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Bang Myeonji's POV

"I won't eat, I'm still full. Don't worry I have eaten earlier." I said.

"Are you sure?" Minho asked and I nodded.

Time Skip》

We have now arrived at the recording studio. I looked around and was overwhelmed that I finally get inside of one. Though I know what it looks like.

Chan sat down and placed his laptop infront of him.

"Jeongin you go first." Jeongin nodded and went inside the recording both.

"Go Jeongin." I silently cheered at him and he just chuckled back.

Jeongin sang beautifully and I got to admit he has such cute voice which matches his appearance and personality.

Next was Minho, I did the same thing to him and silently cheered.

I can't help but notice that he keeps on looking at me while he was singing, Chan noticed it too since he looked at me then back at Minho.

Bang Chan's POV

No wonder I can feel Minho's part of the song.

He was looking the entire time he was singing at Myeonji as Myeonji was smiling and silently cheering for him.

Myeonji looked at me and just shrugged.

"We'll do it again." I said to Minho and he nodded since he sang a note wrongly.

And again, while he sang he looked at Myeonji.

I looked at Changbin and he seems to notice what Minho was doing and just shrugged it off.

After recording Minho's, I told Changbin to enter the booth.

"We'll start when you're ready." He nodded.

He sighed and preffered to practice for awhile.

"Hey Chan." Myeonji sat beside me.

Since Changbin is still practicing, I managed to chat a little with Myeonji for awhile.

"I have something to tell you." She lowered her voice as if she's saying something secretly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, uhm...." she paused for awhile, kind of hesitating to tell me something.

"What is it Myeonji?" I asked worriedly.

"Well, Hyunjin kind of confessed to me earlier this morning when we had a walk."

"What?" My eyes widened. I never expected Hyunjin to confess so fast.

"Hyung, I'm ready." Changbin said which made my focus turn back to him.

"We'll talk later. Okay?" I said to Myeonji and she nodded. I kissed her forehead and then focused on recording Changbin's part.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I'm not gonna lie. I was mesmerized by Changbin's voice. He did very well with the intro. I looked at Changbin as he went out of the booth and smiled.

"I didn't expect you'd be this good at singing and rapping too." I lightly hit his chest while chuckling.

He just chuckled back and switch sits with Chan.

"I mean you guys are all good." I complimented Minho and Jeongin as well to avoid favoritism.

"Wait till you see me sing and hear my voice little sis." Chan ruffled my hair before going inside the booth.

"You're so arrogant brother." I just rolled my eyes and pushed him inside the booth quickly.

I got tired standing up while watching them record.

Wait why am I even standing up in the first place? Ugh, dumb.

I sat between Jeongin and Minho who are eating the snacks on the table.

"Do you want some?" Jeongin asked but I just shook my head.

I focused on Chan's recording and he was right. He can sing very well and he has an amazing voice.

"Why don't you guys audition? I'm pretty sure companies would accept, ya'll are too talented and handsome." I suggested and complimented them.

"So you're admitting that I'm handsome?" Chan asked in a teasingly way.

"No, not you. Just them." I retorted back.

"Whatever, get inside and we'll record your parts." Chan grabbed my wrist and entered the booth with me.

"You know what to do right?" He asked and I nodded.

"You only have to-"

"To do backgrounds vocals. I know. I'll be fine Chan." I smiled at him reassuringly before leaving me alone inside the booth.

I took a deep breath and looked infront of me. I noticed that all eyes were on my which made me kind of nervous, but I have to do this.

The music started playing and I could hear Changbin's voice at the rap part and I did a second voice in a vocal tone to the same part.

Lee Minho's POV

This is the first time we heard Myeonji sing and indeed her voice was amazingly beautiful just like her brother's. They really are the Bang siblings.

I keep staring at her totally lost in her voice, until I felt someone nudged at me.

"You're staring for too long." Jeongin commented.

"Was I?" And he nodded.

Her recording finished quite fast.

"That was amazing sis." Chan hyung hugged his sister.

"Yeah yeah, I know I'm amazing." She said in a sass tone making Chan hyung roll his eyes at her.

"Well, we're done. I think we can do the shoot tomorrow right away. I'm just gonna spend the night arranging this. Minho do you mind to tell the others to make sure everything we need for the shoot tomorrow is ready?" I nodded and typed on my phone right away.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"And you, young lady. We'll have a sibling talk when we get home." Chan said and I nodded.

The 5 of us left the studio and decided to bring the others food when we get home.

"Hey Myeonji, you have such an amazing voice. You should audition too." Minho came up running to me leaving Jeongin and Changbin behind as he catched up to me and Chan.

"I would love to Minho but I'm now focused of achieving my dream becoming a psychologist. But thanks for the suggestion, anyways thanks for the compliment, I guess." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I looked behind him and saw Changbin looking at us. I did a little wave at him and he obviously waved back as well, not leaving me hanging.

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