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20 mins. later》

Bang Myeonji's POV

Knock knock!

Why isn't he opening the door?

Perhaps he went out?

I've been knocking on this door for 5 mins. now and he still won't open.

Maybe he's still asleep.

I'll come back later, for now, I'll buy something at the convenience store.

Seo Changbin's POV

I'm glad the knocking stopped. It scared the hell out of me. The person didn't even speak, just knocked on the door.

I sighed and continued to sleep since I'm not really in the mood to move for awhile because of the bruises I receieved yesterday.


I still keep on wondering who texted me.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I stayed for 30 mins.  and started to walk back again to Changbin's apartment when it suddenly rained and so I ran as fast as I could.

But, I still ended up getting soaked in the rain.

I knocked again on Changbin's door and he still won't answer.

I dialed he's number, hoping that he would answer.

The number you have dialed is unattended or out of coverage area. Please try again later.

Ugh, Changbin.

"Changbin!" I shouted his name while banging on the door this time.

"Changbin please open the door." I'm now shivering and starts to feel dizzy.

The doors slowly opened and Changbin peeked but when he saw me soaking from the rain he immediately opened the door widely and pulled me inside.

Seo Changbin's POV

"Myeonji, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I asked worriedly.

"Chan said you were sick so I skipped school and came to take care of you." She faintly said and suddenly she collapsed.


I carried her to my bedroom and placed her on my bed.

I can't change her clothes so I just placed a towel under her body.

I placed a cold towel on her forehead since she was burning and took a nap while waiting for her to gain conciousness.

Bang Myeonji's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and realized I'm in an unfamiliar room.

I looked beside me to see Changbin taking a nap.

I slowly got up and Changbin seems to notice me moving.

"Myeonji, stay down. You're sick." He slowly helped me back down to the bed.

"But I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you. Changbin you have-"

"I know. I never was sick. Its just that I can't go to school looking like this. I mean you know I get into fights but this was the most bruises and cuts I have gotten in most of my fights." He slowly stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to cook some hot soup for you. Change into this clothes. I've overgrown them so I think it'll fit you. Just lock the door. Okay?" I nodded and he left the room for me to get changed.

I looked at the clothes he gave me, it was a black oversize shirt and gray sweatpants. I just shrugged and decided to get changed.

It was a perfect fit.

I went outside following the soup's aroma since it's filling the room and ended up watching Changbin make the soup.

Seo Changbin's POV

I made the soup that mom would make especially when I'm sick.

I was preparing her food and when I turned around, I was surprised to see her there.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked her.

"Well, the soup kinda smelt good so I came here and ended up watching you cook." She awkwardly answered.

I placed the bowl and the spoon infront of her and signalled her to try it.

She looked at me and picked up the spoon.

After taking a slurp, she immediately gave me a thumbs up.

"This soup is delicious." She continued eating the soup as I just watch her enjoy it.

"Chan said he and the boys would visit you later but since its still raining I'm guessing they won't be able to."  She said.

"Right, Chan texted me while you were asleep that if its okay, you should stay here till the rain stops but if it won't stop, guess he'll have to let you sleep here." I said making her choke on her food.

"Did my brother just said that? I mean its okay I guess, since you're his friend and you're my friend but still I'm a girl and you're a guy."

"I won't do anything to you. Promise." I chuckled.

"Whatever you say Binnie."

The nickname she said made me stop chuckling.

"What did you call me?"

"Binnie. I'll call you that from now on." She smiled.

"Uh why?" I looked at her confused.

"Well you're so strong on the outside but in the inside you're so soft and binnie seems like a cute accurate nickname for you." She chuckled.

"So you're the one who texted me a few hours ago?" She nodded.

"I thought it was a wrong number or a crazy person cause no one calls me Binnie and that it was unknown number. Why didn't tell me it was you?" I asked her.

"Well I kind of forgot about that. Oh, let's get your bruises and cuts treated." She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the living room.

"Where's the medicine kit?"

"In the bathroom behind the mirror."

She skipped her way to the bathroom and got the medicine kit.

I chuckled at her cuteness and let her treat my wounds.

"I still remember the first time I treated you." She chuckled.

"And I didn't know you back then." I chuckled.

She treated me in silence and after that she returned the kit.

"You should go get some rest now Myeonji. You're still sick." I said.

"But I don't want to. Its so boring to just lay down. Hey do you have any movies? We can watch." I nodded and pointed at the cabinet where dvd's were kept.

She went near the cabinet and tried to look for a best movie to watch.

"Let's watch this." She showed me an action movie dvd.  I nodded and placed the dvd on the player as she waited for it to get played.

"I didn't know you're into action movies as well." I said.

"Hyunjin said the same thing but it was about a romantic comedy." She said.


"Yeah, we went to the movies yesterday." She smiled and then focused on the movie playing infront of us.

I think she likes Hyunjin.

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