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Bang Myeonji's POV

"Be careful Myeonji!" Chan reminded me again for the 100th time.

"Chan I'm not going somewhere unfamiliar and I'll be fine." I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Aw too bad I wanna hang out today with you." Hyunjin said softly making sure that its just the two of us who heard what he said.

"Maybe next time Hyunjin. But this is really important." I smiled at him.

"Then tomorrow." He smiled and patted my head.

"Aw I'm gonna miss my bestfriend." Han pouted.

"Han Jisung, I'm not leaving this city nor the country and you'll still see me tomorrow in school so stop pouting." I chuckled.

"You guys sound like Myeonji's leaving us for good." Minho rolled his eyes at them.

"Yeah, so stop it cause I'm not leaving anyone." I smiled and bid goodbye.

Today, I'm going to my parents' grave. I didn't wanna tell Chan cause I don't want him to worry about me and that I want to be alone when I visit them.

Its not their death anniversary but I just wanna visit them since I'm now here.

Seo Changbin's POV

"Hyung, you just misssed Myeonji leaving." Jeongin said.

"Changbin, I'm glad you didn't have any fights today." Chan hyung smiled.

"Yeah. I have to go."

I arrived at the cemetery and went to look for my mother's grave.

"Hi mom."


"Changbin promise me, you'll take care of yourself and do well in school."

"Mom, please don't say that as if you're leaving me forever. You've got to fight it mom."

"Changbin, after you graduate, find a good and stable job, love a woman and begin a new family with her. Don't you dare cheat on her like your father did to me. Promise me you'll be happy. I wish I could see the woman you'll love forever."

"Mom, please don't say that. You're going to see her too."

"I love you Changbin. I'll always be there with you. Always."

Flashback ended~

"I'm sorry I couldn't be happy mom. It still hurts knowing that the person who helped me grow up and loved me, passed away. I wish I could've come sooner and maybe, just maybe I could have save you from him." I began to sob as I knelt down infront of her grave.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"Hi mom, Hi dad." I greeted my parents as soon as I found their grave.

"I came back here and ready to move on from your death." I smiled.

"I left Korea days after your death and left Chan here all alone. I just couldn't bear the thought of you two gone in our lives forever." I placed the flowers on their grave.


It was my birthday and mom and dad was on their way home from work.

It was just a simple celebration. A very simple one. It was just us. No relatives and friends. Just family.

Chan and I we're busy trying our best to decorate the house even though it was quite messy but we still managed.

Until, we recieved a phone call from a place we didn't expect to hear from.

"Is this the Bang family's house?"

Of course, Chan answered the phone since his the eldest.

"Yes, is there something wrong? Who is this?" 

I just looked at him as he talked to the person on the phone.

"Your parents were involved in a car accident and are in critical condition. I'm sorry to say but they may might not make it. Please hurry to the XXX hospital."

Chan placed back the phone and told me to hurry up without minding to change clothes.

I was still in confused until we reached the hospital.

"Chan, why is mom and dad inside?"

"Mom and dad will be fine Myeonji." he kissed my forehead and talked to a doctor.

I looked insided the room and I can see mom and dad on the bed trying to be saved by the doctors.

But it was too late.

"I'm sorry. We did the very best that we can."

Chan dropped on his knees and cried. I knew what it was all about and so I cried on his arms as well.

I couldn't accept the fact that our parents died so I ran away, leaving only a note for Chan to read when I left for Australia.

Of course I didn't go all alone. I got help from a woman whom I don't know but when she saw me crying on the streets with my bag she asked why I was crying and if ever have relatives that I can live with.

I said yes but I don't wanna stay here in Korea for now and so she asked me if there is someone else that I would want to live with and I said yes but grandma is in Australia.

And so she helped me to fly to Australia and booked a flight back to Seoul right away after dropping me off at my grandma's house in Australia because she's worried that her son might get worried as well.

I never knew her name but I wish I could just thank her personally.

Flashback ended~

"But now, I'm ready mom and dad. I accept it." I smiled and felt the breeze brush past against me. I closed my eyes and enjoy the breeze.

I looked beside me and saw a familiar person, kneeling infront of a grave.

He was not too far and not too close but I could quite recognize him.

I stood up, walked up to the person and rubbed his back.

"Everything's gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright."

Bang Chan's POV

"Where do you think Myeonji went?" Minho asked.

"Well, I guess she went to visit our parents." I answered as I took a sip of my cola.

"Then why are you not visiting if she's visiting?"

"I know Myeonji would want to visit our parents alone."

Minho and I just hang out at a nearby cafe since Changbin didn't wanna join us because he says he have something important to go to.

"Where do you think Changbin is going?" I asked Minho.

"I really have no idea. He just suddenly changed."

The two of us sighed.

We wish we could help you Changbin.

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