearing Han talk made me calmed down a bit.

"I missed you too Han Jisung. I missed how noisy and hype you are." I chuckled, not letting go of the hug.

"My turn!" We both faced Felix and playfully rolled our eyes as the three of us group hugged.

After letting go, someone familiar approached me.

"Damn, Hwang Hyunjin you've looked more handsome." I said which was supposed to be an sarcasm but he took it as a compliment.

"Thanks, I missed you." He then gave me a big hug.

"I missed you too."

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