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Bang Myeonji's POV


Minho likes me too?

Is that why there was some quite jealous air between Minho and Hyunjin when I'm with one of the boys or the other?

"Uh Minho. I-"

"Let's sit properly first." He grabbed my hand and walked to a bench nearby.

"I just want to let it out." He said.

"You know Minho, I'm actually glad that you told me that but I'm sorry to say that I really look up to you as a brother."  I smiled sincerely since I felt sorry that I cannot return his feelings.

"Its okay Myeonji. At leat I know what you think of me. I hope we still stay friends and things won't get awkward between us." He chuckles.

"Minho, we're still friends and things won't get awkward between us. What's up with people thinking things would get awkward when their crush rejects them." I chuckled at my last sentence.

"We should go back to the others. They might be looking for us, we still need to shoot though." I nodded and walked side by side with Minho laughing at random stuff we say to each other.

"Myeonji! Minho! They you are!" Chan shouted as soon as he saw us and jogged to us.

"We saw your video of us Myeonji and decided to put it in the mv. We'll finish everything today so that we can rest tomorrow." Chan said.

"Finally. Well what are we waiting for let's start." I said with eagerness.

"So Myeonji and Minho hyung you stand here then you two would reach each other's hands while Hyunjin would be filming the thing between you two in a different angle and I'll be filming it too in a different angle as well." Han instructed and the we all nod.

"This is the last part and we all can go home and rest." Chan said making everyone cheer and excited to finish this soon.

"3... 2... 1..."

Minho and I looked at each other's eyes and on the mind count of 5 we start to reach out to each other's hands as Han instructed when suddenly Hyunjin grabbed mine and Minho and I was dumbfounded.

Minho looked at Hyunjin weirdly and I was confused to what was happening since this wasn't part of what Han instructed.


"Hyunjin what was that?" Minho asked.

Hyunjin remained silent and walked away.

"I'll talk to him." Felix said and followed Hyunjin to wherever he went.

"Its okay. Don't worry, actually I think it was a good improvisation we can go along with it." Han said and we both nodded.

I looked over at Changbin and he doesn't seem to be himself since this morning.

Could something have happened?

I slowly approached Changbin with a smile in my face hoping that it'll making him smile as well.

"Binnie, are you okay?" I asked right away.

"I'm fine Myeonji don't worry." He answered in a monotone voice and walked away towards the closest member and tried to converse with them.

"I don't believe you." I mumbled but I just shrugged it off.

I ran towards Han and slung my arm around his neck struggling a bit cause he's a bit taller than me.

"Wanna hang out later?" I asked him.

"Oh sure, who doesn't want to hang out with their bestfriend?" Han playfully rolled his eyes at me and we both laughed soon after.

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

"Hyunjin." I looked behind me to see Felix catching up.

"Oh hey Felix." I tried to sound cheerful but I didn't sound a bit of it.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. He seems to doubt my answer but decided not to push anymore.

"Let's go back to the others, we need to go home soon anyways." He said and I nodded as I followed him back to the others.

I didn't know why I did that but maybe because I was jealous or just maybe I didn't like the idea of only them getting the spotlight of that part.

Tine Skip》

Bang Myeonji's POV

When we got home, I immediately ran to my room and prepare for Jisung and I's hang out.

After getting ready, I inmediately ran out making me bump into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." I looked at thay person and it was Changbin.

He just smiled a bit as if saying that its okay and then he walked to his room.

I looked at him worriedly.

He's totally not acting himself lately.

"What were you staring at?" I didn't notice Han was beside me and looked to where I was staring.

"Changbin hyung?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Is Changbin okay? He's not himself lately." I asked Han and he just shrugged.

"I don't know but he seems off since this morning. Hey don't worry he'll come around. For now, let's go and hang out." He placed his arm around my shoulder and we walked side by side towards the door to be stopped by Chan.

"Where are you going?" Chan sternly asked.

"Oh me and Myeonji are hanging out hyung see ya!" Han immediately pulled me towards the door and ran out.

"Yah! Don't come home late!" We heard Chan shout while me and Jisung are giggling.


Seo Changbin's POV

I ignored Myeonji the whole day. It wasn't what I want but I have to, considering Minho hyung Hyunjin's feelings.

I sat beside Minho hyung and Jeongin as we watched TV.

"Oh right hyung. How did the confession go?." Jeongin asked Minho hyung who is seating beside me.

"She rejected me." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Aw, its okay hyung. But did she tell you why?" Jeongin asked again.

This kid is such a curious cat. I just sat between them listening to their conversation as I am still facing towards the TV.

"She told me that I am like a brother to her and that she doesn't have those special feelings for me." Minho hyung answered.

So Myeonji rejected him.

Could it be Hyunjin?

I suddenly smiled at the thought of her being in someone else's hands and being treated well.

I don't deserve you Bang Myeonji.

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