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Seo Changbin's POV

"What are you doing here?" She softly asked.

"I was worried that you might have another nightmare because it was raining. Thankfully, I came in just right in time you were about to cry." I softly smiled at her.

"Thank you." She mumbles.

"I see you're all good. I'll be going now." I was about to leave but Myeonji didn't want to let go of my hand making me look back to her.

"Stay, please."

I went to her side and she snuggled up close to me.

"I don't know why but Changbin, I really feel safe when I'm with you. I feel so calm and it feels so warm." She said as she was slowly drifting to sleep while I was playing with her hair.

Lately, I have been having weird feelings for Myeonji. I would keep on thinking about her. How I would miss her calling me Binnie when its just the two of us, or those times that we are together or those times that we would cuddle when she's having nightmares.

I would miss her presence beside me and having her in my arms all snuggled up to me sleeping peacefully and the first thing I see in the morning is her face and I would smile while admiring her features. I love kissing her forehead as a sign of affection.

That's when I realized.

I've fallen in love with Bang Chan's sister, Bang Myeonji.

The next day》

I woke up first before Myeonji. The realization I had last night was something I didn't expect. All those times that I have cared or worried for her weren't an act as a brother and a friend but because I had feelings for her from the very start.

I looked at Myeonji and smiled. I'm glad I met this girl cause she totally changed my life. I kissed her forehead before leaving her without greeting her good morning.

"I would love to confess Myeonji in the future, but I'm aware of Minho hyung and Hyunjin's feelings. You deserve better than me." I mumbled and smiled before completely leaving her room.

"Changbin?" Chan hyung went out of his room as soon as he saw me coming out of Myeonji's.

"What were you doing at Myeonji's?" He asked.

"I was just checking up on her since it rained last night." I answered.


"Gladly, she didn't have one last night. I woke her up right before she was about to cry."

"Thanks Changbin." Chan hyung patted my shoulder and smiled.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I woke up to see no Binnie beside me.

I pouted.

He would usually stay until I wake up and greet me good morning then kisses me in the forehead when we cuddle.

I just shrugged the thought off and did my morning routine. We still need to head off to school for today's shoot. We'll be doing the 2nd verse until 2nd chorus and tomorrow would be the rest.

I went out of the room to see everyone on the dining table.

"Good morning everyone!" My loudness surprised everyone when I entered the place.

"You seem to be happy this morning sis." Chan commented.

"Yeah kind of." I just chuckled and sat beside Minho.

"Good morning Myeonji."

"Good morning Minho."

He ruffles my hair making me giggle and pout.

"You're ruining it."

"I'm sorry, here let me fix it for you as well." He chuckled.

"Is it just me or Myeonji is kind of acting weird?" Seungmin said.

"I'm more scared of my bestfriend now." Han dramatically expressed scared which made me laugh.

"I'm fine guys." I smiled.

I looked over Changbin and noticed that something was off.

Is there something you're not telling me Binnie?

Time Skip》

We continued our shoot and when it was break time, the boys decided to play and fool around at the soccer field.

Little did they know, I was filming the entire scene myself. I'm happy to see them having fun as a group of friends.

I pressed stopped when Minho aporoached me.

"Hey Myeonji."

"Hey Minho."

"What were you doing?" He pointed to the camera I am holding right now.

"I was filming you guys secretly. Do you wanna see?" He immediately nod and I showed him the video I took.

"You guys look really happy, I hope your friendship lasts." I smiled at Minho as he ruffles my hair.

"Oh right, do you wanna walk around for a bit?" Minho asked out of nowhere.

I looked back to the boys and they seem to be still having fun and so I nod and walk away with Minho.

He held my hand and ran to wherever he was going to take me.

"I thought you said to walk."

"I felt like running." He laughed.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

I was staring this whole time since Minho hyung approaching Myeonji to holding her hand and running away to who knows where.

"Hyung, are you listening?" Jeongin asked.

"Uh what? Sorry I spaced out."

"You were staring this entire time at Minho hyung and Myeonji." He added.

"What? I was not." I denied.

"You were. I heard Minho hyung would confess to her today at the garden." What Jeongin said made me ran to the garden.

I'm curious to how Myeonji woukd react and what would her response be.

Lee Minho's POV

I brought Myeonji to the garden and confess.

"What are we doing here Minho?" Myeonji asked.

"Just enjoying the breeze and look at the surroundings, it feels peaceful right?"

Myeonji closed her eyes and inhaled the air and exhaled as she relaxes.

"Wah I didn't know there were lilies in this garden." She immediately skipped her way to the flowers and adore them upclose which I find it cute.

"You love lilies?" I asked and she nodded.

"Especially the yellow ones, they represent joy, thankfulness and friendship. Seeing it actually makes me happy." she added.

"Myeonji." she hummed in response as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and said the words I want to say.

"I like you."

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now