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The next day

Bang Myeonji's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I'm back in my room.

Wait? How did I get here?

I was about to get up but felt strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

That's when I realized, Changbin was sleeping peacefully next to me.

What happened last night?

My eyes widened and immediately checked if I still have my clothes on, and yup. I sigh a relief.

Thank god, cause I'm not ready.

I mentally chuckled to myself at that thought.

I went back to facing Changbin and caress his cheeks which kinda woke him up.

"Good morning baby." His raspy voice sent shivers down my spine as I try hard not to blush.

"Good morning Binnie." I managed to keep my cool but in the insides I'm squealing.

"How did we get here last night? I only remembered us watching movie on the couch."

"Well, we both actually fell asleep while watching the movie then Chan hyung came home waking me up, telling me that we should sleep in your room." He explained.

Well that makes sense.


My phone went off.

I grabbed my phone by the night stand and checked.

From: Hyunjin
Can I talk to you with Changbin hyung?

"Who is it?"

"Its Hyunjin."

"What did he say?"

"He wants to talk to us."

Changbin looked at me worriedly, "Would you be okay with it?"

I looked at him confused, "Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that question? I'm worried that once we see him, you'll prolly punch him right away." I chuckled.

"No, I'm not always like that." He rolled his eyes at me.

I immediately typed a reply.

Me: Sure, we don't mind.
Where do you wanna meet?

Hyunjin: I'm so glad you agreed.
We'll meet by the cafe near your house.

Me: What time?

Hyunjin: How about 1pm?

Me: Sounds good.
See you!

"He says 1pm at the cafe near our house." I said as I checked the other notifications from my social media accounts.

"What time is it? I don't wanna get up~" Changbin whined.

"Its-oh shoot! Get your ass up Seo Changbin! We overslept!" I immediately got up but Changbin is still comfortably laying on my bed.

"Changbin, you still need to go home you know." I tried to get Changbin up but he wouldn't budge.

"Seo Changbin!" I jumped on him as he groaned in pain.

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