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The next day》

No one's POV

Myeonji walk up with a frown on her face seeing that Changbin left before she woke up.

She expected to see him first thing in the morning.

She slowly got up and did her morning routine.

When she went out of her room, she saw her brother Chan watching the TV while waiting for her.

"Did you see Changbin leave?" She asked.

"Yeah he left when the rain stopped for a bit." Though the rain didn't actually stop, up until now it is still raining and so classes were suspended.

Chan lied to her sister and it was a request Changbin asked for before leaving the house after they had a small talk.

Chan is aware of Myeonji's feelings and is aware of Changbin's as well since Changbin told him last night in  their small talk. That's how Chan confirmed the mutual feelings between the two. That's why he said fate brought them back together again because they need each other at the cafe yesterday.

But either of them have the guts to confess.

They spent the day watching movies and had sibling time.

Two months later》

Ever since that day, Myeonji keep on worrying about Changbin. They didn't talk again after that night as if something bad happened between them and the bond vanished just like that.

It has been two months since they interacted though they sit at the same table during lunch, they never exchanged words.

Hyunjin, continues to be staying by her side and comes to her aid right away when she needs help.

And Changbin? He seems to be avoiding Myeonji and it bothers Myeonji a lot thinking what she could have done that this happened to the both of them.

Changbin misses Myeonji a lot but being the stubborn person he is. He doesn't want to confess because he keeps on saying that Myeonji deserves better than him and that's why he is still rooting for Hyunjin to become Myeonji's.

Myeonji can't lie that she doesn't miss Changbin at all  and she can't take it anymore with this avoiding stuff and decided to confront Changbin after school.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I noticed Changbin leaving first and I decided to confront him today.

"Chan, you go home first. I have something to deal with. I'll be quick."

"If it's quick, I'll come with you." Hyunjin offered.

"Thank you Hyunjin but no, I have to deal with this alone." I said while looking at the direction Changbin went making sure I don't lose my sight of him.

Hyunjin seems to notice where I was looking at and so he sighed in defeat.

"If he hurts you, I'll never forgive him." Hyunjin said and I just smiled at his concern.

I'm glad that Hyunjin still sticks to me but I don't like the idea of him getting hurt all over again because I can't return his feelings.

I immediately ran to follow Changbin.

"Seo Changbin!"

He stopped walkimg but didn't turn to face me.

"Can we talk?"

He faced me and nods.

We walked to a nearby coffee shop and talked there.

Seo Changbin's POV

We sat there in silence. I don't know what we're gonns talk about nor what she wants to talk about to me.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"What avoiding?"

"Changbin just stop lying. You promised that night you will stay but when I woke up you weren't there anymore and the next thing I knew you never talked to me. You've been avoiding me for 2 fucking months Seo Changbin!" She suddenly outbursted.

I was taken back by Myeonji suddenly cursing.

"Its funny how I thought you have feelings for me as well because of how you acted towards me before you stopped talking to me. Only to find out it was one sided. It took me just a week for me to realize when you guys left, when I visited your room, when I laid down on your bed that I have unconciously fallen for you Seo Changbin. " She suddenly stood up gathering her things.

"But then you avoided me for a month then I finally got the chance to be with you again but then you left and continued avoiding me for 2 months, I guess you didn't really care did you. Well, that's it. Continue avoiding me and I'll pretend nothing happened between us." Then she left leaving me speechless from the sudden revelation.

She has feelings for me.

I immdiately ran outside to find her.

I can't take it anymore. I've got to tell her I feel the same too.

I keep on running hoping that I'll find her anytime soon. Until I ended up running to a riverside. I saw her seating on one of the benches and just kicking the small stones on the ground.

Bang Myeonji's POV

That was so stupid Myeonji. Outbursting and leaving just like that and you even confessed on the spot.

I ran to wherever my feet was taking me and I ended up sitting on one of the benches by the riverside.

Could Changbin somehow felt the same even for a bit?

Aish! Myeonji stopped thinking about him.

I keep on kicking the small stones on the ground when I noticed that a pair of shoes appeared in my peripheral vision.

I looked up to see Changbin.

"Mind if I seat next to you?" He calmly asked as if he didn't see me outbursting in that cafe earlier and leaving him right after.

"Yeah sure, I guess."

We sat together in silence. No one dared to speak first.



We chuckled as soon as we realized we spoke at the same time.

"You first." He said.

"I'm sorry I suddenly outbursted at the cafe earlier." I apologized.

"No you shouldn't apologize Myeonji. You had a point there and it was never one sided." He said making me look at him confused.

"If I were in your position I would've probably done the same thing." He chuckles.

"What do you mean it was never one sided?" I asked.

"I also have feelings for you Bang Myeonji." He smiled sweetly at me.


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