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Seo Changbin's POV

The guys looked at us and I could notice that Hyunjin and Minho hyung are eyeing the two of us.

"Uh guys?" Myeonji asked.

"Aigo~ I think we have a love team here." Han teased.

"Shut it Han Jisung, we're just friends." Myeonji said.

"But you two act like a couple which is kind of suspicious." Han replied back.

"Come here Han Jisung! I said we're just friends!" Myeonji starts to chase Han around the house while the food she bought for me is on my hands and I haven't thanked her yet.

"Stop it Han Jisung and Bang Myeonji." Chan hyung said making the two of them come back to the dining table while Myeonji is glaring at Han and Han is still silently teasing Myeonji.

I looked infront of me and saw Minho hyung kind of hurt and Hyunjin looks so jealous.

"Uh thanks for the food Myeonji but you didn't have too." I smiled and thanked her for the food.

She just smiled back and said that it was okay and its what friends are for.


"Changbin." I hummed in response.

"Tell me, if something is bothering you or you have struggles so that I can help you." She said before closing her eyes to sleep.

Flashback ended~

She cared for me as a friend and I care for her as a friend too and as a sister.

Time skip》

Bang Myeonji's POV

Jeongin, Felix and I didn't drink cause we don't want to. Chan, Minho, Seungmin and Han are now drunk. Hyunjin and Changbin are still sober but I bet they're going to be knocked out soon.

I started to worry since we'll be recording tomorrow.

"Okay, that's enough drinking everyone." I said and took the bottles away.

"One more Myeonji." Han whined.

"Han Jisung that's enough or you'll get a serious headache tomorrow." I grabbed the bottle from his hand and he pouted.

"Myeonji's right. We still have recording tomorrow. Stop drinking hyungs." Jeongin agreed with me.

"Felix and Jeongin you two take care of Seungmin and Han. Hyunjin are you still sober?" I asked.

Felix and Jeongin helped Seungmin and Han up and walked them to their rooms.

"Yeah, I'm still sober." Hyunjin answered.

"You and Minho are roommates, can you bring him to your shared room?" Hyunjin nodded but when he stood up, he fell down.

Aish. I shouldn't have bought drinks in the first place.

"Felix and Jeongin! Please help me with Hyunjin and Minho as well." Felix and Jeongin immediately came to help after settling Seungmin and Han in their bed.

"Changbin?" I tapped on his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Are you still sober?" I asked back and he nodded.

Good thing he was still sober, so he helped me bringing Chan to his room.

After tucking Chan in his bed, I faced Changbin and told him to sleep already because we still have recording tomorrow.

He nodded and when we went out of Chan's room.

He kissed my forehead and said goodnight before going to our respective rooms.

The next day》

I woke up early than the others to make them a hangover soup.

After cooking, I went to their rooms one by one.

I knocked and opened Chan's room to see him already up but he's eyes are still closed.

"Good morning Chan, I have prepared some hangover soup. Get washed up already, I'll wake the others up." I said.

He nodded while yawning.

Next, I went to Minho and Hyunjin's room.

"Minho wake up." I shake Minho's body.

"Yah, wake up Lee Minho." I shake his body again and he seems to be slowly waking up.

"Get washed up and come out for some hangover soup."

I walked over to Hyunjin's side.

"Yah, you big liar wake up Hwang Hyunjin."

"Hwang Hyunjin wake up or else Imma throw the gift you gave me."

His eyes opened immediately and got up.

"No don't." He pouted.

"You told me you were sober last night when in fact you were drunk already. Aish you liar." I complained.

"I'm sorry." He sleepily said.

I said the exact thing I said to Minho to him.

I went next to Felix and Han's shared room.

Felix was already up so I told him to wake Han up and to get washed cause the hangover soup is ready.

Then, I went to Seungmin and Jeongin's shared room.

"Yang Jeongin wake up. Kim Seungmin you wake up too." I alternately shook their bodies up.

Seungmin groaned and seems to have no plans of getting up.

"Yah Kim Seungmin." He slowly opened his eyes.

"Agh, my head hurts."

"Get washed up already, hangover soup is waiting for ya'll in the dining table." He nodded and slowly got up.

"Yang Jeongin, you baby wake up already. You look like you drunk last night." I chuckled at Jeongin's messy look.

Jeongin glared at me.

Lastly, Changbin's room.

I hope he's up cause I'm tired of shaking everyone's body to wake them up.

I knocked on the door and peeked inside to see Changbin still peacefully sleeping on his bed. You lucky guy, cause you got a room only for yourself.

I went beside him and poked his cheek since I'm tired of shaking everybody up.

"Seo Changbin wake up."

"Wake up Seo Changbin."

"Changbin, Changbin, Changbin."

Why is this guy so hard to wake up?

I guess I have no choice.

"Yah! Seo Changbin you wake up right now or else!" I shouted.

"Or else what? You're so loud. I wanna sleep more." He groaned as turned his back on me.

"Changbin just get up please. The others are waiting for you. I cooked hangover soup." I slowly went out of his room and sighed.

"Is something wrong Myeonji?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, your Changbin hyung is hard to wake up." I complained and walked my way to the dining table to see everyone there starting to eat without some of us.

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