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Bang Myeonji's POV

He let go of the hug and looked at me.

"Stop crying. It hurts me when you cry and it hurted me more when you called out for someone, particularly Changbin hyung." He said.

Jealousy can be read all over his face and heard all over his voice.

"It was just I'm used to Changbin being there for me when I have nightmares." I honestly answered.

"Well, get changed cause I'm talking you out." He smiled at me.

"I still have a few more weeks and days to prove my feelings to you and I'm not giving up." He kissed my forehead and looked at me with loving eyes.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"The movies." My eyes immediately lit up and I got up from my bed right away pushing Hyunjin out.

"I'll be ready in 20." I just smiled at him before closing the door.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"Where are you going to take me?"

"The movies." Her eyes immediately lit up and she got up from her bed right away pushing me out of her room.

"I'll be ready in 20." She just smiled at me before closing the door.

I just chukled. That was cute.

"Oh Hyunjin hyung what are you doing outside Myeonji's room and why are you smiling like that?" Jeongin asked as soon as he saw me.

"Nothing." I immediately answered and ran to my shared room, preparing as well.

"Woah, where are you going and why are you in a rush?" Minho hyung asked. He seems to be awakened by the sound I made.

"I'm going out with Myeonji."

"Oh okay... wait what? Are you two dating?"

"No, but I'm courting her."

"Wow, well I don't have any chance with her either way but have fun you two and good luck Hyunjin." Minho hyung said while getting up.

"Thanks hyung."

After changing, I went to the kitchen to drink water.

"Oh hey Changbin hyung." I greeted him when I saw him looking at the cabinets for food..

"Hi Hyunjin. Why are you dressed up? I thought were leaving by 5 in the afternoon and its only 9:45 in the morning." He said.

"I'm taking Myeonji out."

Seo Changbin's POV

"I'm taking Myeonji out." I froze.

"Oh really, good for you." I said trying not to be obviously intimidated by the fact that Hyunjin gets to go out with Myeonji.

Speaking of going out with Myeonji, the first and last hang out with her was when we met at the cementery and had dinner together, the rest were casually talking and cuddling when she have nightmares.

God I miss her. But Hyunjin would be perfect for her too.

"Hyung are you sure you really don't have feelings for her?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't."

I do.

"Well that's a relief. You know this morning when I tries to wake her up she suddenly had a nightmare."

My eyes widened and looked at Hyunjin.

"Really? Then what happened?" I cannot lie that I'm not worried about Myeonji when it comes to her nightmares.

It just reminded me of those time holding her in my arms and calmimg her down until she sleeps peacefully.

Aish! Changbin stop thinking about her.

"I woke her up but she called someone else's name," he paused. "She said Changbin, please stay."

"I'm starting to think that maybe she has feelings for you but she said she's used to you comforting her when she have nightmares." He added.

Hyunjin was about to say something when Myeonji appeared.

"Hyunjin, there you are. Come on, let's go!" She excitedly said, fully unaware of my presence.

But when she saw me, her smile began to fade but managed to keep a small smile.

"Hi Changbin."

"Hey." Then walked away from the scene.

Bang Myeonji's POV

My eyes followed Changbin as he walks out of the kitchen.

"You ready to go?" Hyunjin asked and I nodded.

"Let's go." I said while jumping excitedly as he just chuckled at my behavior.

"We'll be back before 5." I shouted to Chan before leaving the house.

"Be careful!" Chan shouted back since we were already outside the house.

Time Skip》

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

After going to the movies, we went to the park like the usual hanging out we do.

We are holding hands since she doesn't mind.

"Aw I just remembered you guys are leaving today. It's been a fun week with all of you." Myeonji said.

"Well, we still get to see each other in school. Have you fogotten that?" I chuckled.

"Oh right, we're classmates." She facepalmed herself then laughed together with me.

We sat together in silence.

I looked beside me to see Myeonji closing her eyes.

I keep admiring her to the point that she caught me staring at her.

"Is something in my face?" She asked.

"Nope, its just you're beautiful." I answered honestly.

I could see her slowly blushing, which was cute.

"Come on let's go back." I suggested and she nodded, following my lead.

I held her hand as we walk back home.

Bang Myeonji's POV

When we reached home the place was in complete chaos.

"Uh what happened here?" Hyunjin asked.

"They're running around for no reason. So how did it go?" Chan was the first person to notice us arrive.

"We had a good time." I answered. Chan was smiling at me like crazy as if he wants to tease me more about it but decided not to.

"Well, I should ready my things." Hyunjin kissed my forehead before letting go and went to his room.

Chan is looking at me weirdly with a wide smile on his face.

"Chan stop looking like that. It creeps me out." I lighlty hit his shoulder.

"So tell me are you two together now?" He suddenly asked.

"Chan I told you, I'm trying but I don't think so there's something I'm feeling for him. I mean I'm happy hanging out with him but it isn't just that thing." I explained.

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