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Bang Myeonji's POV

"I saw him go to the rooftop." Felix answered.

I looked at Changbin as if I was asking permission to talk things out to Hyunjin. He smiled and nodded.

I quickly finished my food and kissed Changbin on the cheek before going up to the rooftop.

I opened the door to see Hyunjin sitting on the edge.


He turned to look at me and got up.

I was expecting that he was going to talk to me but no. He just went past me.

"Hyunjin. Can we talk?"

He stopped walking and faced me.

"Is there something that we should talk about? Cause I don't think there is." He coldly answered and tried to walk out but I stopped him.

"Hyunjin, I just wanted to say thank you and I'm sorry." 

"What?" He faced me again and walked towards me.

"Thank you because even though I already rejected you, you still stayed by side and continued to be with me. I'm sorry because I couldn't return your feelings no matter how hard you tried."

He soon smiled a little.

"I understand. But if he hurts you in any way, I won't hesitate to take you." He said.

I just smiled at him and hugged him as he hugs me back.

"We're good now?" I asked him.

"Yup, we're good."

"Let's go back. The others might be waiting for us." I said and he nodded.

Hyunjin and I walked side by side towards the cafeteria.

"Look, she's now with Hyunjin."

"I thought she's Changbin's."

"Such a slut."

The last comment made me close my eyes in annoyance.

Control your anger Myeonji, you don't need to beat that person up.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked worriedly as we are nearing our table.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just controlling myself from beating someone's ass up." I laughed.

"Cool, I'd like to see you beat someone up tho." He said which made me look at him.

"You're joking."

"I mean only if the person deserves it." He chuckled.

He sat down next to Felix as I went back to sit between Chan and Changbin.

"How did it go?" Changbin asked me.

"We figured things out." I smiled and he pats my head.

"That's good." He smiles.

We all continued eating and have small conversations until it was time to go back to class.

"Come on, let me walk you to your room." Changbin offered his hand as he stood up which I gladly accepted.

"Myeonji, let's go out tomorrow." He suddenly said.

"I don't see why not." I chuckled.

"Then its a date." We stopped walking since we already arrived in my room.

"See you later." He kissed my forehead before leaving.

Han and the others catched up and we entered the class together.

Time skip》

Seo Changbin's POV


Finally, I get to see Myeonji.

As I was fixing my things, someone annoying came to my side.

"Oppaaaaaaaaaaa~" oh gosh this girl need to shut up.

Chan hyung and Minho hyung were looking at us, I mean she's clinging unto me.

"Uh what are you doing?" I asked with an annoyed face.

"Let's hang out." She happily answered.

"Which part of leave me alone do you not understand Taehee? Gosh." I removed my hand from her grip.

"Why is it because you and that Myeonji girl are together?" She scoffed.

"Don't you dare try anything on Myeonji!" Chan hyung said with a threatening voice.

"Why is it because you've fallen for her too?" She asked.

For those months that she studied here, until now she doesn't know Myeonji is Chan hyung's little sister? How dumb of her.

"And also for the fact that Hyunjin had some feelings for her too." She added.

Minho hyung started to laugh at how dumb Taehee was.

"Why are you laughing?" Taehee glared at Minho hyung.

"You're so dumb. Myeonji is Chan's little sister and has every right to threaten you if you dare hurt her and Hyunjin? They're in good terms now." Minho hyung explained to her.

"Whatever." And with that she walked away, losing the argument.

"That was dumb of her to think that I have fallen for Myeonji." Chan hyung chuckled.

I remained quiet since I'm scared of what Taehee would try to do to Myeonji.

"Changbin, don't worry. Taehee is a scaredy cat. She won't do things like that." Minho hyung assures me.

"I know but what if she'll try one day." I said.

"Then we'll have to protect her." Chan hyung smiled.

"Come on, she might be waiting for you already." Minho hyung said and I nodded.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Hey, I'm just gonna use the restroom for awhile." They nodded as I ran to the nearest restroom.

After using one of the cubicles, I went to the mirror to wash my hands when someone came in.

"Hi Bang Myeonji."

It was Taehee.

"Hello, now if you would excuse me, I need to go." I said while walking past her but she grabbed my hair.

"If I can't have Changbin, then no one can." She started to slap me and hurt me in every way.

Okay, that's it. I'm losing my sanity.

I grabbed her hand that was about hit me in the face again and pushed her. She was quite shocked with how I reacted.

Oh gosh, I'm sorry for this.

I roundhouse kicked her and she was knocked out.

What the-

I didn't know she was that weak to be easily knocked out. Oh gosh, I'm sorry.

I left the restroom with some slap marks and small cuts  but I'm somehow fine.

"Myeonji!? What happened to you!?" Chan immediately ran to me as soon as he saw me approaching them.

"I'm fine. Got into a small fight." I chuckled.

"Tell me who did this." Changbin said.

"Changbin, its okay. Its not a big deal."

"Not a big deal!? Myeonji you could've passed out or soemthing?!" Han exclaimed.

"But I didn't." They all remained silent waiting for me to tell them who did it.

"Fine, it was Taehee."

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