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Kim Seungmin's POV

"Han, Felix, Jeongin and I made a story we can based off from for our project." I announced as we arrived in the school grounds and for the first venue of the shoot.

"So here's the plan."

We spend 2 hours discussing the first part of the video.

"Jeongin you sit there, Chan hyung please move a more seat away, Changbin hyung you sit there..." Felix was busy arranging everyone for the first part.

"I'll video this part. Can I seungmin?" Myeonji appeared beside me.

"Why? Don't you want to be in this part?" I asked back.

"It'll be much better if you guys only do this part, it'll be cool and ya'll are handsome so why not show of your visuals." Myeonji rolled her eyes at me and spoke to me in a sass tone and then chuckled after.

"You're beautiful too Myeonji, but if you insist okay." I chuckled.

She squealed and took the camera from Minho hyung's hand.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"I'll take that, thank you." I stole the camera from Minho's grip.

"Wha-Myeonji? You're not going to be in this part with us?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'll be the one taking the video for this part. I'll make sure ya'll visuals are all perfectly caught on cam." I chuckled.

"You'll see my handsome face then." Minho boasted.

I just rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

But I gotta admit, Minho is really a handsome guy.

"Are you all ready?" I asked when I noticed that everyone is already in their assigned place.

"Rolling the camera in 3... 2... 1..." I clicked the record button and focused on capturing their visuals.

After doing that, I showed them the video and they were all amazed at how good I took it.

"Told ya'll I'll perfectly capture your visuals." I chuckled.

"Job well done sis. Let's do the next part." Chan said and Seungmin nodded.

We went to the school grounds and set up.

"This part Hyunjin and Minho hyung would be walking next to each other laughing and conversing then you Myeonji comes in between them and laugh along with them." Han instructed.

"Okay." The three of us answered in unison and positioned our selves.

"3... 2...1..."

Hwang Hyunjin's POV

We started acting then Myeonji came in between us.

As we were walking, I looked at Myeonji and admired her side profile and smile to myself.

"And cut!" I heard Han shout.

"That was my first part and that was totally fun." Myeonji giggled.

We did it again from different angles for 30 mins. more.

"Next, we're going to a classroom."

We walked to one of our classrooms and luckily no one was there.

"Myeonji sit there and Hyunjin hyung there." Jeongin instructed and we both obeyed.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Just converse or something oh and do something with this camera as a prop." Jeongin said  as he handed ne a camera and I nodded.

"3... 2... 1..."

We started conversing to make it look natural and I looked at the camera turning it on and looked back at her again smiling.

"Cut!" Jeongin shouted.

"You should see how Hyunjin looked at Myeonji." Felix teased earning a look from Chan hyung.

"Oh right. I forgot." He awkwardly chuckled and focused on our project.

I looked at Myeonji and she was looking outside trying to hide her blush.

I chuckled. Did she just really blushed?

We did it again from different angles too.

"Let's take a break everyone." Chan hyung shouted and everyone sat down resting a bit.

"This is only the first part of the song and I'm tired." Myeonji groaned and placed her head down on the table.

"At least it was fun right?" I asked and she nodded.

As Myeonji was napping, I noticed that the sun was hitting her face.

I covered her face with my hand and let her nap fro awhile.

Lee Minho's POV

"Hyung look." Seungmin nudged Chan hyung and pointed at Myeonji and Hyunjin.

"Get the camera rolling." Han whispered and Jeongin quietly took a video of them.

As soon as Jeongin took a video of them, the boys decided to continue the shoot.

"We've got to move to another room. Can someone please wake Myeonji up?"

Since Hyunjin was closer to Myeonji, he was the one who woke her up.

When we move to the next location, Seungmin instructed me and Myeonji to sit side by side and converse just like what she and Hyunjin did earlier.

"Then Hyunjin hyung comes in and joins you too." Seungmin said and the three of us nodded.

"3... 2... 1..."

Myeonji and I are conversing when Hyunjin came. We both look at him as he takes a seat beside Myeonji, joining us.

"And cut!" We heard Seungmin shout.

"Then we'll move back to the grounds." We nodded and followed them to the school grounds.

Bang Myeonji's POV

"So in this part Hyunjin you sit there, Minho hyung there, Jeongin and Myeonji there." Han instructed us.

"All you have to do is pretend to practice and converse about this papers I'm about to give you." He added.

"3... 2... 1..."

We did what he instructed us to do.


"Jeongin you stand over here and pretend that you are memorizing some lines from the paper." Han instructed once again.

All eyes were on the youngest.

"Why can't Hyunjin hyung or Minho hyung do this?" He pouted.

"You can do it Jeongin." I cheered for him which made him smile.

They shoot Jeongin for that part and he did well.

"Wait, you guys weren't the video. I should take a video of you setting up so that you could be seen in the mv as well." I suggested.

"Not a bad idea. Okay." Felix nodded.

They all started to set things up as I took video of them from different angles which is quite tiring because I'm the only one doing it.

"And done!" I shouted making everyone breath out a sigh of relief.

"That's it for today!" Chan shouted which made everyone cheer.

On Track (바보라도  알아) - Stray Kids ✔Where stories live. Discover now